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This article provides an overview of elliptical and spiral galaxies, including their classification, scaling relations, central black holes, luminosity functions, and spectra. It also explains the concepts of color, metallicity, and magnitudes in galaxies.

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  1. Galaxies • Introduction • Elliptical galaxies • Spiral galaxies • Scaling relations • Central black holes • Luminosity functions • Spectra

  2. Introduction Classification:the Hubble sequence spirals ellipticals lenticulars barred spirals

  3. Introduction - 2 • The Hubble classification is morphological and influenced by projection effects (2D view, not 3D) • Elliptical galaxies belong to classes En (n = 0,…,7) where b a • Ellipticity is not necessarily an intrinsic property of the galaxy (a cigar or a disk could be classified E0, depending on the viewing angle)

  4. Introduction - 3 • Spiral galaxies are classified Sa, Sb, Sc, Sd depending on the importance of the bulge with respect to the disk and the characteristics of the arms • Intermediate classes (Sab, Sbc, Scd) are also introduced • Barred spirals have a similar classification: SBa, SBab, SBb,… • Galaxies not fitting in that scheme are classified irregulars

  5. Introduction - 4 Mass / luminosity ratio (ϒorY) • Generally given in solar units → Y = 1 for the Sun • Depends on the spectral band (ex: YV = M/LV) • Extrapolated to bolometric luminosity using spectral models • Applies to stars, star clusters, galaxies, galaxy clusters • Ex: massive stars: Y < 1 gas-rich spiral galaxies: Y ~ 1 – 10 elliptical galaxies: Y ~ 10 – 100 galaxy clusters: Y ~ 300 Why Y > 1 in most galaxies ?

  6. Introduction - 5 • Most massive stars (→ most luminous) evolve faster (M ≈ ct but L decreases) → Y increases when galaxy ages (and mostly when star formation slows down) • Hot stars ionizegasaroundthem (Hiiregions, high L for verylowM) → reinforce the variation of Y with age • Stellar remnants have a very high Y • and dark matter an infinite Y…

  7. Introduction - 6 Color • The color of an object is measured by a color index (ex: B–R = mB – mR) • After correction for dust reddining (if necessary), it is an intrinsic property of the object B R • An object with a large color index is called red, an object with a low (or negative) color index, blue red object blue objects

  8. Introduction - 7 Metallicity • Content in elements from carbon and heavier • Iron is often considered representative • Applies to stars, interstellar matter, galaxies • Depends on the chemical history of matter (previous stellar generations) → generally not homogeneous in a galaxy • Higher metallicity → redder object (since more absorption lines in the blue)

  9. Introduction - 8 Magnitudes • For a point-like object: • For an extended object: – either one measures the integrated magnitude – either one measure the magnitude per unit of solid angle where Isurf is the flux received per unit solid angle (μin mag/arcsec2)

  10. Introduction - 9 Virial theorem • For an isolated system in dynamical equilibrium: 2 EK + EP = 0 (in absolute value, kinetic energy = ½ potential energy) • Estimate of the mass of a cluster (of galaxies): R = mean distance between 2 galaxies → EP ~ −GM2/2R (*) V = mean velocity of galaxies → EK ~ ½ MV2 (* /2 in order not to count twice the energy associated to a pair of galaxies)

  11. Elliptical galaxies (early-type galaxies) Sub-types – gE (giant elliptical) – E (elliptical) – cE (compact elliptical) – dE (dwarf elliptical) (surface brightness of dE lower than cE) ESO 325−G004 (gE) NGC 205 (dE) M 32 (cE)

  12. Elliptical galaxies - 2 – cD galaxies: supergiant ellipticals (c) with extended halo → appear diffuse (D) located at the center of some rich clusters Image: NGC 3311 (cD) and NGC 3309 (gE) at the center of Hydra I cluster Note the presence of thousands of globular clusters around these galaxies

  13. Elliptical galaxies - 3 – S0 galaxies: lenticulars (intermediate between spirals and ellipticals) ≈ spirals without spiral arms Image: NGC 2784

  14. Elliptical galaxies - 4 – dSph galaxies: dwarf spheroidals, very low surface brightness → observable only in the local group (maybe the most frequent galaxies, but very hard to observe) Image: NGC 147

