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Distributed Algorithmic Mechanism Design for Network Problems. Rahul Sami. Ph.D. Dissertation Defense. Advisor: Joan Feigenbaum. Committee: Ravindran Kannan Arvind Krishnamurthy Scott Shenker (ICSI & Berkeley).
Distributed Algorithmic Mechanism Design for Network Problems Rahul Sami Ph.D. Dissertation Defense Advisor: Joan Feigenbaum Committee: Ravindran Kannan Arvind Krishnamurthy Scott Shenker (ICSI & Berkeley)
Mechanism Design Framework Private “types” Strategies Mechanism t1 a1 p1 Agent 1 Output O tn an pn Agent n Payments Agent i chooses strategy aito maximize her welfare.
Strategyproof Mechanisms Strategyproof mechanism: Regardless of what other agents do, each agent i maximizes her welfare by revealing her true private type information ti. Group-strategyproof mechanism: Even if agents can collude, no group of agents can benefit from not revealing their true types– regardless of the strategies of non-members, any strategy that makes one group member strictly better off would make at least one group member strictly worse off.
Algorithmic Mechanism Design Algorithmic Mechanism Design (Nisan-Ronen ’01): • Introduced computational efficiency into mechanism-design framework. Polynomial-time computable O( ) and pi( ) Centralized model of computation Distributed AMD (Feigenbaum-Papadimitriou-Shenker ’01) Computation is distributed across the network. • “Good network complexity”: −Polynomial-time local computation −Modest in total number of messages, messages per link, and maximum message size
Thesis Statement “The distributed-computing context can have a major impact on the feasibility of a mechanism.” Thesis supported with results on • Multicast Cost-Sharing • Interdomain Routing
Multicast Cost SharingMechanism-design Problem Receiver Set Source Which usersreceive the multicast? 3 3 1,2 3,0 1 5 5 2 Cost Shares How much does each receiver pay? 10 6,7 1,2 Users’ utilities Link costs
Earlier Work on Multicast Cost Sharing Moulin and Shenker ‘01 Two mechanisms: • Efficient: marginal cost (MC) • Budget-balanced: Shapleyvalue (SH) Feigenbaum, Papadimitriou and Shenker ‘01 • Distributed algorithm for MC with good network complexity • Restricted lower bound on network complexity of SH
Multicast Cost-Sharing Results (1) [ Feigenbaum-Krishnamurthy-Sami-Shenker. To appear in Theoretical Computer Science. Extended abstract appeared in FSTTCS ’02. ] • Any deterministic or randomized algorithm for any exactly budget-balancedgroup-strategyproof mechanism must send (n) bits on a single link in the worst case, where n is the number of users. • Any algorithm to compute a κ-approximately budget-balanced group-strategyproof mechanism, for κ< 2, must send (log n / log κ) bits on a single link in the worst case. • There is no mechanism that is strategyproof, approximately budget-balanced, and approximately efficient.
Multicast Cost-Sharing Results (2) [ Archer-Feigenbaum-Krishnamurthy-Sami-Shenker, to appear in Games and Economic Behavior. ] Constructed a mechanism SSF (Scaled Step-Function) that is • Group-strategyproof • Network complexity: log n ( ) O values communicated on a link log κ Revenue 1 1 • Budget-deficit bound: Cost κh • Efficiency bound: Eff.(SSF) Eff.(SH) – (κh-1)U κ> 1 controls trade-off of computational goalsvs.economic goals.
UUNET Qwest WorldNet Sprint Mechanism Design for Interdomain Routing Agents: Autonomous Systems (ASs) Two formulations: Lowest-cost Routing General Policy Routing Routes currently computed with the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).
Agents’ types: Per-packet costs {ck} Outputs: {route(i, j)} Lowest-Cost Routing Payments: {pk} Objectives: Lowest-cost paths (LCPs) Strategyproofness “BGP-based” distributed algorithm Prior work: [Nisan-Ronen ’01]: Links (not nodes) are strategic agents. Strategyproof mechanism for single source-destination pair. Polynomial-time centralized computation. [Hershberger-Suri ’01]: Faster payment computation for Nisan-Ronen mechanism.
