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Sustainable Tourism Opportunities in Rio de Janeiro

Explore the potential and challenges of sustainable tourism in Rio de Janeiro, focusing on environmental protection, economic development, and cultural preservation for future generations.

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Sustainable Tourism Opportunities in Rio de Janeiro

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  1. Opportunities for Sustainable Tourism in the State of Rio de Janeiro VERDELEGAL

  2. INTRODUCTION PROFESSORS Peter Robertson, Jonathan Speier O.I.T. STUDENTS USC STUDENTS Ayrton Violento Carlyle Falcao Diana Costa de Castro Gabriel de Sena Jardim Juliana Lohmann Maira Meyer Maria Fernanda Mungia Steyer Mariana Barbosa Nasser Mariana Rodrigues Priscilla Haack Rosane Soares Thais Costa da Silva Jennifer Choi Paul Nakashima Ruby Sandher Runyu Sun Thomas Szelazak Terrah Brown Jenny Miller Amy Kung Kathleen Ripley Kelly Iwanabe Sarah Oesterle Pradit Ruppan Joshua Shake Leyla Sabet Junzhao Tu Brettany Shannon Lei Xu Marisa Alcaraz Glen Becerra Angelica Ayala Mohammed Jalloh Emily Baime Alyssa Newton

  3. PRESENTATION OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION Sustainability Methodology GOVERNANCE Establishing a Collaborative Network Microfinance Opportunities TRANSPORTATION SUPPPORT SYSTEMS Healthcare Safety and Security MARKETING CONCLUSION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS SOURCES


  5. INTRODUCTION SUSTAINABILTY Economic Equity Environmental Cultural “The paths of human progress that meet the needs and aspirations of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.” - Rahman, 2002

  6. INTRODUCTION SUSTAINABILE TOURISM Sustainable tourism demands that the industry maintain an interest in the balance of: • Environmental Protection • Economic development • Social-equity • Cultural Preservation “Sustainable tourism development meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future. It is envisaged as leading to management of all resources in such a way that economic, social, and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity, and life support systems.” (World Tourism Organization 1998)

  7. INTRODUCTION METHODOLOGY Capital Investment CRITERIA/ PARAMETERS Sustainability PROMOTE/ FACILITATE Governance Coordinate Collaborate Transportation Support Systems Safety Health Marketing Social/ Educational Promotional $ TOURISM GROWTH Number of Tourists Income from Tourism

  8. INTRODUCTION METHODOLOGY • Project considerations: • Nine influential variables from Marlos Lima Simone Alves’ study on Prospective Tourism Scenarios for Rio 2025: • Natural resources • Epidemic diseases • Economic and exchange stability • Potentially contaminating activities • Cultural resources • Historical and cultural heritage • Legal restrictions on direct investment and or foreign policy • Effectiveness of spending on public safety • Amount of protected land in municipal area

  9. INTRODUCTION METHODOLOGY • Six areas to address from the roundtable discussion with NEATH: • Transportation • Poverty/Social Inclusion • Environment • Safety • Information (way-finding sineage) • Evaluation of Benefits (Providing a link to sustainability) • Additional methods: • Personal experiences as a tourist in Rio de Janeiro • Preparatory research • FGV classroom presentations, panel discussions, and personal interactions

  10. INTRODUCTION METHODOLOGY STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES • Abundance of natural resources • Rich cultural diversity • Diversity of tourist attractions • Experience to major international events • Hosted 1992 Rio Earth Summit where Agenda 21 was signed into implementation • Attractive climate • Hospitality • Tour ministry at each level of government • Marketing • Lack of multi-lingual information • Lack of data collection (tourist sites, health care, crime, transportation use, informal economy) • Public transportation/infrastructure • Tourist access to health care facilities • Lack of multi-sector collaboration • International perception (City of God Effect) • Lack of accountability • Tourist safety and security • Limited business incentives


