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Accountability: For Learning

Accountability: For Learning. See SHEEO, Lumina “Collision Course,” Gates F, DOE/IBHE, Altbach “Harsh Realities,” Obama Plan - transparency, etc. Accountability: For Learning.

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Accountability: For Learning

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  1. Accountability: For Learning See SHEEO, Lumina “Collision Course,” Gates F, DOE/IBHE, Altbach “Harsh Realities,” Obama Plan - transparency, etc

  2. Accountability: For Learning Since little or no information has been available about how much students are learning, parents, policymakers, and the academy itself have been forced to assume that an institution with high prestige must be high in the generation of learning as well. This is changing.

  3. Accountability: For Learning There is a growing pressure, principally from policy makers, to measure learning directly; to measure what students know not what courses they have taken. Given the far more diverse patterns of attendance—students attending multiple institutions on the way to a degree, or even multiple institutions at the same time— measuring learning outcomes is more important for the universities and colleges as well.

  4. Accountability: For Learning There is, as a result, a growing effort to create new ways to assess learning, ways that are increasingly practical because of technology. (Newman)

  5. Accountability: For Learning • Learning assessment is complicated - Altbach p. 81 • But, see LEAP for a direction • Assess for base line, assess for improvement (formative), assess at end (summative), compare against base line, use benchmarks • Assessment and improvement must be in the hands of faculty • BUT, see FP model as well • Return to Baldrige

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