Lowest-Cost Routing Results [ Feigenbaum-Papadimitriou-Sami-Shenker, PODC ‘02]: • For a biconnected network, if LCP routes are always chosen, there is a unique strategyproof mechanism that gives no payment to nodes that carry no transit traffic. • Prices required by this mechanism can be computed by a “BGP-based” algorithm with routing tables of size O(nd) (a constant factor increase over BGP) and convergence time at most max(d,d’) stages of computation, where d = maxi,j(#hops in LCP from i to j ) d’ = maxi,j,k(# hops in lowest-cost i-j path not using k )
General Policy-Routing Mechanism Design Problem Per-packet ck is an unrealistic cost model. • AS route preferences are influenced by reliability, customer-provider relationships, etc. General Policy Routing: − For all i,j , AS i assigns avalue ui(Pij)to each potentialroute Pij. − Mechanism-Design Goals: • Maximize W = ui(Pij). • For each destination j, {Pij} forms a tree. • Strategyproofness • BGP-based distributed algorithm i,j
Policy-Routing Results [ Feigenbaum-Griffin-Ramachandran-Sami-Shenker ]: Arbitrary valuation functions ui(Pij) • NP-hard to find routing tree that maximizes W. • NP-hard even to approximate maximum W within O(n1/4 - ). Next-hop preferences: ui(Pij)depends only on next-hop ASa. • Captures preferences due to customer/provider/peer agreements. • There is a unique strategyproof mechanism that maximizes W and does not pay non-transit nodes. • This mechanism is polynomial-time computable (in a centralized model). • BGP-based distributed algorithm is infeasible: • May take (n) stages to converge. • May require (n) messages for every preference change.
Other Research done at Yale Theoretical Computer Science [ Feigenbaum-Fortnow-Pennock-Sami, EC ‘03]: Computation in a Distributed Information Market [ Batu-Ergun-Kilian-Magen-Rubinfeld-Raskhodnikova-Sami, STOC ‘03]: A Sublinear Algorithm for Weakly Approximating Edit Distance Computer Architecture [ Henry-Kuszmaul-Loh-Sami, ISCA ‘00]: Circuits for Wide-Window Superscalar Processors [ Henry-Loh-Sami, ISHPC ‘02]: Speculative Clustered Caches for Clustered Processors [ Loh-Sami-Friendly, WDDD ‘02]: Memory Bypassing: Not Worth the Effort
General Policy-Routing Problem Statement Consider each destination j separately. Each AS i assigns avalue ui(Pij)to each potentialroute Pij. a j i b d Mechanism-design goals: • Maximize W = u i(Pij). • For each destination j, {Pij} forms a tree. • Strategyproofness • BGP-based distributed algorithm i
NP-Hardness with Arbitrary Valuations Approximability-preserving reduction from Independent-set problem: j f b e2 e2 e2 a f b a e1 e1 e1 e2 b e1 ta tb tf Paths from terminals ta, tb, tf have valuation 1, all other paths 0. NP-hard to compute maximumWexactly. NP-hard to compute O(n1/4 - ) approximation to maximumW.
Next-Hop Preferences • ui(Pij)depends only on next-hop ASa. • Captures preferences due to customer/provider/peer agreements. For each destination j , optimal routing tree is a Maximum-weight Directed Spanning Tree (MDST): a Edge weight = ui([i a … j]) c i j b
Strategyproof Mechanism Let T* = Maximum weight directed spanning tree (MDST) in G T-i = MDST in G – {i} • For 2-connected networks, there is a unique strategyproof mechanism that always picks a welfare-maximizing routing tree and never pays non-transit nodes. The payments required for this mechanism are pi = W(T*) – ui(T*) – W(T-i ) • Routes and payments can be computed in polynomial time (in a centralized computational model.)
