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Istituto Statale ‘ISABELLA GONZAGA’, Chieti Liceo Linguistico Seminar The Language of Tourist Discourse Prof.ssa Marisa D i Lello March 15 th 2014. The Language of tourism Goal
Istituto Statale ‘ISABELLA GONZAGA’, Chieti Liceo Linguistico Seminar The LanguageofTouristDiscourse Prof.ssa Marisa Di Lello March 15th 2014
The Languageoftourism • Goal Its objective is to promote, inform and communicate the value of tourist attractions, attract, and convince the greatest number of tourists. “persuade, lure, woo, and seduce millionsofhumanbeings, and, in so doing, convertthemfrompotentialintoactualclients” (G.Dann) • Requirements Simplicity, precision, accuracy, clarity, accessibility and usability
Multiplicityof ‘labels’ In the English-speaking world: • J.RFirth: English forTourismisincludedamong the “restrictedlanguages”. They are designated as LSP (Languages for Specific Purposes) or more specifically (ESP English for Specific Purposes). In Italy: • De Mauro: ‘scientific language’ • Berruto, Cortellazzo, Sobrero: ‘special language’ • Gotti: ‘specialized language’
Gotti “Specialized languages are defined as those subsystems of the common language that are used in professional, technical or scientific fields for descriptive or communicative purposes ." The language of tourism is therefore included among the special languages because: • is a 'subsystem of the common language', • makes use of own lexical and morpho-syntactic rules and own textual structures, • is used in a 'particular professional field' ‘for descriptive or communicative purposes' by both experts and the general public.
Balboni observes that the language of tourism is to be seen as a bundle of micro-languages to be broken into its various functional and thematic parts. Each part has its own features. • Calvi observes that the language of tourism has an ‘elusive 'physiognomy ' since it: • absorbs/borrows words from various fields (geography, economy, sociology, psychology, history, art history, gastronomy, sport, architecture, archeology, environment, religion, business, customs and tradition, music and dance); • embodies several functions (persuasive, informative, argumentative); • is multidisciplinary, elusive and hybrid
LEXICALASPECTS • Technicalterms - […] a beautifully balanced painting in which the poses of Gabriel and Mary carefully mirror one another, while the hand of God releasing the dove of the Holy Spirit provides the vanishing point (Rough Guide, 2003:43). - The most eye-catching canvas in room 2 is the anamorphic portrait of the same, syphilitic Edward VI, […] (Rough Guide, 2003:51). - Next door is the Queen’s Robing chamber, which boasts a superb coffered ceiling and lacklustre Arthurian frescoes (Rough Guide, 2003:69). - The Henry VII Chapel, in the easternmost part of the abbey, is an outstanding example of late-perpendicular architecture, with spectacular circular vaulting on the ceiling. The wooden choir stalls are carved with exotic creatures and adorned with colourful heraldic flags […] (LonelyPlanet, 2004:126).
Lexicalstrategies • keywords, usedto “fire the immagination”, “persuade, lure, woo, and seduce millionsofhumanbeings, and, in so doing, convertthemfrompotentialintoactualclients” (G.Dann) Away adventure dream Imagination pleasure escape
‘languaging’: The useofforeignwordswhich are real or inventedinduces a feeling ofinferiority in touristswhothusletthemselvesbeinfluenced and guidedby the touristmessage. Forinstance: “If you are lucky, you may also see the world famous Sri SriRadhaLondonisvara” (The London Discount Guide – leaflet).
Figuresofspeech, in particularmetaphors and similes. Similes are usedto “manage the unfamiliarityofdestinationfor the tourist” (G.Dann). “metaphors and hyperboles have never proved to be suitable for tourism"(Boyer e Viallon), because they do not meet tourist discourse’s prime requirements of clarity and simplicity.
Word formation • common terms take on a different meaning in special languages: package > package tour congestion > air trafficcongestion (or traffic jam) • Acronyms and Initials: B&B (bed and breakfast), DLR (Docklands Light Railway), TfL (Transportfor London), LTB (London TouristBoard), internationally-accepted abbreviations of cities and airports • New compound words: Half-board, full-board, hotel chain; holiday farmhouse; theme park; game reserve; one way ticket; combined ticket.
