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Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

International Scientific Conference on Cereals. Their products and processing. Natural endowment and possibilities of cereal production. Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …. Tamás Németh. Hungarian Academy of Scineces Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry.

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Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

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  1. International Scientific Conference on Cereals Their products and processing Natural endowment and possibilities of cereal production Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and … Tamás Németh Hungarian Academy of Scineces Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry October 27, 2008 Debrecen

  2. Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  3. Characteristics of Hungary A landlocked, Central European country in the Carpathian Basin Area: 93,030 km2 Population: 10,139,000 Besides this, 2.0 million Hungarians live in Romania, 0.6 million in Slovakia, 0.45-0.45 million in Serbia, and in the USA, 0.17 million in Ukraine, and many in other countries. 1/3 of all Hungarians live outside Hungary Peoples: Magyar (Hungarian): 88.8%; Gypsy: 3.8%; Ruthen: 2.8%; German: 1.7%; Jews: 0.8%; Romanian: 0.4%; Slovakian: 0.3%; Polish, Croatian, Serb: 0.2-0.2%. Per capita GDP: 7.831 USD / 11.750 USD Proportion of agriculture and food industry from GDP: 7-10% Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  4. Average annual precipitation in Hungary Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  5. Annual mean temperature in Hungary Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  6. Land use pattern categories in Hungary, 1901-2000 Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  7. Soil type of Hungary Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  8. Soil reaction and carbonate status in Hungary Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  9. Soil texture of Hungary Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  10. Yield increases in main producer countries, 1950-1987 Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  11. Correlation between per capita GDP and the magnitude of P fertilizer application, as grouped by the population density, in the year of 2000. (Csathó, 2003) Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and … Other countries: 1: Bangladesh; 2: Pakistan; 3: India; 4: China; 5: Croatia; 6: Turkey; 7: Thailand; 8: Brazil; 9: Costa Rica; 10: Poland; 11: Hungary; 12: Czech Republic; 13: Chile; 14: Greece; 15: Portugal; 16: United Arab Emirates; 17: Spain; 18: Ireland; 19: Finland; 20: Netherlands; 21: France; 22: Belgium-Luxemburg; 23: Germany; 24: Sweden; 25: United Kingdom; 26: Austria; 27: Denmark; 28: Canada.

  12. World NPK fertilizer consumption, million tonnes of N-P2O5-K2O, 1950-2000 (FAO Fertilizer Yearbooks) Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  13. Fertilizer consumption in Hungary, 1901-2000 Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  14. Total production of main crops in Hungary, 1901-2000 Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  15. Volume of livestock production in Hungary, 1901-2000 Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  16. NPK balances in Hungary, 1901-2000 (Agronomic approach, Csathó and Radimszky, 2000) Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  17. Cummulative NPK balances in Hungary, 1901-2000 (Agronomic approach, Csathó and Radimszky, 2003) Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  18. Principles for intensive plant nutritionPrinciples for sustainable fertilisation(MÉM NAK, 1979)(RISSAC-RIA, 1998) Efforts for maximum yield levelsEfforts for economic yield levels Aim is: "soil nutrition" Aim is: "plant nutrition" Aim is: to achieve and sustainAim is: to achieve and sustain good to very good soil PK supplymoderate to good soil PK supply Quick soil PK build-upSlow soil PK build-up PK fertilisation each yearPK fertilisation of the rotation(GATEKI Kompolt) PK fertilisation on any soil PKPK fertilisation only on moderate– good orsupply levellower soil PK supply levels Higher limit values for soil nutrientLower limit values for soil nutrientsupply categoriessupply categories Unified soil nutrientSoil nutrient supply categoriessupply categoriesdepending on the two main crop groups Higher specificcrop nutrient contentsLower specificcrop nutrient contents Specificcrop nutrient contents Specificcrop nutrient contentsindependent of the planned yield leveldependent of the planned yield level Comparison of the philosophies of intensive (MÉM NAK) and sustainable, environmentally friendly* (RISSAC-RIA) fertiliser recommendation systems, resp. (*Based on the data set of the Hungarian long-term field trials, 1960-2000) Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  19. Formula of the new, environmentally friendly fertilizer recommendation system F = (Ye x Sy x M) ± C, where F = recommended N-, P2O5 and K2O kg/ha doses, Ye = the expected yield level, Sy = “specific nutrient contents”, expressing the nutrient quantities kg, found in one tonne of yield, depending on the expected yield level, M = multiplication factor, depending on the soil nutrient supply categories, C = fertiliser dose correcting factors (type of pre-crop, aboveground plant residuesremaining on the field, previous farmyard manure application, etc.). Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  20. T. Lewis (1994) „They should stand not only as a landmark of progress, but as pointers to new studies neccessary to sustain and improve productive agriculture worldwide in an attractive environment.” Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  21. Setting or revision of long-term experiment • experiment methodology question • posing scientific question • treatments and planning • regional homogeneity • multifunctional Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  22. Sustainability of long-term experiments • homogeneous area • elimination of carrying over • protection for degradation processes Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  23. Possibilities of long-term experiments 1. Choosing the location of adjustment (for long time) 2. Ensure the sustainability (minimum requirement system) 3. Necessary changes Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and … • treatments • cultivation • harvest • changing without damage of long-term • answering for the occurent new questions

  24. New aspects for approaches • Opportunities for posing new questions and new generations latching on to are one of the most important characteristic of the long-term experiments • The long-term experiments are adapted to follow the environmental changes, analyse the changes which can take effect on experiments; monitoring • Possibility for estimate the impacts of the short and long time changes Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  25. Sustainable development Climate change Long-term experiments Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and … Environment protection Industrial and urban load

  26. Possibilities • Follow the environmental changes • Monitoring • Development, testing and calibrate of new methods and techniques • Start new type of searches • Call in new type of estimation • (statistic and modelling) Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and … statistic methods data collecting

  27. The main characteristic of the long-term experiments is that it is based on a supposition, which can be changed in the course of time, it seeks answers of new challenges, broadens the scale of the measured parameters, looks for answers, than asks again. Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

  28. Thank you for your attention! Tamás Németh— Natural endowmnet and …

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