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Welcome to University Teacher Training Course, Aalborg University 28.10.10 Lone Krogh ( lkr@learning.aau.dk ). Programme. 09.30 Welcome and p articipant presentations The structure and activities of the whole course 10.00 Break
Welcome to University Teacher Training Course, Aalborg University 28.10.10Lone Krogh (lkr@learning.aau.dk)
Programme 09.30 Welcome and participant presentations The structure and activities of the whole course 10.00 Break 10.15 Principles for ‘good’ teaching and learning. Students backgrounds and study behaviour – Presentation and discussions How can we develop, plan and conduct ‘excellent and effective’ teaching. Possibilities and challenges. – Presentation, dialogue and discussions 12.00 Lunch in the canteen, Fibigerstræde 15 12.40 Program continues…. Introduction to working with teaching portfolio. Presentation, dialogue and discussions. Introduction to the supervision during the course 14.15 Break 14.30 – 15.30 All participants meet in study groups. Discussions, planning of the readings and work with the teaching portfolio during autumn
Themes for the first introduction Background for the teacher training course Structure and activities at the course Thoughts and pedagogy behind organisation and teaching forms Action
Formal basis for teacher training courses in Denmark were defined "The institution must ensure that during the contracted employment term (the assistant professor) is given responsibility for teaching activities, and must provide teacher education supervision and advising to such an extent that a written evaluation of the qualifications can be provided upon completion of employment term.” “Circular on employment structure (Cirkulære om stillingsstruktur) for higher education institutions under the Danish Ministry of Research and Technology, September 2000) (1993 and 1997).Latest revision, June 2007
First group discussion (10 minutes) • 2 and 2 together • Please, think and talk about: what do I want to know/to learn/be better at in relation to my teaching by attending the teacher training course? • Write it down on the paper – and please give it to me with your name on
Background for staff development for university teachers In Denmark a university teacher is traditionally thought of as a researcher, who is teaching BUT University teacher ’competence profile’ • Scientific qualifications • Other professional qualifications • Pedagogic and teaching qualifications • Qualifications related to communication and presentation • Qualifications in relation to management and administration • Personal qualifications (Handal, 2002)
Further insight into and understanding of teaching and learning theories, related to personal teaching practice Become better at developing, planning and carrying out suitable teaching and learning activities in relation to general and specific teaching objectives, the subject(s), the context and students’ background Become more familiar with learning theories and learn to identify better students’ learning needs and to initiate learning processes among a variety of students, both individually and in groups Become more familiar with a variety of pedagogic tools and methods, including ICT supported teaching and learning, in order to apply the appropriate tools in relation to different target groups Strengthen the insight into problem based project work and the role of the supervisor, in order to realize the potential of PBL in initiating and supporting the students’ group processes Learning objectives for the course.The assistant professor should obtain the following based on their knowledge and experiences
Objectives (continued) Gain further knowledge and understanding of evaluation as a developmental and guiding tool, in order to evaluate teaching programmes, to assess the progress of the students, and consequently to be able to develop and improve teaching practises Get experiences in working systematically and analytically with the teaching portfolio and with self-assessment Become inspired to continuously working with development and improvement of teaching activities, with a view to different student groups, conditions and environments.
So….. The overall aims for you as participants are to develop into theoretically reflecting individuals practicing teaching and supervision With increasing awareness of the various roles and demands awareness of your ressources and potentialsto solve the different tasks in a professional way
Themes in focus during the course(acquired by readings, portfolio work, workshops, observation/supervision) The context for teaching at Danish Universities The professional university teacher role Students’ preconditions, resources, learning and competence development Problem based project work and supervision Teaching methods and evaluation/assessment methods Virtual learning forms and learning enviroments Supervision and reflection
Intentions of course The structure and pedagogy will, in an exemplary way, offer the opportunity for the participants to work with development and enhancement at various levels and backgrounds and You will reach the goal differently
Learning happens in interaction between Emotional aspects Cognition (brainwork) Knowledge Skills Understanding Meaning Feelings - Personal Engagement a.s.o. Interaction Social aspects Collaboration Communication Feedback (colleagues) Illeris, 2007
Pedagogical principles for the course Awarness of participant diversity (you start and end in various ways) – Development is expected! Focus on teaching and project supervision practice and the questions you ask your self in relation to this Learning happens in action and interaction together with supervisors and/or colleagues in the study-groups Theories about teaching and learning are integrated when necessary Supervision and guidance by (experienced supervisors and/or colleagues (peers) Self-evaluation, analyses, reflections on teaching and project supervision practice and documentation by Use of teaching portfolio
Learning methods applied during the course Seminars and workshops with use of presentations and discussions Readings in study groups Teaching portfolio Observation – supervision and support Peer observation (members in the study group) Evaluation statement from supervisors
Structure/activities The course comprises a work load of 175 work hours ~ 7 ECTS Duration: 14 months (October 2010 – February 2012) Four blocs/3 modules Workshops Work with individual teaching-portfolio through-out the course Study groups (readings, discussions and reflections, feedback on the working with teaching-portfolio) Each participant is assigned two supervisors (One, appointed by course leader and one, a senior faculty member from participants department, appointed by the head of department). Evaluation-statement from the supervisors Course certificate Communication to and from AAU Learning Lab by e-mail and the homepage
Module descriptions Module 1: Teaching portfolio (3 ECTS) • The assistant professor acquires fundamental knowledge and understanding of the teaching portfolio as a tool for reflections and documentation of the development and improvement of teaching and project supervision competences. Furthermore, the goal is that the assistant professor will be able to use the portfolio tool together with ordinary students, taking into consideration his or her knowledge and experiences from using the portfolio. The module continues during the entire course. Module 2: University pedagogy – didactic and learning (2 ECTS) • The module focuses on university pedagogy, didactics and learning. The assistant professors study theory, analyze their teaching practice and acquire new knowledge about their personal teaching and project supervision practice as basis for further development. Module 2 mainly takes place in Bloc 1 and 3.
