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Dark Matter search with EDELWEISS and beyond

Dark Matter search with EDELWEISS and beyond. Gilles Gerbier CEA Saclay – IRFU Rencontres de M oriond - VHEPU march 15 th 2013. European Underground Rare Event Calorimeter Array. Expérience pour DEtecter Les Wimps E n SIte Souterrain. The EDELWEISS collaboration. 4800 mwe.

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Dark Matter search with EDELWEISS and beyond

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  1. Dark Matter search with EDELWEISS and beyond Gilles Gerbier CEA Saclay – IRFU Rencontres de Moriond- VHEPU march 15th 2013 European Underground Rare Event Calorimeter Array ExpériencepourDEtecterLesWimpsEn SIteSouterrain

  2. The EDELWEISS collaboration 4800 mwe Karlsruhe J Gascon/IPNL : spokesman • CEA Saclay (IRFU and IRAMIS) • CSNSM Orsay (CNRS/IN2P3 + Univ. Paris Sud) • IPN Lyon(CNRS/IN2P3 + Univ. Lyon 1) • Institut Néel Grenoble (CNRS/INP) • LPN Marcoussis (CNRS) • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology • JINR Dubna • OxfordUniversity • SheffieldUniversity Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane - LSM (Fréjus tunnel) LSM

  3. Polyethylene shield Pb shield cryostat Muon Veto Neutron counter The EDELWEISS-II infrastructure • Innovative dilution cryogenicset-up (18 mK) : • Can host up to 40kg of detectors • Shieldings : • Clean room + deradonizedair 10 mBq/m3 • Active muon veto (>98% coverage) • 50-cm PE shield + 20-cm lead shield 3He detector • Otherside monitoring detectors: • Radon detector down to few mBq/m3 • He3 neutron detector (thermal neutron monitoring insideshields) sensitivity ~10-9 n/cm2/s • Liquidscintillator neutron counter (study of muon induced neutrons)

  4. Polyethylene shield Pb shield cryostat Muon Veto Neutron counter The EDELWEISS-II infrastructure • Cryogenicinstallation (18 mK) : • Can host up to 40kg of detectors • Shieldings : • Clean room + deradonizedair 10 mBq/m3 • Active muon veto (>98% coverage) • 50-cm PE shield + 20-cm lead shield 3He detector • Otherside monitoring detecetors: • Radon detector down to few mBq/m3 • He3 neutron detector (thermal neutron monitoring insideshields) sensitivity ~10-9 n/cm2/s • Liquidscintillator neutron counter (study of muon induced neutrons)

  5. Detector principles : 3 parameters to isolate signal Old : GeNTD • Germanium bolometers @ 17 mK • Ionizationmeasurement @ few V/cm • Heatmeasurement (NTD sensor) • Discriminating variable between ER and NR « Q » = ionization/recoilenergy All planar electrode Recent: ID400 Fiducial annular electrodes VETO B A: +4 V B: -1.5V electronrecoils (ER) Guard planar electrode Fiducial volume nuclearrecoils (NR) C: -4 V D: +1.5V Neutron calibration (S. ScorzaPhDthesis) VETO D • = Ionization« VETO » = > « Surface/beta » identification : if non zero, rejectevent • NB : idea first presented by CDMS group at LTD

  6. 6x104 210Bi 6x104 210Po 6x104 210Pb 1 evt Detector principles : 3 parameters to isolate signal Old : GeNT • Germanium bolometers @ 17 mK • Ionizationmeasurement @ few V/cm • Heatmeasurement (NTD sensor) • Discriminating variable= « Q » = ionization/recoilenergy All planar electrode New : ID400 Fiducial annular electrodes A: +4 V B: -1.5V electronrecoils (ER) Guard planar electrode Fiducial volume nuclearrecoils (NR) C: -4 V D: +1.5V Neutron calibration (S. ScorzaPhDthesis) • Surface identification = Ionization VETO If non zero, rejectevent