MORPHO-SYNTACTICASPECTS • Verb Noun • Passive voice • Superlatives -Britain’s oldest Catholic church […] (Time Out, 2003:101) -Among the most striking armour displayed […] (Rough Guide, 2003:217) -For old Westminster is London at its grandest (The Original London Walks – brochure) -Some of the tower’s most famous prisoners were held around Tower Green (The Tower of London – brochure)
Verbtenses • Presentsimple - Standing alone in the vast empty tract of the Salisbury plains and with origins dating back nearly 5,000 years, Stonehenge remains a place of wonder and mystery. (Bath, Windsor & Stonehenge – brochure). - The past is cast in stone and we take it all in: ancient Westminster Hall, the House of Parliament, the Jewel Tower, and Westminster Abbey. And to see it with a great guide is to have that past suddenly rise to the surface…like seeing a photographic print come up in a darkroom. (The Original London Walks – brochure)
Imperative • Invites the touristtoparticipateto the attraction Gain a fascinating insight into the role of the Crown Jewels in royal pageantry with our introductory films, which include rare colour footage of HM Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation. Once inside the Treasury, marvel at the Imperial State Crown worn at the Opening of Parliament and be dazzled by the world’s largest, top quality cut diamond, Cullinan I, set in the Sovereign’s Sceptre. (The Towerof London – brochure)
2. Isusedtogiveinstructions Start with your back to the entrance of Hampstead Heath train station. Turn right up South Road, with the heath looming before you on the right. (Time Out, 2003:148)
Modalverbs will, would, can, could, may, might, should, must In the language of tourism modal verbs do not indicate the future (will), probability and possibility (would, can, could, may, might), obligation (should, must), but express “a way of behaviour, a mode of action to be taken by the tourist who is being addressed” (P.Edwards e C.Carrettero). On the way to Westminster Abbey you will hear about Leonardo Da Vinci, and get a chance to see a work of him. At Westminster Abbey you can hear more stories about other important people in the book like Isaac Newton, who is buried in the Abbey. (QualityWalkingTours, Golden Tours – leaflet)
‘Ego-targetting’ strategy WE, OUR, US - tourist business YOU, YOUR - receiver/s We’ve also created a brief directory to help you find some of the area’s non-shoe & clothing offerings such as lingerie, whiskey, tea and books. Don’t miss our visit to Mon Plaisir where we enjoyed London’s best French cuisine in a wonderfully charming Gallic ambience, while our article on Traditional pubs will encourage you to join in Britain’s longstanding favourite pastime. (Covent Garden Guide, July 2005:1).
TEXTUALASPECTS • Touristtextsforexperts in tourism: essays and articles on economics, marketing and sociology of tourism • Touristtextsorientedto the general public: leaflets, brochures, flyers, posters, descriptivepanels, visitor guides, magazines, travelogues
Tourist texts are produced by: • Tourist Boards • City councils • Private enterprises Their goal is to promote a given locality, its tourist attractions, services and facilities. Tourist texts may be distributed abroad or made available in the host countries.
Leaflets • giving information about cultural events and describing places of historical, artistic and geographical interest
Brochures • giving information about cultural events and describing places of historical, artistic and geographical interest
Flyers • advertising trips and events
Posters • advertising events and artistic performances
Descriptivepanels • placed near monuments, areas of geographical interest or places of worship
Visitor guides and travelguides • available in booklet and brochure format e.g. Time Out, Lonely Planet, Rough Guide, Insight Compact Guide, Mondadori, De Agostini.
Magazines • Multilingual and monolingual magazines
Travelogues • Tourism-related columns in newspapers and magazines where ads and descriptive texts alternate. • A written account in which tourists describe both positive and negative experiences of their vacation and give advice and information to potential tourists.
Keyword semanticgroups • HISTORYcentury/iesroyalJames’s Tudor Henry William George Roman medieval Victoria Edward queen king’s Charles historyVictorian Mary court wren war eighteenth John James Thomas Georgiangothicfirenineteenth • GEOGRAPHYeastThamessouthnorthmap west UK • ARTSartistscontemporary art/s style modern statue paintingsportraitexhibition/s worksarchitecturecollection • PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND CITY PLANNING street/s museumgallery/iestowercity’ssquare house/s room/s building/s entrance bridge hall marblechapel road templecathedralstonefloorplace side abbey corner janechurchbrickcentretheatre site dome palace public wingglass • LONDON central green area/’s Chelsea city Paul’s GreenwichWestminterHampsteadsohoKensingtonmilebank London/’s tate Richmond Londonershillheath • SERVICEStube park garden/s pub station rail tour/s shopsrestaurant/s cafétraffic market visitwalkadmission bus
Keywords describe the city from different points of view (artistic, historical, geographical, architectural, urban). All semantic fields relate to aspects of the English culture. Therefore, these keywords are classified as culture-bound words (or culture-specific items): words that are deeply rooted in the culture of origin
INTERCULTURAL ASPECTS In Tourism, language and culture are closely linked. As well as being regulated by a code of grammar and syntax rules, the language is above all the means by which a community expresses their thoughts and values, their beliefs, their culture.
The special language of travel guides presents a high frequency of cultural expressions. Therefore, translating tourism requires a continuous reference to the cultural background. Every intercultural aspect has to be taken into thorough consideration.
‘Domesticating’ translation • Lawrence Venuti: “Domestication is the strategy of making text closely conform to the culture of the language being translated to”. The aim is to prevent the culture of origin from appearing 'exotic' and 'distant' but make the tourist feel himself/herself in a cosier and more familiar context.