Module 3. Teaching- and project supervision practice. Theory and methods. (2 ECTS) • Participants work with development and improvement of their teaching practice – based on acquired knowledge about pedagogy, didactics and students learning processes. Furthermore, participants work with analyzing their teaching practice while receiving supervision from supervisors. Module 3 takes place in bloc 2 and 4.
The teacing portfolio – a cornerstone during the teacher training course
The work process for participants Teaching portfolio: Descriptions/ reflections Colleague supervision and guidance Self studies/ Study groups Teaching and pro- ject supervision PRACTICE Participation in workshops Peer- supervision
Supervision and guidance (from February 2011) The pedagogic supervisor acts as contact person for the Ass. Professors throughout the course The department-supervisor represents the participant’s professional enviroments The study group members study theories and provide ongoing mutual support and supervision to each other (peer)supervision – a more symmetrical egalitarian co-operative relationship)
Study-groups Readings are discussed in the study-groups Suggestions for work process: Distribute the articles among the members of the group The individual present the studied material to the group-members The presentations are followed up by discussions and reflections, related to the practices of teaching and ’vejledning’
Second group discussion (4 in each group) 15 minutes Which are, in your opinion, the geatest challenges for university teaching to day? NB: You are alle responsible for that everyone in the group gets the opportunity to speak. It means that you have to talk, to listen and to take notes. The notes must be summarized and written as statements on the flipover paper for presentation. (max. 5 statements from each group)
Challenges for university teaching in Denmark? More focus on teaching at Danish universities from the Society Relevance, Effectiveness, transparency and Quality in teaching and learning cost-benefit Globalisation Denmark is a knowledge society Focus on competences/learning outcome: Employability – mobility and lifelong learning (The Bologna Declaration) Students diversity - (age-culture-gender) and expectations
Focus is supported by National and international evaluations e.g. the Danish Evaluation Institute (EVA) and the OECD, 2004 The Bologna Process (harmonising, transparancy) Statements from the Danish Ministry of Science, Education and Innovation - 2006 The Globalisation Council - 2006
Some consequenses for universities and staff New reforms and educational programmes/flexibility/transparency Long distance education and learning programmes Subjects, disciplines and knowledge are to be discussed continuiously New teaching forms with much more involvement of students in teaching and learning processses (making them more responsible and supporting their motivation)
Challenges (two fold) The academic teachers have to be professional in doing research and in teaching – and in many other things…AND The university has to create an organisation that supports the teachers in working professionally
Planned workshops (so far) in Bloc 1, 2 and 3 27. October 2009 (all day). Generel introduction in danish 28. October 2009 (all day). General introduction in english. Starting the study group work 5. April 2011 (all day). Training of body and voice by Dean Gunnar Horn, Agder Universitet, Kristiansand (in English ) April/May(half day) ICT-supported teaching and learning (in English) 25. August 2010 (1 day)). Teaching – feedback – reflections. Prof. Phil Race, Leeds Metropolitan University and Lone Krogh (Dates for workshop in Bloc 4 (Autumn 2011 will be announced during Spring 2011) But there will be 2 workshops, one about evaluation and assessment and one about Project pedagogy and the role of the supervisor
Contact and information Lone Krogh, courseleader – lkr@learning.aau.dk – tlf. 9940 8007 Tina Jessen, secretary -tj@learning.aau.dk-tlf. 9940 9960
Information All documents concerning the course are made available at: http://www.learninglab.aau.dk/index.php?id=9148 The documents may be guidelines, programmes for workshops, articles, presentations from workshops, etc. - Participants will be notified by e-mail whenever new documents are available. We keep in touch by e-mail, so please remember to advise the secretary, if you change your e-mail address
Reflection ”A university which fails in doing ’imaginatively imparting information’ in university teaching has no reason for existence. This atmosphere of excitement, arising from imaginative consideration, transforms knowledge. A fact is no longer a bare fact: it is invested with all its possibilities. It is no longer af burden on the memory: it is energising as the poet of our dreams, and as the architect of our purposes. Imagination…..enables men to construct an intellectual vision of a new world, and it preserves the zest of life by the suggestion of satisfying purposes.”(Whitehead, 1929. p. 139) (Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947), British mathematician, logician and and philosopher)