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e- Split. Darko Parić, Ivana Golub. 6th CEF Networks Workshop , Prague , September 2010. Split. Split and Prague. e - Split. Joined Optical Network Infrastructure through public-public partnership between CARNet and the City of Split. What is Project e –Split ?.
e- Split Darko Parić, Ivana Golub 6th CEFNetworksWorkshop, Prague, September 2010
e - Split Joined Optical Network Infrastructure through public-public partnership between CARNet and the City of Split
What is Project e –Split? • CARNet and the City of Split • build together their own optical network • to connect their member institutions
CARNet Institution • CARNet - Croatian Academic and Research Network • Founded by the Croatian Government in 1995 • Operates under the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport • CARNet employees are located in six Croatian cities • Headquarters in Zagreb (on five locations) • five Regional centers - Rijeka, Osijek, Split, Pula and Dubrovnik • Annual budget – 80 mKn ( <12 mil EUR) • ~30% of the annual budget is for telecomunication services
CARNet Users • Institutions of higher education • Scientific and Research Institutes • Primary and Secondary Schools • Student dormitories • Ministry of Science, Education and Sport (MZOŠ) • MZOŠ Agencies • Students and employees of all above mentioned institutions
236 academic institutions at 407 locations including 31 health-care institutions 1382 educational institutions at 1365 locations Access speeds from 2 Mbps to 10 Gbps Connectivity costs for full-membership institutions are 100% covered by CARNet Most links are leased from commercial telecom providers CARNet Member-institutions connectivity 8
CARNet in the City of Split • 1 CARNet regional center with 8 employees from 4 departments • 115 member locations • Connectivity costs from fully-member institutions to CARNet network are covered by CARNet. • Before e-Split project, CARNet was spending 10% of its annual telecommunication budget for leased lines in Split
158 members locations, directly or indirectly fully funded Costs for interconnectivity, telephone and Internet connectivity for its member institutions are covered by the City Services are ordered either centraly (by the City), or by the member itself (and costs refunded by the City) Services quality and costs vary significantly. => Higher connectivity costs per member institutions than for CARNet in Split. City of Split
Savings and cost control through: centralized provisioning of voice and data services, services integration towards the “Everything over IP (EoIP)” principle Digitalization and computerization of the City and all its institutions Opening of the Town to its citizens Split – Digital City City of Split goals
No conflict of interest Have some user groups in common: primary schools, with its users CARNet end-users - citizens of Split Starting from 2006, both parties acknowledged common interest in informatization and internetization of Split for the benefit of its citizens. First chosen area (out of several) of common interest: Build together the optical network through the project: e-Split CARNet and the City of Split
e-Split • Preparations started in February 2006. • ... • The contract signed 13th January 2009.: • parties: the City of Split and CARNet • finance and build together fiber optic network • connect all City- and CARNet member institutions • foresee future cooperation in building an active network, maintain network infrastructure, and/or other forms of cooperation • The optical network is finished in May 2010.
A joined optical network CARNet - Split consists of: Core ring with four major nodes City of Split member locations - 158 CARNet member locations - 115 PROPERTY : The city of Split owns: All newly built and old cable-duct infrastructure (DTK) All fiber optic cable to its location Half of new optic cable in the core (96 fibers) CARNet owns : All fiber optic cable to its location Half of the new optic cable in the core (96 fibers) Optical Network Infrastructure (1)
FINANCING: City of Split: One half of the core ring Optical cables to connect all its 158 locations to the ring CARNet: One half of the core ring Optical cables to connect all its 115 locations to the ring Optical Network Infrastructure (2)
RIGHTS: City of Split: Can manage the infrastructure without restrictions. CARNet: Can use the optical infrastructure only in accordance with CARNet Statute (connect locations approved by MZOŠ, no commercial activity etc.) Optical Network Infrastructure (3)
Core ring - 192 fiber cable 5 major network nodes: FESB (main node), Zagrebačka, Teslina, Banovina, ViK 24 fibers (12+12) in core ring redundantly interconnect nodes to FESB The core optical network
Body tekst The core optical network Nodes: FESB - Mainnode CARNet ViK (Watersupplyandsanitation) Zagrebačka (V highschool) Teslina (Electrotechnicalhighschool) Banovina (City Council Split) –MainnodeSPLIT
Body tekst Scheme of the fiber ring: • Fibers: • GREY - nodesredundancy (12 fibers of CARNet, 12 fibers of City of Split) • BLUE – CARNet • RED – City of Split
