Imagine advertising that reaches and motivates your target audience to take action. Advertising that is a profit center, not a business expense. Advertising that effectively and efficiently sells products, services and ideas, builds brands, and raises corporate awareness, without costing a penny... Lockard & Wechsler has been making advertising make money for our clients since 1967. Make your advertising make money Contact us today to see how we can help your business grow 914-59-6600 | www.lwdirect.com
What makes us different is what makes us better Smart, industry-savvy professionals Our top planners and buyers bring decades of knowledge and insight on rates, availability and performance to ensure you’re maximizing your returns. We’re veterans with deep expertise across a wide range of products and services. We lead by experience, not learn at your expense. Client-focus We’re passionate about doing what’s in your best interest. So if there’s nothing in it for you, there’s nothing in it for us. Nimble negotiators We’re seeking smart buying opportunities hour after hour. Plus, with over $450 million in annual billings, we bring considerable clout and influence to bear on each and every buy. Game-changing technology We created the industry’s first fully integrated solution for DR media, a proprietary system called, MediaPro™which enables us to dynamically track, analyze and maximize every last penny of your advertising dollars.
We provide expertise in a wide range of TACTICS that can help your business grow.
Our Clients We have a history of helping small companies grow large and large companies grow larger.
Make your advertising make money Nothing is more rewarding than to know our clients are satisfied with our work. Thanks in large part to client referrals, Lockard & Wechsler Direct has grown from a $2 million-per-year company specializing in financial services to an independent, full-service, direct marketing agency with $450 million in annual media billings. Whether it’s helping Esurance to become the fastest growing auto insurer in the country or making ShamWow an ubiquitous phenomenon, we’re all about doing whatever it takes to make advertising make money. And we’d love to do it for you. So give us a call. You’ll be glad you did. Dick Wechsler914.250.0250rwechsler@lwdirect.com