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L’azienda. CAN bus controller. Logo della società. Dati CAN Bus. Vano : CS, CD,CZ (reed di posizione); Finecorsa salita / discesa; Finecorsa apertura / chiusura porta cabina; Pulsante apertura / chiusura porta, fotocellua, costola mobile; Comandi operatore porte;
CAN bus controller Logo dellasocietà
Dati CAN Bus • Vano : CS, CD,CZ (reed di posizione); • Finecorsa salita / discesa; • Finecorsa apertura / chiusura porta cabina; • Pulsante apertura / chiusura porta, fotocellua, costola mobile; • Comandi operatore porte; • Bottoniera di manutenzione; • Manovra pompieri, priorità, indipendente, attendente; • Luce e ventilatore cabina; • sovraccarico; • posizione cabina; • direzione cabina; • Chiamate di cabina; • Chiamate di piano; • Emergenza; • Gong; • Fuori servizio.
Anello autostradale su cui vengono immesse e prelevate le informazioni generate o richieste dalle periferiche.
SCHEDA QUADRO • Dati prelevati dal Can Bus: • Reed posizione cabina; • Finecorsa salita e discesa; • Finecorsa apertura e chiusura operatore porte; • Fotocellula e costola mobile; • Manutenzione; • Manovra pompieri, priorità, indipendente, attendente, etc.; • Sovraccarico; • Chiamate di piano e cabina.
SCHEDA DI CABINA • Dati prelevati dal Can Bus : • Comando relè apertura e chiusura porte con regolazione motore; • Luce e ventilatore cabina; • Segnalazione sovraccarico; • Posizione Cabina; • Direzione cabina; • Gong; • Segnalazione allarme L13.
SCHEDA DI PIANO • Dati prelevati dal Can Bus : • Gong; • Posizione cabina; • Direzione cabina; • Chiave pompieri; • Fuori Servizio; • Allarme.
Scheda di piano & display Scheda di piano & display Scheda di piano & display Fasi Scheda principale di quadro Kit completo sistema Chiamate cabina Scheda cabina
Come funziona il Can Bus PrincipleData messages transmitted from any node on a CAN bus do not contain addresses of either the transmitting node, or of any intended receiving node.Instead, the content of the message is labelled by an identifier that is unique throughout the network.All other nodes on the network receive the message and each perform an acceptance test on the identifier to determine if the message, and thus its content, is relevant to that particular node.If the message is relevant, it will be processed; otherwise it is ignored.This mode of operation is known as multi-cast.IdentifiersThe unique identifier also determine the priority of the message.The lower the numerical value of the identifier, the higher the priority.This allow arbitration if two (or more) nodes compete for access to the bus at the same time.The higher priority message is guaranteed to gain the bus access as if it were the only message being transmitted.Lower priority messages are automatically re-transmitted in the next bus cycle, or in a subsequent bus cycle if there are still other, higher priority messages to be sent.RobustnessCAN uses Non Return to Zero (NRZ) encoding with bit-stuffing for data communication on a differential two wire bus.The use of NRZ ensures compact messages with a minimum number of transitions; bit-stuffing ensures a sufficient number of edges to guarantee synchronisation.
The two wire bus is usually a shielded or unshielded twisted pair.Flat pair (telephone type) cable also performs well but generates more noise itself, and is more susceptible to external sources of noise (EMC).CAN will operate in extremely harsh environments and the extensive error checking mechanism ensure that any transmission errors are detected.Error Detection CapabilitiesError detection on CAN is extremely thorough.Global errors which occur at al nodes are 100% detectable.For local errors (i.e. errors which may appear at only some nodes) the CRC check alone has the following error detection capabilities:Up to 5 single bit errors are 100% detectable, even if the errors are distributed randomly within the code word.All single bit errors are detected if their total number within the code word is odd.The residual (undetected) error probability of the CRC check alone is 3 x 10 to the power –5.In conjunction with all the other error check mechanisms, a more realistic value is 10 to the power of –13.In simple terms: it has been calculated that on a network operating at 1 megabits per second, at an average bus capacity utilisation of 50%, with an average message length of 80 bits, and running for 8 hours a day, 365 days a year; one undetected error will occur every one thousand years.The same error is, statistically, unlikely to occur on a subsequent data transmission.