  15. Elliptical galaxies - 5 Luminosity profile • The surface brightness decreases from the center to the outskirts according to a simple empirical law (de Vaucouleurs law): or: (r1/4 law) Re = effective radius (contains half the emitted light) Ie = surface brightness at the effective radius

  16. Elliptical galaxies - 6 • For cD galaxies, there is an excess brightness at large radii compared to the r1/4 profile → cD ≈ gE + extended luminous halo • The extended halos of the cD galaxies could be the remains of many small galaxies `swallowed´ by the giant elliptical • The de Vaucouleurs law can be generalized to elliptical isophotes where ae and be are the major and minor semi axes

  17. Elliptical galaxies - 7 Composition • old stars, little gas → no more star formation • sometimes dust bands (remains from absorbed spirals?) Centaurus A NGC 7049

  18. Elliptical galaxies - 8 Ellipticity • Why have ellptical galaxies kept their shape and did not all become spherical? • Rotation as in spirals? • Rotation flattening significant if vrot ~ σv where However, vrot<<σv + triaxial galaxies → rotation can not explain the observed ellipticity → shape is a testimony of history The center of the Virgo cluster

  19. Elliptical galaxies - 9 Stability of the ellipsoidal shape • Collisions between stars tend to increase the symmetry of the system • The time needed for this `relaxation´ can be estimated by: trelax = characteristic time for direction change due to collisions tcross = crossing time of the system N = number of stars in the system • With tcross ~ 108 years and N ~ 1012 → trelax ~ 1018 years >> age of the Universe → ellipsoid is stable

  20. Elliptical galaxies - 10 Departures from ellipsoidal shape • Generally: isophotes ≈ concentric ellipses • But: − ellipticity ε not always constant with radius − major axis orientation may vary: isophote twisting • Twisting can be a projection effect if ε varies (apparent direction of major axis seems to vary more if ε→ 0)

  21. Elliptical galaxies - 11 Shells and waves • Complex structures sometimes visible at low surface brightness • Signs of complex evolution, probably linked to merging of galaxies Image: NGC 474

  22. Spiral galaxies (late-type galaxies) Sub-types – spirals: Sa, Sb, Sc, Sd (+ intermediates Sab, Sbc, Scd) – barred spirals: SBa, SBb… (+ intermediates SBab, SBbc…) M74 NGC1365

  23. Spiral galaxies - 2 • Sub-classes a, b, c correspond to differences in: bulge θ arm • Barred spirals (± as numerous as spirals) have a similar classification

  24. Spiral galaxies - 3 Sa M 104 « Sombrero »

  25. Spiral galaxies - 4 Sab Sb M 81 M 63

  26. Spiral galaxies - 5 Sbc Sc / Sd NGC 3184 NGC 300

  27. Spiral galaxies - 6 SBb SBb M91 M 95

  28. Spiral galaxies - 7 SBbc SBc NGC 1300 M 109

  29. Spiral galaxies - 8 `intermediate´ (embryo of a bar) M 83

  30. Spiral galaxies - 9 Luminosity profile • The (mean) surface brightness of the disk decreases with distance from the center according to an exponential law: or: • μ0not directly measurable (center inside the bulge) → extrapolation • μ0 nearly constant in `normal´ galaxies: (Freeman law) • The surface brightness of the bulge follows the same law as elliptical galaxies

  31. Spiral galaxies - 10 Rotation curves • If the galaxy is not seen face-on: where i = inclination (angle between the galactic plane and the plane of the sky) • vrad measured by spectroscopy (Doppler effect) • i determined by assuming that the disk is circular (apart from spiral arms…)

  32. Spiral galaxies - 11 • The rotation velocity in the outer parts is too high for the estimated mass (stars + interstellar matter) → one postulates the existence of a dark matter halo

  33. Spiral galaxies - 12 • Modelling: one assumes circular orbits in the disk (+ spherical halo) where M(R) = mass included inside the radius R One estimates the amount of `normal´ (luminous) matter Mlum from L(R) and an estimated M/L ratio → gives a predicted rotation curve → the amount of dark matter Mdark is what we need to add to explain the rotation curve:

  34. Spiral galaxies - 13 • The different components are modelled separately (disk, bulge, halo, central black hole) R z r The gravitational potential F(R) is defined by Parameters Mdisk, a, ρ0, R0… are adjusted to fit the observations

