INTRODUCTION Ethiopia is the known for low consumption of animal source foods. Animals use the nutrient in feeds for maintains of and production purposes. The current contribution of livestock sector is low The Agro climatic is favourable for improving animal feed of Seteria.
Statement Of The Problem • According to woreda forage production is not known as common farming activity. • Less quality product and productivity due to inappropriate safety. • feed resources of the animal poor grazing management. • Other problem is Inappropriate storage system
OBJECTIVES General objectives To assess farmer’s extension need improved on forage production value addition and marketing. Specific objectives To assess farmer knowledge of the key recommendation setaria grass production. Production objective To assess farmers practise of key recommendation Setaria forage production.
Value chain objective To identify factor affecting of forage production and product. Significance of the study The economy of Ethiopia in general depends on livestock Over the study area secondary data will show the production management practise
Scope of the study • the scope of The study was problem on Setaria forage production concerned with it.