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Use of erlang in system test of AXD301 Karl Olsson

Use of erlang in system test of AXD301 Karl Olsson. Erlang distribution Tools conf Configuration tool sssg UNI traffic generator xAXE AXE 10 traffic simulator/generator xMG Media gateway simulator OTP test server Automatic test tool dbg loading of modules. AXD301.

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Use of erlang in system test of AXD301 Karl Olsson

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  1. Use of erlang in system test of AXD301 Karl Olsson

  2. Erlang distribution Tools conf Configuration tool sssg UNI traffic generator xAXE AXE 10 traffic simulator/generator xMG Media gateway simulator OTP test server Automatic test tool dbg loading of modules

  3. AXD301 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CP CP CB SC SC CB CB CB CP control processor, Unix, erlang SC Switch core CB Connection board ATM (32x2Mb/s - 1x2,5 Gb/s) CE (32xT1 - 124xE1) FR MPLS om stby ch 0 1 2 … 16 30 31 CP CP CB SC CB CB CB SC S S Si S S Sy stby ch Scalable 10Gb - 160Gb 0-4 CP pairs/subrack

  4. Erlang distribution 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CP CP CB SC SC CB CB CB ‘axd301@cp1-19’ ‘axd301@cp1-1’ erlnode@stpc57 HUB rpc:call/4 WS (STPC) LAB LAN network

  5. Tools - conf AXD301 user interfaces AMS (http) snmp NO command line interface %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------%%% block_board(Subrack,SlotNo,Type) ->%%% ok | Other%%% Input: Subrack integer%%% SlotNo integer%%% Type cp1,sc2,clk2,cp19,sc20,clk20,atb,cb%%% Output: ok | Other%%% Exceptions: %%% Description: blocks a board %%% Example: conf:block_board(1,11,atb).%%% Example: conf:block_board(1,19,cp19).%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------block_board(Subrack,SlotNo,Type) -> {EmSlot,PiuSlot,Side} = caseType of cp1 -> {1,1,1}; sc2 -> {2,2,1}; clk2 -> {2,2,2}; cp19 -> {19,19,1}; sc20 -> {2,20,1}; clk20 -> {2,20,2}; atb -> {SlotNo,SlotNo,1}; cb -> {SlotNo,SlotNo,2}end,SubmitFunctions = {eqmLmsPIU,submit_open_piu},SubmitRequests = [{action,eqmMi,piuTable,[Subrack,EmSlot,PiuSlot,Side],null, [{"Block",7,2,null}], [{errors,rollback}]}],SubmitProperties = [{pageSource,{eqmLmsPIU,open_piu}},{postAction,0}],rpc_call(SubmitFunctions,SubmitRequests,SubmitProperties,"block_board ~p ~p ~p Successfull",[Subrack,SlotNo,Type],"block_board ~p ~p ~p UNSUCCESSFULL",[Subrack,SlotNo,Type],"block_board").

  6. Tools - sssg sssg WS with SUN ATM board UNI UNI sssg1 sssg2 ‘axd301@cp1-19’ ‘axd301@cp1-1’ erlnode@stpc sssg1@sahix sssg2@sahiy HUB AXD301 STPC LAB LAN network ATM ethernet

  7. Engine Integral proprietary PABX PABX other other RSS RSS ER PC ISUP/C7 DSS1/QSIG AXE 10 AXE 10 AXE 10 ATM TeS Circuit emulation propriety DSS1/QSIG AXD301 ML AXD301 MG AXD301 MG ethernet

  8. LAB LAN network STPC xAXE AXE 10 HUB MG1 MG2 ML xAXE@stpcx xMG@sahix xMG ATM Circuit emulation ethernet ML Mediation logic MG Media gateway Control link H.248 (ATM) xMG WS with SUN ATM board Tools - xAXE, xMG

  9. ‘axd301@cp1-19’ ‘axd301@cp1-19’ ‘axd301@cp1-19’ testserver@stpcx ‘axd301@cp2-1’ ‘axd301@cp1-1’ ‘axd301@cp1-1’ slave@stpcy HUB HUB rpc:call/4 rpc:call/4 gen_tcp STPCx STPCy LAB LAN network OTP test server

  10. STPCml xMG ML MG1 MG2 ‘axd301@cp1-19’ ‘axd301@cp1-19’ ‘axd301@cp1-19’ ‘axd301@cp1-1’ ‘axd301@cp1-1’ ‘axd301@cp1-1’ slave@stpcmg1 slave@stpcmg2 xAXE@stpcml xMG@sahiy sssg@sahix ATM sssg Circuit emulation testserver@stpcml ethernet STPCmg1 STPCmg2 STPCmg2 STPCmg2 Control link H.248 LAB LAN network Distribution conf/snmp sssg xAXE xMG Erlang logs

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