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The Post-modernist effort for the eradication of racism in Colombia

The Post-modernist effort for the eradication of racism in Colombia. By Julián Facundo Rinaudo. Photography: Cultural Diversity of Colombia by Julián Facundo Rinaudo.

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The Post-modernist effort for the eradication of racism in Colombia

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  1. The Post-modernist effort for the eradication of racism in Colombia By Julián Facundo Rinaudo Photography: Cultural Diversity of Colombia by Julián Facundo Rinaudo

  2. “Racism undermines peace, security, justice and social progress... leaving the dangerous societal problems of prejudice and racism to simmer on the back burner creates a real risk of explosive conflicts erupting, years or decades later” Ban Ki-Moon United Nations, 2012

  3. Conflict “A confrontation between one or more parties towards incompatible or competitive means or ends” Miller, C. and King, M. “The experience of incompatible activities (goals, claims, beliefs, values, etc.).. [that] prevents, obstructs, interferes, injures” Coleman, P., 2003 Racism as a conflict The confrontation resulting from the incompatible experiences of one party´s procurement of its basic human needs (identity, recognition and security), and its obstruction by another´s party legitimization of privileges and exclusionary practices.

  4. “A society commits violence against its members when it forcibly stunts their development and undermines their • well-being” • Barash, D. P. and Webel, C. P. 2009 • ... or when it tries to do so.

  5. Direct violence Genocide, selective killings, forced displacement Visible Deep rooted in the public policy, political discourses and institutions Intertwined in the everyday attitudes and values of the society Invisible Cultural violence Structural violence Triangle of Violence by Galtung, 2004

  6. The construction of racist realities Consciousness, communication, and social interaction Collective memory Post-modernism: In a conflict scenario: The perception and understanding of the conflict Its perpetuation and intractable nature Ethos of conflict Sociopsychological infrastructure Collective emotional orientation Construction of meaning and the sense of reality

  7. Collective emotional orientation Ethos of conflict The construction of racist realities Collective memories: Creates a bridge from the past to the present, and has the double function of integrating the new members into the society´s perception of the conflict, while at the same time providing an explanation of the present estate of the society and the relationship with the otherness.

  8. The construction of racist realities Ethos of conflict: A society´s understanding of what the conflict is about and what its root causes are. Provides the explanations of why the other is consider “lesser” and is closely associated with the stereotypes constructed around it.

  9. Collective emotional orientation Ethos of conflict Sociopsychological infrastructure The construction of racist realities Collective emotional orientation: Orientations are part of the cultural framework of a group, and consist of shared the emotional experiences toward the other. Very commonly, cultural violence in a context of racism is associated with feelings of fear or hatred towards that other

  10. The Post-modernist Response Incorporating pluralism in the collective memory Transforming polarized collective identities Eliciting contextually appropriate responses

  11. C Cultural Diversity in Colombia Total: 41,468,384 Source: 2005 National Census

  12. The breakthrough: The Political Constitution of 1991 Article 7: The State recognizes and protects the ethnic and cultural diversity of the Colombian Nation Article 13: All people are born free and equal in the eyes of the law, and will receive the same protection and treatment from the authorities and will be entitled to the same rights, liberties and opportunities with no discrimination of gender or race… The State will promote the conditions for the realization of an equalitarian society. The Constitution of 1991 was a radical democratic renovation that declared Colombia a pluri-ethnic and multicultural nation. It incorporated rights associated to cultural diversity, especially in relation with the principle of self-determination and the commitment for the elaboration of public policies for its protection. Borda, 2009 Created an inclusive national identity Institutionalized multiculturalism and pluralism Created incentives for ethnic self-recognition

  13. The Ministry of Culture (Populations Office)

  14. Incorporating pluralism in the collective memory • “Only by recognizing each other as a collective project, we can build a common future for us all” Re-writing History • .

  15. Transforming polarized collective identities • Promoting opportunities to interact with a richer and more objective depiction of the cultural reality of Colombia. • Visibilization of ethnic groups

  16. Eliciting contextually appropriate responses • Grass roots organizations and traditional authorities Public offices in charge of the attention to ethnic groups in the local level • Recognition and representation of ethnic groups • Strengthening representation spaces and local capabilities

  17. 21 Years of a Pluralist Political Constitution: Developments

  18. Where are we?

  19. Conclusion Direct violence Cultural violence Structural violence

  20. Annotated bibliography • Barash, D. P., & Webel, C. P. (2008). Peace and Conflict Studies (2nd ed.). Los Angeles, CA. Sage Publications Inc. • Bar – Tal, Daniel (2007). Sociopsychological Foundations of Intractable Conflicts. American Behavioral Scientist. Volume 50, Number 11. Tel Aviv. • Coleman, P. (2003). Characteristics of Protracted, Intractable Conflict: Toward the Development of a Metaframework – I. International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution. Columbia University. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. • Galtung, J. (2004). Violence, War, and Their Impact on Visible and Invisible Effects of Violence. At: http://them.polylog.org/5/fgj-en.htm • Miller, C. and King, M. (2005). A glossary of Terms and Concepts in Peace and Conflict Studies. University for Peace, United Nations

  21. Julián Facundo Rinaudo • rinaudofacundo@gmail.com • Facundorinaudo.com • Ministry of Culture • Populations Office • Director: Moisés Medrano • mmedrano@mincultura.gov.co

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