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200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India<br>200 Hour Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training Course at Arogya Yoga School, Rishikesh. Certified by Yoga Alliance USA. If you are looking to bring a change into your life by learning yoga for self-rejuvenation or transfer the benefits to others, by getting a professional certificate and expertise, then Arogya Yoga School is the perfect fit for you.<br><br>How can I become a yoga instructor u2013 Yoga Teacher?<br>Yoga Alliance RYT u2013 Registered Yoga Teacher designation requires a minimum of 200 practice hours. If you are looking to bring a change into your life by learning yoga for self-rejuvenation or transfer the benefits to others, by getting a professional certificate and expertise 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India- Apply Now<br><br> <br><br>This Yoga Teacher Training program in Rishikesh India will be the foundational stone in your journey to advance your Yoga practice and to feel acquainted with different layers of Yoga & Science. You will build up self-confidence in such a way, that it will help you to find your own unique expression as an evolution of an inspiring yoga teacher. <br><br>Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India<br>Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India Certified With Yoga Alliance USA, Yoga TTC program helps future yoga instructors and those simply looking to deepen their practice to grow their confidence and expand their knowledge of yoga. The curriculum covers everything from anatomy to the business of teaching classes and everything in between. Gain the skills, knowledge and experience to be an amazing yoga teacher. Join the 3,00 happy graduates of our teacher certification programs in this life changing experience. All programs and teachers are Yoga Alliance registered.<br><br>Food<br>Arogya Yoga School Offers Only vegetarian meals, Herbal Tea, Fruits are served and are included in the fees.

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200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India

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  1. www.arogyayogaschool.com Yoga Teacher Training Syllabus – Arogya Yoga School- 1.Yoga Philosophy This class will prepare students to read and understand Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Introduction Origin of Yoga Different Paths of Yoga Samkhaya Darshan Vedanta Darshan Obstacles in Yoga Ashtanga Yoga (8 Limbs) • Yama • Niyama • Asana • Pranayama • Pratyahara • Dharana

  2. • Dhyana • Samadhi Hatha Yoga Panch Kosha • Annamaya Kosha • Pranamaya Kosha • Manomaya Kosha • Jnanamaya Kosha • Anandamaya Kosha 2.HUMAN ANATOMY-PHYSIOLOGY AND YOGA Introduction Skeletal System Joints and Range of Motion Muscular System Postural imbalances Physiology of Asana • Standing • Back Bend • Forward Bend • Twist • Inversion

  3. Digestive System Respiratory System Circulatory System Physiology of Pranayama Nervous System Endocrine System Stress and Homeostasis Physiology of Meditation Lesson Planning, Practical and Written Assessment 3.MANTRA RECITATION CURRICULUM Mantra is a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation. The reverberating sound harmonious the body and mind. Ganesha Mantra Guru Mantra Shakti Mantra Gayatri Mantra Mangalacharan Mantra Shanti Mantra 4.ASANA AND PRANAYAMA PRACTICE SESSIONS. Dynamic Postures Pawanmuktasana series

  4. Marjala asana Vyaghrasana Surya namaskar Standing Postures Tadasana Utkatasana Padhastasana Trikonasana Parivrtta Trikonasana Parshwakonasana Parivrtta parshwakonasana Veerbhadrasana I Veerbhadrasana II Veerbhadrasana III Ardh chandrasana Parsvottanasana Prasarita padottanasana Inverted Postures Sirsasana Sarvangasana Halasana Pincha mayurasana Adho mukha vrkshasana

  5. Twisting Postures Ardh matsyendra asana Parivritti janu sirshasana Kati Chakrasana Back Bend Postures Bhujangasana Shalabhasana Dhanurasana Matsyasana Ushtrasana Kandhrasana Chakrasana Gomukhasana Setu Asana Rajkapotasana Forward Bend Postures Paschimotanasana Janusirasana Ardh padam Paschimotanasana Padprasar Paschimotanasana Adho Mukha Svanasana Balancing Postures Vrkshasana Bak Dhayan Asana

  6. Mayurasana Natraj Asana Garudasana Relaxation Postures Shashankasana Makarasana Savasana Pranayama Practices Yogic Breathing Nadi Shodhan Kapalbhati Ujjayi Bhramari Dhyana Practices Breath Awareness Pranava Dhyana Yog Nidra Practices Visualization Breathing Meditation Chakra Meditation Mudras Anjali Mudra Chin Mudra Jnana Mudra

  7. Poorna Mudra Bandhas Uddiyana Bandha Jalandhara Bandha Moola Bandha Kriyas Jala Neti Kapalbhati Tratak

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