BGP-based Computational Model (1) Follow abstract BGP model of Griffin and Wilfong: Network is a graph with nodes corresponding to ASes and bidirectional links; intradomain-routing issues and route aggregation are ignored. Each AS has a routing table with LCPs to all other nodes: Cost/Pref. AS Path Dest. AS1 AS3 AS5 AS1 3 AS2 AS7 AS2 2 Entire paths are stored, not just next hop.
Advertise modified routes Receive routes from neighbors Update routing table BGP-based Computational Model (2) • An AS “advertises” its routes to its neighbors in the AS graph, whenever its routing table changes. • The computation of a single node is an infinite sequence of stages: • Complexity measures: − Number of stages required for convergence − Total communication
Proving Hardness for “BGP-based” Routing Algorithms Requirements for routing to any destination j : [P1] Each AS uses O(l) space for a route of lengthl. [P2] The routes converge in O(log n) stages. [P3] Most changes should not have to be broadcast to most nodes: i.e., there are o(n) nodes that can trigger (n) updates when they fail or change valuation. Hardness results must hold: • For “Internet-like” graphs: O(1) average degree O(log n) diameter • For an open set of preference values in a small range.
Long Convergence Time of MDST Theorem 1: An algorithm for MDST mechanism cannot satisfy property [P2]. Proof sketch: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 • Network has diameter O(log n), but MDST has a path of length (n). • BGP routes in a hop-by-hop manner (n) stages required for convergence.
Extensive Dynamic Communication Theorem 2: A distributed algorithm for the MDST mechanism cannot satisfy property [P3]. Proof outline: (i) Construct a network and valuations such that for (n) nodes i, T-i is disjoint from the MDST T*. • A change in the valuation of any node a may change pi = W(T*) – ui(T*) – W(T-i). (iii) Node i (or whichever node stores pi) must receive an update when this change happens. (n) nodes can each trigger (n) update messages.
L- 2k -1 B R B R L- 2k -1 k-cluster k-cluster (k+1)-cluster Network Construction (1) (a) Construct 1-cluster with two nodes: L-1 red port blue port L 2 log n + 4 B R L-1 1-cluster (b) Recursively construct (k+1)-clusters: red port blue port
5 7 9 9 9 9 B R B B R R B R 9 9 9 9 7 7 5 3 2 j Network Construction (2) (c) Top level: m-cluster with n = 2m + 1 nodes. blue port red port B R m-cluster L- 2m -1 L- 2m -2 j Destination Final network (m = 3):
Optimal Spanning Trees Lemma: W(blue tree) = W(red tree) + 1 W(any other sp.tree) + 2 Proof: If a directed spanning tree has red and blue edges, we can increase its weight by at least 2: L- 2k -3 L- 2k -3 B R k-cluster k-cluster (k+1)-cluster L- 2k -1 L- 2k -3 B B k-cluster k-cluster (k+1)-cluster
5 7 9 9 9 9 B R B B R R B R 9 9 9 9 7 7 5 3 2 j Proof of Theorem 2 MDST T* is the blue spanning tree. For any blue nodeB, T-B is the red spanning tree on N–{B}. A small change in any edge, red or blue, changes pB = W(T*) – uB(T*) – W(T-B) Any change triggers update messages to all blue nodes!
Summary Dissertation shows that the distributed-computing context can have a major impact on mechanism design. Multicast cost-sharing • Budget-balanced, group-strategyproof mechanisms are hard. • Tractable mechanism with bounded budget deficit. Interdomain routing • Lowest-cost routing mechanism is easy in BGP-based computational model. • Next-hop policy routing mechanism is hard in BGP-based computational model.
Some Open Questions.. • Multicast cost-sharing: Can we achieve constant-factor approximate budget-balance with O(log n) messages per link? • Routing: Can we prevent strategy in computation without digital signatures? • General: • New solution concepts • Other problem domains (caching, wireless, ...)