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Particle Physics Advisory Panel. Roadmap recommendations for PPAN Philip Burrows John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science Oxford University. The PPAP. Philip Burrows (Oxford) chair Cinzia Da Via (Manchester) Tim Gershon (Warwick) Nigel Glover (Durham)
Particle Physics Advisory Panel Roadmap recommendations for PPAN Philip Burrows John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science Oxford University Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
The PPAP • Philip Burrows (Oxford) chair • Cinzia Da Via (Manchester) • Tim Gershon (Warwick) • Nigel Glover (Durham) • Claire Shepherd-Themistocleous (RAL) deputy chair • Mark Thomson (Cambridge) • Dan Tovey (Sheffield) • Rachel Boning (STFC) • http://www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/~thomson/ppap.html Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Outline • Roadmap drafting process • Report • Main recommendations / priorities • Roadmap summary Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Roadmap drafting process • 13,14,15 July 2009: PP reviews (Birmingham) • c. 200 community members attended! Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Roadmap drafting process • 13,14,15 July: PP reviews (Birmingham) • c. 200 community members attended! • suggestion to make this (2-yearly?) event • 29 July: ‘findings’ and ‘summary of discussion’ reports posted • 11 Sept: discussion with experimental group leaders • 16 Sept: draft report released to community • 21 Sept: report submitted to PPAN • 25 Sept: Appendix submitted to PPAN Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Report outline • Introduction • Major scientific challenges • Facilities • Recommendations • framework • short discussion of each area/facility • summary/synthesis • Appendix: more detailed discussion of each facility: UK expertise, capabilities, opportunity … Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Major scientific challenges • What are the most basic building blocks of matter? • Can the forces between particles be understood in a unified framework? How does gravity fit it? • What unknown properties of these particles and forces drove the evolution of the universe from the Big Bang to its present state? • Why is there more matter than antimatter in the Universe? What is the origin of this asymmetry? Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Major scientific challenges • Energy frontier physics: • origin of mass, new symmetries + laws • Flavour physics: • # generations, flavour + CP violation • Neutrinos and Dark Matter: • nature + properties Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Major scientific challenges (1) • 1. How do elementary particles acquire mass? Does the Higgs boson exist, or are new laws of physics required? Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Major scientific challenges (1) • 1. How do elementary particles acquire mass? Does the Higgs boson exist, or are new laws of physics required? • 2. What is the new physics that solves the problems of the Standard Model? Are there new particles or new principles? Are there as-yet undiscovered symmetries of nature such as SUSY? Are there extra dimensions of space or time? Are leptons and quarks really distinct, or simply separate manifestations of a single type of matter? Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Major scientific challenges (1) • 1. How do elementary particles acquire mass? Does the Higgs boson exist, or are new laws of physics required? • 2. What is the new physics that solves the problems of the Standard Model? Are there new particles or new principles? Are there as-yet undiscovered symmetries of nature such as SUSY? Are there extra dimensions of space or time? Are leptons and quarks really distinct, or simply separate manifestations of a single type of matter? • 3. Can we understand the phenomena produced by strongly interacting systems? Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Major scientific challenges (2) • 4. How many generations of elementary particles are there? What principle determines this number? Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Major scientific challenges (2) • 4. How many generations of elementary particles are there? What principle determines this number? • 5. Does new physics introduce new sources of flavour- and CP-violation beyond those of the quark sector of the Standard Model? If not, what principle explains the uniqueness of the Standard Model couplings? Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Major scientific challenges (2) • 4. How many generations of elementary particles are there? What principle determines this number? • 5. Does new physics introduce new sources of flavour- and CP-violation beyond those of the quark sector of the Standard Model? If not, what principle explains the uniqueness of the Standard Model couplings? • 6. Is charged lepton flavour violated? If so, what new physics causes charged lepton flavour violation? Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Major scientific challenges (3) • 7. What are the masses and properties of neutrinos and what role did they play in the evolution of the Universe? Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Major scientific challenges (3) • 7. What are the masses and properties of neutrinos and what role did they play in the evolution of the Universe? • 8. Is the neutrino is its own antiparticle? Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Major scientific challenges (3) • 7. What are the masses and properties of neutrinos and what role did they play in the evolution of the Universe? • 8. Is the neutrino is its own antiparticle? • 9. Is CP violation realised in the neutrino sector? How are neutrinos connected to the matter-antimatter asymmetry? Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Major scientific challenges (3) • 7. What are the masses and properties of neutrinos and what role did they play in the evolution of the Universe? • 8. Is the neutrino is its own antiparticle? • 9. Is CP violation realised in the neutrino sector? How are neutrinos connected to the matter-antimatter asymmetry? • 10. What is the dark matter that makes up about one quarter of the contents of the universe? Can we make and study it in the laboratory? Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities • Energy frontier • Flavour physics • Neutrino physics • Non-accelerator Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities • Energy frontier: • Tevatron experiments (CDF, D0) • LHC GPDs + upgrades (ATLAS, CMS) • High energy electron-positron collider • High-energy muon collider • High-energy lepton-hadron collider Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities • Energy frontier: • Tevatron experiments (CDF, D0) • LHC GPDs + upgrades (ATLAS, CMS) • High energy electron-positron collider • High-energy muon collider • High-energy lepton-hadron collider Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities • Energy frontier: • Tevatron experiments (CDF, D0) • LHC GPDs + upgrades (ATLAS, CMS) • High energy electron-positron collider • High-energy muon collider • High-energy lepton-hadron collider Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities • Energy frontier: • Tevatron experiments (CDF, D0) • LHC GPDs + upgrades (ATLAS, CMS) • High energy electron-positron collider • High-energy muon collider • High-energy lepton-hadron collider Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities • Energy frontier: • Tevatron experiments (CDF, D0) • LHC GPDs + upgrades (ATLAS, CMS) • High energy electron-positron collider • High-energy muon collider • High-energy lepton-hadron collider Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities • Flavour physics: • LHCb + upgrade • High-luminosity B factory • High-precision dedicated charm, kaon, • muon experiments Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities • Flavour physics: • LHCb + upgrade • High-luminosity B factory • High-precision dedicated charm, kaon, • muon experiments Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities • Flavour physics: • LHCb + upgrade • High-luminosity B factory • High-precision dedicated charm, kaon, • muon experiments Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities • Neutrino physics: • MINOS • T2K • Future long-baseline / neutrino factory • Reactor neutrino experiments • Direct neutrino mass experiments • Neutrinoless double-beta decay expts. Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities • Neutrino physics: • MINOS • T2K • Future long-baseline / neutrino factory • Reactor neutrino experiments • Direct neutrino mass experiments • Neutrinoless double-beta decay expts. Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities • Neutrino physics: • MINOS • T2K • Future long-baseline / neutrino factory • Reactor neutrino experiments • Direct neutrino mass experiments • Neutrinoless double-beta decay expts. Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities • Neutrino physics: • MINOS • T2K • Future long-baseline / neutrino factory • Reactor neutrino experiments • Direct neutrino mass experiments • Neutrinoless double-beta decay expts. Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities • Neutrino physics: • MINOS • T2K • Future long-baseline / neutrino factory • Reactor neutrino experiments • Direct neutrino mass experiments • Neutrinoless double-beta decay expts. Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities • Neutrino physics: • MINOS • T2K • Future long-baseline / neutrino factory • Reactor neutrino experiments • Direct neutrino mass experiments • Neutrinoless double-beta decay expts. Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities • Non-accelerator experiments: • Direct dark matter searches • Electric dipole moment searches • Nucleon decay search experiments Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities • Non-accelerator experiments: • Direct dark matter searches • Electric dipole moment searches • Nucleon decay search experiments Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities • Non-accelerator experiments: • Direct dark matter searches • Electric dipole moment searches • Nucleon decay search experiments Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities • Non-accelerator experiments: • Direct dark matter searches • Electric dipole moment searches • Nucleon decay search experiments Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities + science Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Experimental facilities Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Recommendations: framework • A broad and diverse particle physics programme focussed on high priority science questions is an essential pillar of the UK science + technology base. Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Recommendations: framework • A broad and diverse particle physics programme focussed on high priority science questions is an essential pillar of the UK science + technology base. • Optimal scientific return on long term investment should be supported during the exploitation phase of experiments. Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Recommendations: framework • A broad and diverse particle physics programme focussed on high priority science questions is an essential pillar of the UK science + technology base. • Optimal scientific return on long term investment should be supported during the exploitation phase of experiments. • Participation in projects that are likely to form major components of the future global Particle Physics programme should be kept at viable levels. Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Recommendations: framework • The potential to engage in possible future activities should be kept open, especially where key decision time frames can be identified. Where the UK is playing a leading role in design studies, appropriate funds should be made available to support these activities. Minimally a watching brief should be kept on other promising future projects. Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09
Recommendations: framework • The potential to engage in possible future activities should be kept open, especially where key decision time frames can be identified. Where the UK is playing a leading role in design studies, appropriate funds should be made available to support these activities. Minimally a watching brief should be kept on other promising future projects. • A strong technological R&D base must be maintained to enable a world-leading UK Particle Physics science programme and future KE opportunities. This should include generic R&D as well as that more focused on specific experiments. Philip Burrows PPAN Meeting, Swindon 28/9/09