  35. Spiral galaxies - 14 Composition 1. Stars: Later type → more young stars → more massive stars → bluer color (In agreement with the reduced importance of the bulge, redder and containing older stars) NGC 300 M 81

  36. Spiral galaxies - 15 2. Gas: Later type → larger proportion of gas (necessary for star formation) 3. Dust: Mass of dust ~1% mass of gas If dust heated by hot stars → emission in far IR (FIR) → mainly in late-type spirals M104 in false colors: blue = visible (HST) red = FIR (Spitzer)

  37. Spiral galaxies - 16 Structure 1. Spiral arms: Higher contrast in blue but arms also seen in red → imply all components of disk but excess of young stars Density waves (amplitude ~10 – 20%) that propagate at a speed different from that of matter Perturbation amplified by dynamic evolution Various theories to explain their appearance: chaotic phenomenon, tidal effect from a companion, triggering of star formation by differential rotation…

  38. Spiral galaxies - 17 2. Bar: Stable over several rotation periods Triggered by instability in the disk NGC 6050 and IC 1179

  39. Scaling relations Scaling relation = • relation between several characteristic properties of a class of objects • determined empirically in the nearby Universe • that can be applied to remote objects for which the determination of one of these properties would necessitate the knowledge of distance Ex: → allows to estimate the distance of these remote objects δv L depends on d independent of d

  40. Scaling relations - 2 Tully – Fisher relation (spiral galaxies) vmax = maximum rotation velocity (in the `plateau´ – measured e.g. by the 21cm H line) L = integrated luminosity α = exponent varying with wavelength (α increases with λ) • nearbygalaxies: spatially resolved spectrum • remote galaxies: integrated spectum W

  41. Scaling relations - 3 Interpretation:

  42. Scaling relations - 4 Interpretation (2): Since L is roughly proportional to M*, Tully-Fisher links M* and v4 However, in some galaxies (less massive ones, which have the lowest star formation rate), Mgas should be taken into account One gets indeed a better correlation between log vmax and log(Mdisk= M*+Mgas)than with M* alone → suggests that the M/L ratio (and thus the fraction of dark matter) is ± constant in a large range of galactic masses (disk-halo conspiracy) Mdisk M*

  43. Scaling relations - 5 Faber – Jackson relation (elliptical galaxies) σ0 = velocity dispersion in the center of the galaxy L = integrated luminosity Dispersion around the relation larger than for Tully-Fisher → suggests that (at least) another parameter plays a role

  44. Scaling relations - 6 Fundamental plane (elliptical galaxies) • One seeks a relation between 3 parameters in order to reduce the dispersion • It is empirically found that where Re= effective radius (contains half of the luminous flux) and = mean flux inside Re → suggests to seek a relation between , Re et σ0

  45. Scaling relations - 7 I

  46. Central black holes Black hole = solution of the general relativity equations for a `point mass´ • escape speed vesc: • Schwarzschild radius: RS = R for vesc = c • black hole = object for which R < RS • all sufficiently massive galaxies seem to contain a central supermassive black hole (SMBH, M ~ 105 – 109 MO)

  47. Central black holes - 2 Detection in inactive galaxies • Dynamical effect can be measured in a region where black hole (BH) potential dominates R0 = radius of the sphere in which the black hole potential dominates σ0 = velocity dispersion at the center of the (elliptical) galaxy or of the bulge (in a spiral) • Angular resolution needed: → possible in nearby galaxies with the best instruments

  48. Central black holes - 3 • Increase of velocity dispersion σor of the rotation velocity vrot in the central region (R < R0) • No direct proof that it is due to a black hole but no alternative solution (huge mass in a limited volume) spectrum x image of the galactic center spectrograph slit λ

  49. Central black holes - 4 Correlations • Estimates of the SMBH mass in a sample of galaxies → study of correlations with galactic properties → one observes a correlation between the mass of the black hole and the mass of the bulge: MSMBH / Mbulge ~ 0.002 → joint evolution? or result of galactic mergers?

  50. Central black holes - 5 Sagittarius A* • At the center of our Galaxy: compact star cluster centered on the radio source SgrA* • The proper motions and radial velocities of ~1000 stars in that cluster could be measured (inside 10 arcseconds around SgrA*) → imply the presence of a mass M = (3.6±0.4) 106 MO in R < 0.01 pc (2000 AU) centered on SgrA*

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