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Accessing eSDO Solar Image Processing and Visualisation through AstroGrid

Accessing eSDO Solar Image Processing and Visualisation through AstroGrid. Elizabeth Auden ADASS 2007 25 September 2007 Image Processing and Data Visualization. Topics. SDO and eSDO Algorithms and the VO Visualization Tools and the VO. SDO Mission.

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Accessing eSDO Solar Image Processing and Visualisation through AstroGrid

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  1. Accessing eSDO Solar Image Processing and Visualisation through AstroGrid Elizabeth Auden ADASS 2007 25 September 2007 Image Processing and Data Visualization 25 September 2007 eSDO and the VO, ADASS 2007 Elizabeth Auden

  2. Topics • SDO and eSDO • Algorithms and the VO • Visualization Tools and the VO 25 September 2007 eSDO and the VO, ADAss 2007 Elizabeth Auden

  3. SDO Mission The Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO), prepared for launch in August 2008, is NASA's flagship mission of the International Living with a Star Program. • Instruments: • AIA – Atmospheric Imaging Assembley • HMI – Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager • EVE – Extreme UV Variability Experiment Duration: 5 yrs nominal Orbit: 36000 km circular, 28.5 Geo Sync. Inclined Data rate: > 1.2 TB / day Launch: August 2008 25 September 2007 eSDO and the VO, ADAss 2007 Elizabeth Auden

  4. eSDO • UK e-Science project funded by PPARC to make SDO algorithms and data available through AstroGrid: • Algorithms: coronal event and feature recognition, global and local helioseismology analysis, helicity computation, coronal wave analysis • Visualization Tools: movie and image gallery views of AIA and HMI data • Data Access: prototype of SDO Data Resource Management System and Storage Unit Management System with AstroGrid Data Set Access module for a European data cache Duration: Oct 2004 – Oct 2007 Partners: MSSL, Birmingham, Sheffield, RAL 25 September 2007 eSDO and the VO, ADAss 2007 Elizabeth Auden

  5. Algorithms What you get: C source code, Makefiles, documentation, IDL wrappers (procedures to call the native C code from within IDL) Download beta code now; final releases 1 Oct. 2007 • Coronal loop detection • Coronal dimming region detection • Small event detection • NLFFF magnetic extrapolation • Helicity computation • Global helioseismology mode parameters • Local helioseismology inversion • Subsurface flow analysis • Soundspeed perturbation map generation 25 September 2007 eSDO and the VO, ADAss 2007 Elizabeth Auden

  6. Coronal Behaviour Algorithms • AstroGrid CEA1 applications, JSOC2 pipeline at Stanford • Feature / Event Recognition • Coronal loop recognition • Coronal dimming region recognition • Small event detection • Magnetic Field Computation • Non-linear force-free magnetic • field extrapolation • Helicity calculation 1CEA – Common Execution Architecture 2JSOC – Joint Science Operations Center TRACE image coronal loops viewed in Aladin 25 September 2007 eSDO and the VO, ADAss 2007 Elizabeth Auden

  7. Helioseismology Algorithms • AstroGrid CEA applications, JSOC pipeline at Stanford • Local Helioseismology • Local helioseismology inversion • Perturbation map generation • Subsurface flow analysis • Global Helioseismology Parameters • Calculation of target mode l, m, n (degree, azimuthal order, and order) eSDO CEA applications found by AstroGrid task launcher 25 September 2007 eSDO and the VO, ADAss 2007 Elizabeth Auden

  8. MPI NLFFF on NGS • NLFFF calculations involve some nasty triple integrals; great speed gains to be had from parallelization. The eSDO NLFFF algorithm can be run on a single CPU (8 hours for a 643 pixel vector magnetogram) or on parallel machines using MPI-CH2 implementation. • 2007 time trials of eSDO NLFFF algorithm on NGS servers (using MPI-CH optimized for NGS) show similar performance to OpenMPI implementation • OpenMPI version likely to be used in SDO processing pipeline (closed access); MPI version can be used by any UK academic with an e-Science certificate. • Cheat sheet: • MPI: Message Passing Interface – standard used to create parallel applications • NLFFF: Non-linear force-free field – method of extrapolating magnetic fields • NGS: National Grid Service – high performance computational facilities for UK researchers 25 September 2007 eSDO and the VO, ADAss 2007 Elizabeth Auden

  9. Download Algorithmshttp://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/SDO/FinalDeliverables 25 September 2007 eSDO and the VO, ADAss 2007 Elizabeth Auden

  10. eSDO Streaming Tool • Explore AIA and HMI image data with on-the-fly animations • Find the “Interesting bits” in a large dataset • Zoom in and out to examine solar detail • Animate image stream to view evolution of solar behaviour • Server side functionality: no need to download data to local machine • AstroGrid integration • Search for solar data available through STAP1 services • Save movies, FITS files, and images to MySpace 1STAP – Simple Time Access Protocol web services; generic API for searching by start and end times. 25 September 2007 eSDO and the VO, ADAss 2007 Elizabeth Auden

  11. Visualization tool What you get: Java-based web tool (Tomcat .war file) to query VO solar instruments, create / save movies and images on-the-fly. Data browser (not analysis). Pan and zoom images while movie plays. Download beta code now; final releases 1 Oct. 2007 • staptv-1.0-beta.war: Tomcat .war file • Streamingtool_1.0_beta_src.zip: Eclipse java project source code 25 September 2007 eSDO and the VO, ADAss 2007 Elizabeth Auden

  12. Streaming Tool 25 September 2007 eSDO and the VO, ADAss 2007 Elizabeth Auden

  13. Try eSDO Software • You can try: • Algorithms with the AstroGrid workbench “Task Launcher” • Streaming Tool on the eSDO server Links to software, documentation, and test data: http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/SDO/TryOurSoftware Stay tuned for SDO launch in early 2009! 25 September 2007 eSDO and the VO, ADAss 2007 Elizabeth Auden

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