  12. GOVERNANCE Recommendation Establish a self-organizing and collaborative process to enhance participation in tourism governance boards. “A broadly-based ownership of tourism policies can bring democratic empowerment and equity, operational advantages and an enhanced tourism product.” “Stakeholders should have opportunities to participate in decision-making that affect their interests” (Bramwell, et al., 2000)

  13. GOVERNANCE Inclusive collaboration of all sectors. Establish tourism priorities and plans. Propose solutions to common problems. Build capacity of human resources. Infrastructure and tourism service improvements. Register and identify tourism actors and opportunities. Ensure a diversity of tourist activities. Recommend and implement tourism legislation and policy. Governance Board Objectives


  15. GOVERNANCE MAIN CHALLENGES Tourism is fragmented in nature Institutionalizing collaboration Shifting from “me” to “us” mind-set Getting participation from all tourism stakeholders Conflicts among intergovernmental actors

  16. GOVERNANCE SHIFTING TO A COLLABORATIVE PROCESS Changing Organization Structures Structure of governance shifts • Post-Modern (Emerging Structure) • Open systems • Interconnected • Humanistic; Web of relationships • Self-organizing and self emergent • Democratic decision-making, collaborative • Ecological • Modern Era (Former Structure) • Competition • Prediction and control • Reductionism/ Fragmentation

  17. GOVERNANCE SHIFTING TO A COLLABORATIVE PROCESS Structural Models Adaptive Organizing

  18. GOVERNANCE SHIFTING TO A COLLABORATIVE PROCESS Tourism Stakeholders Tourist Attractions Hotels Museums and Cultural Centers Healthcare Industry Retail Shops and Malls Restaurants Transportation Agencies Tourism Agencies Security & Law Enforcement Informal Sector Media Government Entities

  19. GOVERNANCE A COLLABORATIVE PROCESS A Grassroots Approach • Steps • Identifying and recruiting leaders in municipalities • State sponsored two-day educational retreat • Leaders educate and empower other stakeholders • Leaders and stakeholders form a Tourism Governance Board within each municipality • Municipal Governance Boards elect representatives for the Regional Governance Boards • Regional Governance Boards elect representatives for State Governance Boards • State government (Turis Rio) serves as a support system to assist in the development of and active board of governance. • Provide Resources (Meeting space, education, guidance)

  20. GOVERNANCE A COLLABORATIVE PROCESS Step 1: Conduct outreach at local level to identify leaders within each targeted municipality • Respected • Not necessarily in position of power • Opinions are valued by others due to respect, not position of power • Well-known among peers in the business community • Strong network • Collaborative • Dedicated to tourism development • Urban vs. rural leadership

  21. GOVERNANCE A COLLABORATIVE PROCESS Step 2: Provide a State-sponsored two-day educational retreat and training on sustainable tourism for all selected leaders. Motivate and empower self-organizing Get leaders “excited” about tourism Personalize the issue and economic incentives Benefits of collaboration Economic benefits of tourism Potential for tourism development Tourism development planning Business development services offered

  22. GOVERNANCE A COLLABORATIVE PROCESS Step 3: Leaders return to municipality to educate other important stakeholders and develop a network of tourism stakeholders. Information and “excitement” disseminated through relationships and word of mouth.

  23. GOVERNANCE A COLLABORATIVE PROCESS Step 4: Leaders and stakeholders establish a tourism governance board to make joint decisions on tourism development in the area. Interest-based incentives Clear agenda items Active board that regularly reports on progress Logistics determined by the leaders and participants (with guidance from TurisRio). Meetings held regularly

  24. GOVERNANCE A COLLABORATIVE PROCESS Step 5: Implement institutional regionalization through 12 Regional Governance Boards Municipal Board of Governance selects representatives to serve on a Regional Board of Governance. Make joint decisions on regional improvements and coordination

  25. GOVERNANCE A COLLABORATIVE PROCESS Step 6: Institute State-wide collaborative Governance Board • Regional Board of Governance selects representatives to serve on the Regional Board of Governance. • Make joint decisions on state improvements and coordination

