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11th IAEA Technical Meeting on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers" 26 - 28, September, 2007

11th IAEA Technical Meeting on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers" 26 - 28, September, 2007 Tsukuba International Congress Center "EPOCHAL Tsukuba", Tsukuba, Japan. H. Takenaga, S. Ide, Y. Sakamoto, T. Fujita Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Naka Ibaraki 311-0193, Japan. OUTLINE.

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11th IAEA Technical Meeting on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers" 26 - 28, September, 2007

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  1. 11th IAEA Technical Meeting on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers" 26 - 28, September, 2007 Tsukuba International Congress Center "EPOCHAL Tsukuba", Tsukuba, Japan H. Takenaga, S. Ide, Y. Sakamoto, T. Fujita Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Naka Ibaraki 311-0193, Japan OUTLINE Introduction NBI and ECH in JT-60U Effects of low central fuelling after strong ITB formation Effects of low central fuelling on density and ion temperature profiles in reversed shear plasmas on JT-60U • Introduction • NBI and ECH system in JT-60U • Effects of low central fuelling after strong ITB formation • Effects of low central fuelling during ITB formation • Relation between density ITB and ion temperature ITB • Summary • The central ECH was applied from t = 5.6 s after the strong ITB was formed using P-NB and the P-NB heating power was reduced at t = 5.8 s. • Reversed shear plasmas in JT-60U • P-NBI  central fuelling & ion dominant heating • N-NBI & ECH  low/no central fuelling & electron dominant • heating (reactor relevant condition) • Peaked density profile • It is possible to achieve high fusion output with relatively low edge density (<nGW). • Suppression effects on ITG instability • Impurity accumulation is one of the largest concerns. but, when impurity accumulation level is smaler than neoclassical prediction, peaked density profile is acceptable. E041738, BT=3.7T • The electron heating power is higher by a factor of 1.6 than the ion heating power at t = 6.5 s. • HHy2~2 is achieved with Te(0) > Ti(0). • Strong ne and Ti ITBs were maintained with low central fuelling under dominant electron heating. PNB PEC • P-NB : 80-85 keV, 2-2.5 MW/unit • perp. 7 units (1 unit for CXRS) • co 2 units • ctr 2 units (1 or 0.5 unit for MSE) • N-NB : 350-380 keV, 2-3.5 MW/unit • co 2 units QgasD2 ne Summary W QgasHe • Effects of low central fuelling on density and ion temperature profiles have been investigated using N-NBI and ECH in reversed shear plasmas of JT-60U. • Strong density and ion temperature ITBs were maintained when central fuelling was decreased after the strong ITB formation. • Similar density and ion temperature ITBs were formed both in low and high central fuelling cases. • Strong correlation between density gradient and ion temperature gradient was observed. Particle transport and ion heat transport are strongly coupled or density gradient assists the ion temperature ITB formation through ITG mode suppression. • These results indicated that effects of low central fuelling on density and ion temperature profiles are not strong. Thus, it is possible to obtain density ITB in a fusion reactor. • Calculation : • ASSTR-2 : Ip=12MA, BT=11T, • Rp=6.2m, a=1.5m, Impurity=Ar • Fusion output ~4GW, • Pradmain~400MW, • Aux. heating=60MW A B Ti(0) Te(0) ASSTR-2 tE = W / (Paux. +Pa- Prad(r/a<0.9)) Experiment : Impurity accumulation is smaller than neoclassical prediction. highpH-mode plasma (weak shear) nAr(0)/nAr(ITB-foot)~2xne(0)/ne(ITB-foot) RS plasma High confinement is demonstrated with high radiation loss in the main plasma. (Pradmain/Pnet~0.8). • Deff is smallerin the low central fuelling case. • DHe/DHeNC in the low central fuelling case is similar to or even larger than that in the high central fuelling case at the same i/iNC. • DHe : He gas-puffing modulation exp. • ECH • Gyrotron • 4 units • 110GHz • ≤1MW/unit • Transmission line • ~60m • 70-80% transmitted • Antenna • A : fixed for co-ECCD • B : steerable for co-/ctr-ECCD or ECH It is important to characterize density and ion temperature ITBs under condition of low central fuelling. Effects of low central fuelling during ITB Relation between density ITB and ion temperature formation • ne gradient near the qmin location was attempted to increase by gas-puffing stop/decrease and to decrease by LH transition. E046144: After gas-puffing was stopped at t = 4.4 s, • The edge ne decreased just after gas-puffing was stopped, while the central ne continued to increase, resulting formation of ITB like structure in the ne profile. • At the same time, the central Ti largely increased. • ne and Ti ITBs were formed simultaneously. E046146: After the LH transition at t ~ 5.0 s, • The edge ne increased and the ne gradient decreased. • Increase in the central Ti seems to be prevented. Decrease in gas-puffing rate • The central Ti restarted to increase together with increase in the ne gradient. • ITB formation with low central fuelling and dominant electron heating at Ip=1 MA and BT=3.7 T. • During Ip ramp-up, • Low central fuelling case • EC+N-NB+P-NB (1u perp.+0.5u ctr.) • High central fuelling case • P-NB (4u perp.+0.5u ctr.) • Time evolutions of ne and Ti in the low central fuelling case are similar to those in the high central fuelling case, although time evolution of Te is quite different for two cases. • Gas-puffing rate necessary for ne feedback control is slightly higher in the low central fuelling case than in the high central fuelling case. • The ne and Ti ITBs are formed in the region of r/a = 0.4-0.6 even in the low central fuelling case, which aresimilar to those in the high central fuelling case. • In the low central fuelling case, wide current hole (CH) was produced due to higher Te, thus, Ti profile in the central region is flat in the low central fuelling case. • Te profile is different for two cases. ne raise by gas-puffing E046146 Gas-puffing stop/decrease LH transition E046144 E046146 Particle flux in the core Increase in edge density Increase in ne gradient Decrease in density gradient in the core similar effect to central fuelling Low central fuelling High central fuelling (b) E046220 (a) E046209 E046146 E046144 Ip EC N-NB P-NB Ip (MA)x10 Pinj (MW) 12 P-NB P-NB N-NB 0 EC EC 3 ne (1019 m-3) Qgas (10 Pam3/s) Qgas Profiles in the low & high central fuelling cases ne 0 3 IDouter divertor (1019 ph/m2 sr s) 2 1 CH 0 r/a=0.4 r/a=0.4 The ne and Ti gradients are strongly linked. • Particle transport and ion heat transport simultaneously decrease ? • ne ITB assists formation of Ti ITB ? Time delay of the increase in Ti gradient from the increase in ne gradient was not obvious.  The fast CXRS system is being developed in JT-60U. 3 r/a=0.6 r/a=0.6 2 ne (1019 m-3) 1 r/a=0.4 0 4 r/a=0.4 r/a=0.6 3 r/a=0.6 2 Ti (keV) r/a=0.4 r/a=0.4 1 r/a=0.6 0 r/a=0.6 3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 Time (s) Time (s)

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