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Toward Families of QVT DSL and Tool Benoît Langlois, Daniel Exertier, Ghanshyamsihn Devda

6th OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling 22 October 2006 Portland, Oregon, USA. Toward Families of QVT DSL and Tool Benoît Langlois, Daniel Exertier, Ghanshyamsihn Devda. Agenda. Issue Case Study of View DSL: Diagram DSL Families of QVT DSL and Tool Conclusion and Future Work.

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Toward Families of QVT DSL and Tool Benoît Langlois, Daniel Exertier, Ghanshyamsihn Devda

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  1. 6th OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling 22 October 2006Portland, Oregon, USA Toward Families of QVT DSL and ToolBenoît Langlois, Daniel Exertier, Ghanshyamsihn Devda Research & Technology

  2. Agenda • Issue • Case Study of View DSL: Diagram DSL • Families of QVT DSL and Tool • Conclusion and Future Work Research & Technology

  3. Agenda • Issue • Case Study of View DSL: Diagram DSL • Families of QVT DSL and Tool • Conclusion and Future Work Research & Technology

  4. QVT DSL Evolving environments, project requirements Families of QVT DSL Issue QVT = core technology for development MDD Tools  Having techniques for improving productivity Interest of DSL = offering higher level languages  Encapsulating complexity  Faster and safer development Product Line Research & Technology

  5. Agenda • Issue • Case Study of View DSL: Diagram DSL • Families of QVT DSL and Tool • Conclusion and Future Work Research & Technology

  6. Software Factory Context MDD Tools MDSysE MDD Tool MDSoFa MDSoftE Software Factory Tool MDD Tool Reuse MDD Core Assets MDCorE Metamodels (domain, standard), Core MDD Tools, DSL, Patterns, Platform description, Execution framework… MDD Core Assets Research & Technology

  7. Description for a type of diagram • Contains all data for generating tools producing diagrams • Language for describing any type of diagram • Problem-oriented, solution- and platform-independent • Contains all criteria understandable by a user who wants to specify diagrams • Diagrams expected by end-users in their modeler 3-Level Architecture • Tested on more than 50 types of diagrams DSL applied to the Diagram Domain Diagram DSL D2 conforms to Diagram DSL instance D1 conforms to Diagram D0 Research & Technology

  8. Diagram DSL and Diagram DSL Tool Model Editor Diagram DSL Tool implements implements MOF Diagram DSL Edition Edition conforms to conforms to Domain model Diagram DSL instance Generation with MDSoFa Generation with MDSoFa Domain Tool Infrastructure Tool Generating Model Diagrams Research & Technology

  9. Diagram DSL Lifecycle Research & Technology

  10. Agenda • Issue • Case Study of View DSL: Diagram DSL • Families of QVT DSL and Tool • Conclusion and Future Work Research & Technology

  11. Need of QVT DSL and Tool Families • [N1] Functionality viewpoint: variation on QVT DSL properties by project. • [N2] Process viewpoint: variation on processes by project, by methodology. • [N3] Language viewpoint: Variation of “abstract to concrete syntax” transformation, for low and level languages. • [N4] Design and implementation viewpoints, variation in function of architectural or non-functional decisions. • [N5] Capitalization viewpoint, managing platform variability (standards, languages, frameworks, tools). • [N6] Reusability viewpoint, different QVT DSLs can share common features. Managing common assets which can be reused in different QVT DSL contexts.  Complex but mandatory for meeting QVT DSL variations expected from project requirements Research & Technology

  12. A QVT DSL = a Domain • A QVT DSL is a Domain • Reusing product line experience • Managing QVT DSL domains • Managing QVT DSL core assets • Having a production method • Strength of this reflexivity: auto-consistency • End-products are built in the same way than development tools Research & Technology

  13. Core Asset Management • Kinds of core asset: • QVT DSL domain at the D2, D1 levels • QVT DSL tool description • Patterns, generators, frameworks, tools • QVT environment (QVT M2, platform descriptions…) • Managing core asset evolutions: • On domain • On Feature model • On Architecture • Production Plan Research & Technology

  14. Producing QVT DSL Tools: Where is the variability? How to manage variability? Product Production • Production Plan: describes how to manage production of product from core assets. • Takes into consideration: production method of each asset, linkage among core assets, product line constraints • Declaring how to fit into product production contexts Research & Technology

  15. Issues • Unified architecture of QVT DSL and Tool • Adopting a reduced number of QVT DSLs, a tree-organization with few bridges, and reflexivity according to the 3-level architecture principle. • Building flexible and consistent QVT DSL workbench • Same ergonomics and logic of action in function of the selected features. • Maximizing automation of product production • Required at a managed maturity model level • No standard for product line • Variability: restricted to company usage Research & Technology

  16. Agenda • Issue • Case Study of View DSL: Diagram DSL • Families of QVT DSL and Tool • Conclusion and Future Work Research & Technology

  17. Conclusion & Future Work • Conclusion: • Proof of concept: Production improvement with Diagram DSL • Need of families of QVT DSL and Tool • Considering QVT DSL as a domain and reusing product line experience • Next step? • Emergence of customized QVT workbenches with DSLs • Future Work: • Development of a QVT DSL factory integrating variability Research & Technology

  18. Questions Research & Technology

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