Cabling – node FESB • The upper panel: • cable from the node ViK • The lower panel: • cable to the node Zagrebačka • Fibers: • First 12: redundancy (6+6) • Next 42: CARNet (12-53) • Last 42: City of Split (54-96)
Connectionendinmemberinstitution • All the end sites are connected in the same way: • 12-fiber cable from the institution to the neares shaft • 2 fibers connect to the ring • 2 fibers patched in neares shaft • 8 fibers left for future use • End-point at the institution: • Communication rack - size 9U • Optical patch panel • Electrical power supply (current slat) • Cable ducts • Shelf for active equipment
115 member locations connected on one of three nodes (FESB, Teslina, or Zagrebačka) Three connection scenarios: One member on the bulding From the location 12 fibers optical cable run to nearest shaft, 2 fibers through the core directly connected to the nearest node; 2 spare cables at the shaft, 8 free Two or more (max 6) members on the one bulding From each institution 2 fibers run to the nearest node (case 1) Aggregation with active equipment on site (case 3) More than 6 members in one bulding Aggregation with active equipment on site with 2-fiber connectivity through the core with the nearest node Member locations - CARNet
Members location - CARNet Nodes: FESB - Mainnode CARNet (link to Zagreb) Zagrebačka (V highschool) Teslina (Electrotechnicalhighschool)
158 member locations Member locations are connected on one of all five nodes Two connection scenarios: One member in the bulding From the location 12 fibers optical cable run to the nearest shaft, 2 fibers directly connected to the nearest node through the core, 2 patched in the shaft Two or more locations in one building From each institution two fibers run to the nearest node If wanted, can be aggregated with active equipment Most locations are connected in the first way. Member locations – City of Split
Members location – City of Split Nodes: FESB ViK (Watersupplyandsanitation) Zagrebačka (V highschool) Teslina (Elektrotehnicalhighschool) Banovina (City Council Split) –MainnodeSPLIT – connection to the Internet
48-fiber cable run from the ring throughout the route with concentrated CARNet and City locations Each party owns 24-fiber on the route End locations connect to the core extension in the same way (12-fiber cable) As before: property well-known and well-defined capacities foreseen for future use Connecting the locations on the same routes- core extension
Optical network e-Split Nodes: FESB - Mainnode CARNet ViK (Watersupplyandsanitation) Zagrebačka (V highschool) Teslina (Electrotechnicalhighschool) Banovina (City Council Split) –MainnodeSPLIT
Built passive network: can be organized as one active network on the same equipment, or can form two separate active network Current configuration: 3 shared network nodes: FESB, Zagrebačka, Teslina 2 City of Split only nodes: Banovina, ViK in 4 nodes, active equipment own and maintained by CARNet: FESB, Zagrebačka, Teslina, ViK each party owns and maintains CPE equipment. Future plans: one passive, two active networks Activating the network
Active network - CARNet • FESB is the main node with 2 Cisco 7606 routers with FWSM modules • FWSM aggregates primary and secondary schools and performs NAT • 2 FWSM modules work in failover mode • Other nodes have a Cisco 7606 router connected with redundant 10G links with the main node atFESB • Each node aggregate geographically closest locations • Each member location has an L3 switch (Cisco 3560)
Project plan: interconnection and informatization of all member locations in the City with a number of services. First phase: informatization of the main facility in Banovina connecting locations near Banovina introducing VoIP and VPN services for City locations Further steps: connect other locations of the City and member institutions extend the optical network to connect City districts Activating the network – the City of Split
e-Split services • Twoserviceswerebornfromthecooperationbetweenthe City of Split and CARNet: • video survelilance for primaryschools • Split live from Banovina
For the first time, CARNet is the owner of the optical network infrastructure in a city in Croatia. Independance from commercial telecom providers Upgrading the network by changing the network parameters by replacing the active network equipment with smaller additional costs Safe research and development – separating the lab from the operating network CARNet – Benefits and plans
First step in becoming a digital city and launching e-services to its citizens Development areas: Wireless in the entire city of Split Free Internet access to citizens of the City of Split Setting up cameras around the city IP TV Continued construction of optical networks to buildings and dwellings of citizens Rental services of Internet access to citizens Rent optic capacity to private companies City of Split – Benefits and plans
First example of public-public partnership in Croatia This project shown an example to other cities. CARNet has sealed similar contract with Rijeka, Opatija, and negotiates with several others ROI for CARNet passive optical network infrastsructure in Split was 5 (five) months Interesting facts
QUESTIONS? Thank you! Darko.Paric@CARNet.hr Ivana.Golub@CARNet.hr