  26. GOVERNANCE A COLLABORATIVE PROCESS Municipal Governance Boards Regional Governance Boards State Governance Board

  27. GOVERNANCE A COLLABORATIVE PROCESS Incentives to Participate on Governance Board Relationship-based connections Moving away from distrust in Government Having an equal voice in collaboration Personal connection to increasing tourism Economic growth Leveraging access to resources Increase personal connections and network Develop regional tour packages Market branding Support System to access tourism certification (Verde Legal)

  28. GOVERNANCE BENEFITS OF COLLABORATION Organizations as an interdependent system - ecological Every “cell” adds value to the larger system Operational in the common mission Responsiveness to stakeholders Collaborative

  29. GOVERNANCE BENEFITS OF COLLABORATION “Collaboration gives a competitive advantage by bringing together the knowledge, expertise, capital and other resources of several stakeholders.” (Kotler et al. 1993) • Interaction – Brings together different perspectives and ensures continuity of programs and messaging • Knowledge - Connects people to the importance of tourism and shares information • Aligning Resources – Allows organizations to coordinate and leverage joint resources • Performance Assessment – Identifies areas of improvement in tourism sector, how individual impact the whole, and a common framework for success

  30. GOVERNANCE INTEGRATION OF INFORMAL SECTOR GINI coefficient = 0.58 Microfinance has a low penetration rate (about 4%) Over 25% in other Latin American countries Target small businesses and informal sector that serve tourists Artisan and handicraft products Rural farm and agricultural products Sistema S and MFI partnerships Financial and business education, access to capital SEBRAE Rocinha Empreendedora – 130 individuals Improve local tourism, job and income generation for local residents Institute local government, create/improve domestic lodging and create directory of local features to enhance tourism development

  31. GOVERNANCE CASE STUDY State of Espírito Santo In 2004, the State of Espírito Santo implemented a tourism development plan emphasizing the use of collaboration, integration and decentralization. Established a State Council of Tourism with representatives from the public and private sector, professionals, civil society and non-governmental organizations. Developed collaboration activity at the municipal level, followed by a focus at the regional level. Planned and implemented sustainable tourism through increased regionalization. N R e g i õ e s T u r í s t i c a s - E S . 5 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 K i l o m e t e r s S E D E T U R Rodrigues, Mariana. (2009) Tourism Development Strategy in the State of Espirito Santo. Presentation.

  32. GOVERNANCE CASE STUDY Developed regional tourist packages and itineraries, leveraging attractions and resources Utilized joint marketing campaigns Regionalization: Tourist Itinerary

  33. GOVERNANCE CASE STUDY Results: Visiting TouristsState of Espírito Santo Annual Number of Tourist Visiting ES • 35% total increase in annual number of tourists from 2005 to 2008

  34. GOVERNANCE CASE STUDY Results: Tourist SpendingState of Espírito Santo 78,74 45,74 38,58 31,08 2005. 2006. 2007. 2008. Tourist Individual Daily Spending (R$) • On average, tourists spent 104% more daily from 2005 to 2008


  36. TRANSPORTATION Potential in the City of Rio de Janeiro • Build on pending and existing transportation plans • Create a tourist-oriented I-bus program • Implement Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) system • Improve traffic signal system to increase traffic flow; synchronize signals and allow bus priority • Integration of a bicycle culture; bike lanes, increase bike stations within the city • Integration and restructuring of multiple bus service provider system Improve bus stop areas; create structures and platforms that are easy to identify • Create a system where transfer tickets from bus to bus are distributed which would save time and improve traveler efficiency

  37. TRANSPORTATION Future Metro Plan in place Expansion of Line 1 to Ipanema Construction of line 3 to connect the cities of São Gonçalo and Niterói to Rio Construction of line 4 to connect Botafogo to Barra da Tijuca and Jacarepagua Construction of line 6 to link Barra da Tijuca and Jacarepagua to International Airport

