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Dedicated servers are traditional method for hosting while cloud hosting is emerging day by day. Dedicated servers are used by big enterprises where chances of reliability, security is high. cloud is a cluster of servers and provides a level of performance security and control similar to those of a dedicated server. Dedicated servers are important as compared to Cloud ones. dedicated servers are physical hardware whereas the cloud resides in a shared virtualized environment.
Doyouhaveanyplanstoswitchtocloudhostingandabout to say bye to the traditional dedicated servers, because of exposuretocloudcomputing?Thiskindofexposuregivesan indirect link that other forms of hosting are slowly losing theirimportance.Cloudhostingisbeneficialandalsooccurs tobetheobviouschoiceforthefuture. There are many types of cloud and dedicated hosting servicesthatcanbeofferedtocustomers.Theclientneedsto dealwithdedicatedserversinmanyinstances.AsCloudand dedicatedbothhavetheirownbenefitsanddrawbacksandit is up to the hosting provider how he manages to offer a mixture of both while keeping business objective and technology in mind. Hosting provider may have to give a thought that whether to expand the cloud infra and get newercloud-basedservicesortostillgowithdedicated
server hosting and tap revenue out of it. There are some differencesbetweenDedicatedandcloudserversinwhich some are benefits and drawbacks first come to the deploymentspeed.Thespeedofdeployingresourcesonline forcloudserverislessascomparedtodedicatedservers. Dedicatedserversarebestforsecurityandcompliancewhile in the hybrid cloud it lets you combine Public and private cloudordedicatedhostingtoextendtheadvantagesofeach platform. Easy compartmentalization of resources is possibleonthecloudforscalability,resourcessegmentation, andmanagementbutitdedicatedhostingitisbitexpensive. High availability (HA) cloud environment can be cost- effective and consumes less time for configuration as comparedtobuildingHAcloudondedicatedinfrastructure with loadbalancers.
Ifwelookforperformanceincloudanddedicatedservers, dedicatedserversarethefirstchoiceofbigenterpriseswho arelookingforfastprocessing,retrievalofinformationand donotexperiencelagwhileperforming. Big enterprises prefer dedicated hosting due to speed, reliability and have more configurable other options than cloud.Givingupondedicatedhostingforawebhostmaynot be the right option. If there is an availability of infrastructureandresourcesawebhostshouldgoforcloud hostingventureandbringinnewtechnologies.Awebhost shouldhaveboththeservicesandneedtocontinuetooffer these services as per the client’s demands. It may be profitable,hostingboththeservices.
FormoreInformationcontact: Web Werks is an India-based CMMI Level 3 Web Hosting company with 5 carrier-neutral data centers in India and USA.Startedin1996,WebWerkshasservedseveralFortune 500 companies with successful projects in the areas of Web Hosting, Data Center Services, Dedicated Servers, Colocationservers,DisasterRecoveryServices,VPSHosting Services,andCloudHosting. Forfurtherinformationcontact: Web Werks Data Centers www.webwerks.in