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Naive Bayes model

Naive Bayes model. Comp221 tutorial 4 (assignment 1) TA: Zhang Kai. Outline. Bayes probability model Naive Bayes classifier Text classification Digit classification Assignment specifications. Naive Bayes classifier.

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Naive Bayes model

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  1. Naive Bayes model Comp221 tutorial 4 (assignment 1) TA: Zhang Kai

  2. Outline • Bayes probability model • Naive Bayes classifier • Text classification • Digit classification • Assignment specifications

  3. Naive Bayes classifier • A naive Bayes classifier is a simple probabilistic classifier based on applying Bayes' theorem with strong (naive) independence assumptions, or more specifically, independent feature model.

  4. Naive Bayes probability model • Graphical illustration • a class node C at root, want P(C|F1,…,Fn) • evidence nodes F - observed features as leaves • conditional independence between all evidence C …… F1 F2 Fn

  5. Naive Bayes probability model • The classifier is a conditional model • Following the Bayes’s rule strictly, we have ….. • Simplify this through conditional independence - • So the conditional distribution over the class C is Z is constant given features

  6. Naive Bayes classifier • The naive Bayes classifier combines naive Bayes probability model with a decision rule, such as the maximum a posteriori or MAP decision rule. • If there are k classes and if a model for p(Fi) can be expressed by r parameters, then the naive Bayes model has (k − 1) + nrk parameters.

  7. Text Classification • Task- classify text documents into one of the pre-defined classes such as sports, recreation, politics, war, economy,…,etc, • Given • K groups of training texts • Each group with a label, containing a number of text documents

  8. Procedures • Computing a priori class probabilities • Count the number of text documents in each directory/class ni • Total number of training text documents n • Prior probability P(Ci) = ni / n

  9. Computing class conditional word likelihoods • Suppose we have chosen m key words, denoted as w1, w2,…,wm • Count the number of times – cji, that word wj occurs in text class Ci • Count the number of words – ni, in class Ci • Class conditional probaiblity is P(wj | Ci) = cji / ni

  10. Classifying a new message d • Compute the features of d, i.e., the number of times word wj occuring in d • P(Ci|d) = P(Ci|w1,w2,…,wd) œ P(Ci)P(w1|Ci) (w2|Ci)… (wd|Ci) • Assign d to the class I that has the maximum posterior probability

  11. Attentions • Preprocessing • eliminating punctuation • eliminating numerals • converting all characters to lowercase • eliminating all words with less than 4 letters

  12. You need to build a large vocabulary and separately counts how often a given word was encountered. The vocabulary can be built using a hash table. • How to choose the key words wi’s? • For each class, you can pick out the first k words that occurs most frequently • For all the training data, pick out the first k works that appears most frequently • Union all these words as key-words/features

  13. Zero probabilities must be avoided (why?) • This occurs when one word has been encountered only in one class, but not others. • In this case the class conditional probability is zero • To prevent this, re-estimate the conditional prob as P(wj|Ci) =ε/ni with ni a small, tunable number • Convert all probabilities to logprobabilities (loglikeli-hoods) to avoid exceeding the dynamic range of the computer representation of real numbers

  14. Digit Classification (assignment 1) • USPS data set contains normalized handwritten digits, scanned by the U.S. Postal Service. • 16 x 16 grayscale images • 7291 training and 2007 test observations • Format: each line consists of the digit id (0-9) followed by the 256 grayscale values. • The test set is notoriously "difficult“ • Download it from here

  15. USPS digits

  16. Setting • Classes: 0~9 • Features: each pixel is used as a feature, so there are 16 by 16, i.e., 256 features • Rather than pixel gray values, we can use more informative features, such as (detected) corners, crosses, slope, gravity center, etc. • How to quantize the real valued features. • Task: classify new digits into one of the classes

  17. Specifications • (preliminary, assignment 1 will come soon on Friday) • You can either use matlab or c++ for programming • If you use c++, you should have created the class and its members/functions as required • If you use matlab, you should have written functions as required • Input and output format will also be fixed in the assignemnt

  18. Files • Matlab file to read the USPS data • >[n, digit, label] = read_usps(path, file); • path = ‘c:\...’; file = ‘usps_train.txt’; • n: number of digits/images obtained • Digit: a 16 by 16 by n matrix; • Label: label of each image; • You may want to use it to read the USPS data

  19. Matlab file to output a series of files • >output(str,i1,i2); • str: common string part ; • i1 and i2 is the starting and ending integers • You may want to use it to write the digits into separate files with the naming system you like

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