  7. EDELWEISS II limits (2011) and EDELWEISS -CDMS combinedanalysis made with dmtools • 10 ID detectors of 400 g operated during ~ 1 y • CDMS has same target and same sensitivity • Simple merger of data sets chosen prior to any analysis. • EDW II: 384 kg.d, [20-200keV], 5 evts • CDMS: ~379 kg.d, [~10-100keV], 4 evts • => ~50% gain at high WIMP masses. • NB : CDMS decides on an ID-inspired design for the electrodes of its future detectors. Phys. Rev. D 84, 011102 (2011). “WIMP safe” mass concept ! Check PDG “Dark Matter review” by Drees&Gerbier

  8. Recent EDELWEISS low mass analysis • Realization that, despite being tuned for MWIMP~100 GeV, EDELWEISS-II had significant efficiency down to 5 keV recoil • Significant background rejection with ID electrodes down to low energywth subset of data => significant improvement down to 7 GeV WIMP mass • Resolutions are improving with new electronics (FWHM 900 eV -> 650 eV for ionization, 1.25 -> <1 keV for heat) • 500 eV achieved in tests (HEMT R&D to go down to 300 eV?) 10 GeV WIMP – ID3 EDW II LE PRD 86 (2012) 051701R EDELWEISS-III report to CSIN2P3

  9. Searching for axions • Detection/production by Primakov effect gag • Solar axions • g->g+a ------------------>a+g->g f(E, t, a) Bragg diff Preliminary Single detector Edelweiss II Expected pattern f(E,t) for given orientation angle of crystal vs sun direction NB : electronrecoils Otherconstraints on gae macurrentlystudied PhDWork of T de Boissiere

  10. EDELWEISS-III : few 10-9pbsensitivity @ 60 Gev • Detectors • 40 FID800 detectors 24 kg fiducial, installed2013 (factor 15 wrtbefore) • 2 NTD sensors/detector • CurrentEDW-II setup : major upgrade • new cabling, cold electronics • new cryogenics (lowermphonic noise) • new internal PE shielding • replacement of thermal shieldswithloweractivity Cu • => Expectlowerthresholds, lowerbackground (g and n), and redondancy • Program (1.6 M€) funded: upgrade finishedat 95 %, cool down on going (march 2013) with 15 detectors • Results by 2014

  11. EDELWEISS III : new detectors FID800 Fiducial mass ~640g All annular electrodes • Fid mass *4 wrt to ID400 • No NR eventin g calibration • Expectedto be and indeedbetterthanIDs ! FID800(410 000 ) ID400 (350 000 ) 11

  12. EDELWEISS-III : improved5-15 GeVsensitivity • Coverage of low-mass region with 4 FID detectors with 300 eV FWHM resolutions (1200 kgd), 3 keVEr threshold thanks to new HEMT replacing JFET • HEMT R&D ongoing 1 evt, 10 keVthresh 12 000 kg.j

  13. EURECA Status2013 • EDELWEISS+CRESST +others (19) • CDR written • Baseline : 2 phases: 150 kg then1 t • Choice of balance Ge / CaWO4 to beoptmised vs physicsreachat time t • Basic features • Favored site : LSM : deepest in Europe • Large water active shield • 7 mK base temp , « scalablecryogenics » see P Camus • Flexible design for different detectors • Tower design : fullyintegrated, 7mk-300k see H Kraus • No common official proposalsubmittedyet • Strongwill to makecommonprojectwith S-CDMS

  14. Last status jan 2013 • Excavation of the extension 2014 or 2015. • In operation in 2016/2017. • Detailedstudiesfunded by Savoie departement and Rhone-AlpesRegion • Agreement fromMinistery and CNRS for the project • Funding in progress (85% alreadyobtained CNRS, RegionRhone-Alpes, FEDER funds) • Technical discussion in progress LSM underground lab extension New 50 m New Actual Italy France

  15. Summary , prospects

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