  38. TRANSPORTATION Other Future Plans in Place • Modernization of Airports • Metro Area • Extend 260 km to connect the suburbs and downtown by carrying 450,000 passengers per day with 89 stations and a R$2.00 fare • Interstate Plans • Construction of a high speed train connecting Sao Paulo and Rio

  39. TRANSPORTATION Bicycle Infrastructrure • Objective: • To promote recreational cycling for tourists • Components: • Create more bike lanes on major streets in the city and bike routes in the state • Expand automated bike rental system • Automated computer terminals at bike stations • Create a virtual map of bike stations

  40. TRANSPORTATION Bicycle Infrastructure Outcomes • Increased recreational activities for tourists as complemented by the weather • Improved accessibility to tourist sites • Increased tourist transport supply • Reduced traffic congestion • Increased health benefits

  41. TRANSPORTATION Traffic Flow Improvements • Objective: • Improve traffic flow in the downtown area and main arteries of the city to ease congestion • Components: • Improve traffic light system through better synchronization schemes, clearer traffic signs and specific bus prioritization • Increase parking capacity and management around tourist sites, while making it readily available to the public to fulfill its usage • Create a public bus pass policy to encourage people to use public transport (discounts) • Implement carpool policy

  42. TRANSPORTATION Easier accessibility to tourist sites Reduced congestion Safer roadways with pedestrian-first mentality Can potentially facilitate the bicycle infrastructure Could create opportunity for introducing Bus Rapid Transit system Traffic Flow Outcomes

  43. TRANSPORTATION Tourist Intelligent Bus Objective: Increasing tourist transport supply as well as improving tourist traffic service quality Components: Aims to provide traffic service for travelers between tourist spots in the city Citizens can also use the Tourist I-Bus for daily routine, creating sustainability in the event it isn’t utilized by tourists Its route should link all main spots of the city enabling tourists to move from one spot to another with one ride This means exchanging real-time information among buses, spots and control centers to realize a feasible management of fleets, by using the AVL system Adjusting the spots’ crowding situation and travelers’ rational sight seeing schedule

  44. TRANSPORTATION Tourist Intelligent Bus Outcomes Based on a research done on other cities, 92% of tourists think it is necessary to open Tourist I-Bus routes to connect the tourist sites The construction of Tourist I-Bus system in Rio where there is a shortage of urban railway systems could increase tourist transport supply as well as improve tourist traffic service quality The configuration of Tourist I-Bus route, and the structure frame for exchanging information between buses, tourist spots and control centers will create a more efficient system Expansion of Tourist I-Bus system to major tourist destinations at the state level

  45. TRANSPORTATION Integration of Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) System Objective:Centralized tracking system to improve transit quality and performance Components: • Installation of GPS / GIS systems in each bus • Monitoring buses’ situation to improve fleet management and operating schedule • Providing real time information on arrival forecast at bus stop • Locating vehicles to carry out bus priority signalizations • Low cost implementation

  46. TRANSPORTATION AVL System Outcomes • Reductions in traffic congestion • Improvements in incident response times • Mitigates long-term and special event-related increases in travel demand

  47. TRANSPORTATION Bus System Integration Objective: • Implement a more efficient public transportation system Components: • Restructure governance of multiple bus operators, including small vans • Develop new trunk and feeder routing system with participation from all existing parties • Modernize bus related infrastructure, including transfer stations • Create unified fare and transfer system • Improve / Expand interconnectivity with State buses, Airports and Metro

  48. TRANSPORTATION Bus System Integration Outcomes • Fare integration and intra-bus transfers • Ease of access, including comprehensive system maps specifically for tourists • Increased ridership • Travel time and cost savings • Improved bus stop visibility • Fleet maintenance and renewal

  49. TRANSPORTATION Multilingual Taxi Program • All taxi drivers are required to learn 23 sentences in English language • The sentences cover 6 main aspects -greeting, help carry luggage, inquire destination, parking, taxi fee and say goodbye • Language component becomes part of licensing renewal process

  50. TRANSPORTATION CASE STUDIES Three Comphrensive Case Studies • São Paulo • Curitiba • Santiago, Chile

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