PrincipleIn any system, some parameters will change more rapidly than others.For example, parameters that change quickly could be the RPM of a car engine, or the current floor level of a lift.Slower changing parameters may be the temperature of a car engine, or the air temperature in the lift.It is likely that the more rapidly changing parameters need to be transmitted more frequently and, therefore, must be given a higher priority.To cater for real time data communication, this require not only a fast data transmission rate, but also a rapid bus allocation mechanism to deal with occasions when more than one node may be trying to transmit at the same time.To determine the priority of the messages, CAN uses the established method known as Carrier Sense, Multiple Access with Collision Detect (CSMA/CD) but with the enhanced capability of non-destructive bit wise arbitration to provide collision resolution, and to deliver maximum use of the available capacity of the bus.Non-Destructive Bit Wise ArbitrationThe priority of a CAN message is determined by the binary value of its identifier.The numerical value of each message identifier (and thus the priority of the message) is assigned during the initial phase of the design.The identifier with the lowest numerical value has the highest priority.Any potential bus conflicts are resolved by bit wise arbitration in accordance with the wired-and mechanism, by which a dominant state (logic ‘0’) overwrites a recessive state (logic ‘1’). Sistema d’identificazione errori
Rete Can Bus Network SizeThe number of nodes that can exist on a single network is, theoretically, unlimited.However, the drive capabilities of currently available devices imposes some restrictions.Depending on the device types, up to 32 or 64 nodes per network is normal, but is understood that at least one manufacturer is developing devices that will allow networks of 110 nodes, or more.Data RatesThe rate of data transmission depends on the total overall length of the bus.Far all ISO11898 compliant devices the 1 Mbit/sec speed is guaranteed for bus length of up to 40 Metres.For longer bus lengths, the recommendations are:-500 Kbit/sec at 100 metres,-250 Kbit/sec at 200 metres,against 9600 bit/sec of a tipical RS485-125 Kbit/sec at 400 metres.
Ingressi e uscite scheda quadro Controllo contattori Comando contattori Comandi ausiliari Uscite scheda Pulsanti Manutenzione Controllo catena delle sicurezze Display LCD parametri e diagnostica Temperatura olio / motore Sovraccarico Ingresso programmatore RS 232 Ingressi scheda CAN BUS Alimentazione 24V Relè di fase
Ingressi e uscite scheda Cabina Uscita sovraccarico & sovraccarico Ventilatore & luce cabina Uscita display Reed CS, CD e CZ Relè apri / chiudi porta Finecorsa operatore Comando apertura Comando chiusura Ingresso fotocellula Sovraccarico Espansione chiamate Ingresso encoder Sintesi vocale CAN Bus 2 CAN Bus 1 Manutenzione Alimentazione +24VCC Ingresso programmatore RS 232
Ingressi e uscite scheda di piano completa Ingressi Ausiliari Connettore display CAN Bus Aliment. 24V Gong salita e discesa IN/OUT CAN Bus Aliment. 24V IN/OUT Ingresso programmatore Pulsanti Salita / discesa Indirizzo scheda N° piano Prossima direzione Uscita ausiliaria Uscita allarme
Ingressi e uscite scheda di piano ridotta (chiamata / L13) Connettore display Pulsante Salita/ Luminosa allarme CAN Bus Aliment. 24V IN/OUT Pulsante Discesa / Chiamata CAN Bus Aliment. 24V IN/OUT Indirizzo scheda N° piano Ingresso programmatore
Display a segmenti Indicatore 7 segmenti con freccia di direzione
Display Dot matrix 8 x 8 20 mm Dot matrix 8 x 16 38 mm Dot matrix 8 x 24 38 mm 7 segmenti 1 digit 30 mm Dot matrix 16 x 32 40 mm 7 segmenti 2 digit 30 mm
Sistema CAN Bus Money saving Ž ‘ +
+ + = Plug & Play! Pulsante di piano
+ = + Plug & Play! Display di piano
Plug & Play! Connessioni cabina X Morsettiera tetto cabina
Plug & Play! Finecorsa & reed Connessioni cabina
Plug & Play! Connessioni cabina Bottoniera di manutenzione
Plug & Play! Connessioni cabina Pulsanti & luminose
Periferica di cabina • Periferica di Cabina : • Rifasatori piani estremi • Reed di salita e discesa; • reed zona porte; • Operatore porte; • Fotocellula; • Gong; • Sistema di pesatura.
Plug & Play! Risultato finale Semplice !!!!!
Plug & Play! Programmazione schede + +
Plug & Play! Software + 1 click E’ Fatto !!!!
Collaudo…. …. e verifica schede
Ricerca guasti Diagnostica Semplificata Protezioni hardware sulla scheda Assistenza Microtelco
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