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Jump Testing with Healthcare Stocks. Haoming Wang Date: February 13 th , 2008. Introduction. Want to investigate how jumps for a company in a specific sector affect jump likelihood for another company in the same sector.
Jump Testing with Healthcare Stocks Haoming Wang Date: February 13th, 2008
Introduction • Want to investigate how jumps for a company in a specific sector affect jump likelihood for another company in the same sector. • Chose the healthcare industry because as a whole the industry is relatively decoupled from the broader markets. • The healthcare SPDR (sector ETF) has low beta of 0.63 (second lowest of all sectors).
Introduction • Healthcare companies are seem to be more information dependent: success and failures of drug testing can cause wild price fluctuations. • Healthcare products are mostly very inelastic, if you need the medication, economic cycles that hit other industries most likely wouldn’t cause you to stop taking your medicine. • Thus, most jumps should be unique to the industry/company.
Introduction • Companies are in competition with each other for drug research, information about one drug trial might have an affect on other companies. • Would hope to find some kind of jump day clustering. • In other words, a jump in one of the healthcare stocks affects the jump statistic of the other healthcare stocks.
Introduction • Examine price data for Abbott Labs (ABT), Bristol Meyers Squibb (BMY), Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), Merck (MRK), and Pfizer (PFE). • All data is from 4/11/1997 to 1/24/2008. • Data is from the S&P 100 set that Prof. Tauchen posted. • 5-minute intervals are used to minimize microstructure noise.
Mathematical Equations • Realized variation (where rt,j is the log-return): • Realized bi-power variation :
Mathematical Equations • Tri-Power Quarticity: • Quad-Power Quarticity:
Mathematical Equations • Both quarticities of the previous slide are estimators of • Thus, we can construct test statistics of the form
Test Statistics • We will looked at results at the 0.999 significance level. • Thus, we are looking for test-statistics greater than 3.09 since we are using the one-sided significance test.
The spike at around day 2000 is caused by a data error. • No pricing data for most points in the date range. • Data assumes that price stays constant so there’s always the presence of jumps once the correct data appears.
Qualitative Analysis • Possible data error with BMY? • No! The spike in realized variation occurred on 02/19/2000, when Bristol Meyers withdrew its application for a new drug from FDA consideration. The stock fell 23% that day and trading was actually suspended for an hour.
Qualitative Analysis • Jump Clustering : Investigated data from 2007, looked for shared jump days and then used Factiva to check for any news stories that day. • First cluster: Jan 29 – Jan 31 • Statistically significant jumps for ABT (1/29), MRK (1/31), and PFE (1/31) • Jan 29: Thai government announces plans to sell special generic versions of drugs made by ABT and BMY • Jan 31: Merck releases earnings, PFE released earnings a week ago, perhaps some effect?
Qualitative Analysis • Second Cluster: Feb 14 • 2/14: Sanofi-Aventis (European pharmaceuticals company) announces earnings, does not comment on rumors of BMY acquisition • BMY and PFE both have significant jumps. • No significant PFE news, indirect impact from takeover rumors?
Qualitative Analysis • Third Cluster: Oct 16-Oct 17 • Jumps for BMY (10/16, 10/17) and JNJ (10/17) • Oct 16: BMY receives approval for new drug • Oct 17: JNJ releases earnings • No direct effects, both jumps can be attributed to company specific news.
Qualitative Analysis • Jump clustering seems to be to strict to find true effects. • It’s possible for jumps in one company to impact another without there being a statistically significant jump. • Cut-off of a statistically significant jump might be too high to observe this effect. • Regression?
Regression • Regressed the Ztp-Max test statistic of PFE on the average of the previous day Ztp-Max statistics of ABT, BMY, JNJ, and MRK. • Want to see if there’s any predictive power of previous day industry jumps. • Used regress command in STATA with heteroskedasticity robust errors.
Analysis • Statistically significant coefficient on previous day’s average Ztp-Max stat. • However, effect is not actually significant. If on average there’s a statistically significant jump in the previous day, regression only predicts the PFE test stat to be 1.21. • Low R-squared, very little of the variation in PFE test stat can be explained by variation in the previous day average test stat. • High root MSE, estimator not very accurate.
Extensions • Study how the effect of industry wide jump days changes for different industries. • Different regressors? Different methods? • Should we be using an average? How should it be weighted? Any other suggestions for regressors? • Different models? Different regressions?
Extensions • RV regression more telling? See previous day’s industry RV’s affect on next day RV? • Compare HAR-RV-J regression from Andersen, Bollerslev, Diebold 2006? Implied volatility work that Andrey did? • Adapt HAR-RV-J regression to intra-sector stocks?