Some English and Italian tourist sub-genres differ significantly with regard to CONTENT and STYLE
CONTENT ITALIAN VISITOR GUIDES focus mainly on: • art • architecture • history • gastronomy ENGLISH VISITOR GUIDES include information on: • places of cultural and historical interest • shopping facilities • car and street parking • bus, coach and train services
STYLE ITALIAN TOURIST LANGUAGE • impersonal and formal style, often rendered by passive constructions. • The personal style is reserved to texts with a dominant appellative function and even then, the reader is usually addressed in the formal second person plural pronoun ‘VOI’. • Vivid, florid descriptions in evocative, figurative language ENGLISH TOURIST LANGUAGE • personal and informal style: imperative, used to invite the reader to visit, explore and enjoy the attractions of a given town, city or village • Impersonal: passive constructions
Tourist texts fulfil two communicative functions: • Informative: - provides information - oriented towards the context • Appellative: -for persuasive purposes • -oriented towards the addressee
Examples of appellative imperatives taken from English tourist brochures and leaflets • Visit the Roman City at Wroxeter. • See the remarkable Iron Bridge itself and explore seven museums (…) • Discover the delicate art and mistery (…) • Enjoy the unique experience of Granada Studios tour. (…)
Examples of appellative imperatives taken from an Italian tourist brochure: • Preparatevi ad unasensazionedibenessere (…). • Lasciatevicatturaredall’essenzadiquesta terra (…). • Pensatealle Terre di Siena e dimenticatevituttoilresto. • Apprestiamoci a visitarequeimonumenti e queipalazzichecustodisconoilsegretodeisecolipassati. From ‘Acqueantiche.Terredi Siena’
TRANSLATINGTOURISTTEXTSFROM ENGLISH INTOITALIAN The convention istoadhereto the target language style: • English imperativestendtobetranslatedwithimpersonalexpressions, unless the target text has a prominentappellativefunction. • Differentregulatoryconventionsconcerning the translationofculture-boundwords.
Italian IMPERSONAL STYLE • La Scozia è una meta veramenteunica. • Qui è possibilecondividerel’ereditàdegliantichipopoli. • In Scozia è possibileammirarescenarimaestosi e mozzafiato. English PERSONAL STYLE (imperatives) • Visit a truly unique Scottish destination. • Share with us the legacy of ancient peoples. • Absorb dramatic and breath-taking scenery.
Share with us the legacy of ancient peoples. • Qui è possibilecondividerel’ereditàdegliantichipopoli. • (…) Potretecondividere… • (…) Condividerete… • Condividete…
Peculiarusageofimperatives • Walk along the main street and you’ll see some magnificent monuments. • Passeggiandolungo la via principaledellacittà, potreteammirarealcunimaestosimonumenti. • Live the history and solve the mistery within this medieval attraction. • Rivivendo la storia, potretesvelareimisteriracchiusi in questaattrazionemedievale.
CULTURE-BOUND WORDS (1)Monuments, museums, places of worship and historical interest • Westminster Bridge • The Towerof London • National MuseumofScotland • St Paul’s Cathedral • St Alfege’s Church • Glamis Castle • Il Ponte di Westminster • La Torre di Londra • Museo Nazionale Scozzese • La Cattedrale di St Paul • La Chiesa di St Alfege • Il Castello di Glamis
CULTURE-BOUND WORDS (2)Associations, clubs, ships, colleges, observatories, shopping centre, theatres, halls, galleries, markets • OldRoyalObservatory • RoyalNaval College • Mayflower • MermaidTheatre • Royal Festival Hall • HaywardGallery • OldBillingsgate Market • Royal Society for the Protectionof the Birds • Overgate Shopping Centre • Old Royal Observatory • Royal Naval College • La Mayflower • Mermaid Theatre • La Royal Festival Hall • Hayward Gallery • Old Billingsgate Market • Royal Society for the Protection of the Birds • L’Overgate Shopping Centre
Lexicalresources fortouristtranslation
Monolingual Dictionaries • Beaver A. (2005), English Monolingual Dictionaries: A Dictionary of Travel and Tourism Terminology,Oxford, CAB International • Harris R. and Howard J. (2001), Dictionary of Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Terms, Global Books & Subscriptions Services • Medlik S. (2003), Dictionary of Travel, Tourism and Hospitality, Butterworth-Heinemann A & C Black Publishers • Collins V. R. (2008), The Tourism Society's Dictionary for Tourism Industry, Oxford, CAB International • Chandra Nigam S. (2007), Dictionary of Tourism, Rajat Publications • Russell J.(2005), Dictionary of Leisure, Travel and Tourism, A&C Black
Bilingual Dictionaries • Bait, M. and Vergallo, L. (2002), Dictionary of tourism: inglese-italiano, italiano-inglese, Milano, Modern Languages.