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EXPANDING FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA!. TOM Texas, Oregon, and the Mexican Cession. Texas: The Lone Star Republic 1836-1845. Americans Move to Texas, 1820s Steven Austin Mexican independence from Spain Requirements for American immigrants Texan Independence, 1836 Slave issue

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EXPANDING FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA! TOM Texas, Oregon, and the Mexican Cession

  2. Texas: The Lone Star Republic1836-1845 • Americans Move to Texas, 1820s • Steven Austin • Mexican independence from Spain • Requirements for American immigrants • Texan Independence, 1836 • Slave issue • Treaties with England, France, and Holland • The Alamo • Battle of San Jacinto • Texas Joins the Union, 1845 • Joint Concession from Congress • Tyler

  3. Oregon Territory, 1846 • Various Claims on Territory • Spain, Russia, England, U.S. • Joint Treaty, 1819 • Oregon Territory • Settled at the 49th • “Possession is 9/10ths of the Law” (Anzy) • Marcus Whitman • Oregon Trail • Willamette Valley

  4. THE WAR WITH MEXICO, 1846-1848 • Boundary dispute with Mexico • Texan Independence still in dispute • Rio Grande vs. The Nueces • John Slidell Mission • Highlights of War • “Mr. Polk’s War” • Zachary Taylor • “Spot Resolutions” • 3 – Pronged Attack • Fremont and Kearny, Santa Fe and California • Taylor, Buena Vista • Winfield Scott, Mexico City

  5. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, February, 1848 • Nicholas Trist • Recalled to Washington by Polk • Bribe to Santa Anna • Mexican Cession • Largest land acquisition ever! • “Colossus of the North” • Wilmot Proviso • Slavery in the Mexican Cession?

  6. COMPROMISE OF 1850or…PopFact • Mexican Cession • More acquisition of territory • Wilmot Proviso • Cuba? • Stipulations • Pop: Popular Sovereignty • Lewis Cass • F: Fugitive Slave Law • a: Abolition of Slave Trade in D.C. • c: CALIFORNIA! • t: Texas, disputed territory

  7. Election of 1848 • Whigs versus Democrats • Taylor vs. Van Buren • Free Soil Party • Cass • Wilmot Proviso • “Free soil, free speech, free men!” • Precursor to the Republican Party of the 1850s • California Gold Rush! • Sutter’s Mill • Fastest state in the Union!

  8. Ramifications of the Compromise of 1850 • Personal Liberty Laws • Prigg v. Pennsylvania, 1842 • Ableman v. Booth, 1859 • Underground Railroad • “Bleeding Kansas” • Popular Sovereignty • Lawrence Kansas, 1854 • Pottawatomie Massacre • “Fire Eaters” • Southerners for succession • California applies for admission • Seventh of March Speech, Webster

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