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商务英语阅读. 高等学校英语拓展系列教程. Business English Reading. Contents. Unit 6 Global Brands. 1. Warm up. 2. Term Study. 3. Outline of the Texts. 4. Discussion. 5. More Information. 1. Warm up. A Quotation:.

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  1. 商务英语阅读 高等学校英语拓展系列教程 Business English Reading

  2. Contents Unit 6 GlobalBrands 1 Warm up 2 Term Study 3 Outline of the Texts 4 Discussion 5 More Information

  3. 1. Warm up A Quotation: “Consumer needs are amazingly similar market to market; the challenge for the agency is to touch people with a message.” —Grace Atkinson

  4. 1. Warm up The following are some famous global brands. Are you familiar with them? Discuss with your classmates.

  5. Warm-up questions 1. Warm up Text A Text B

  6. 1. Warm up (Text A) Think about the following questions: • Do you usually intend to buy branded products? • What does a brand mean to a company or to the company’s consumers? • Can you recognize how many famous brands are American? What is your general impression on American brands in China? Text B: warm-up Text A: terms

  7. 2. Warm-up (Text B) Think about the following questions: • Many students now possess a cell phone or mobile phone. Do you have one? What brand is your mobile phone? • Suppose you haven’t possessed a cell phone or you want to change your cell phone, then which brand do you intend to buy? • What factors will fall into your consideration when you buy a cell phone?

  8. Global brands 2. Term Study Text A Text B Company Logo

  9. 2. Term Study (Text A) Brand A brand is a name or trademark connected with a product or producer. Brands have become increasingly important components of culture and the economy, now being described as "cultural accessories and personal philosophies". (From Wikipedia)

  10. 2. Term Study (Text A) Brand The brand name is often used interchangeably within "brand", although it is more correctly used to specifically denote written or spoken linguistic elements of any product. A "brand name" constitutes a type of trademark, if the brand name exclusively identifies the brand owner as the commercial source of products or services.

  11. 2. Term Study (Text A) Brand 品牌:国际营销界最权威的机构——美国市场营销学会所给的定义为:品牌是一种名称、术语、标记、符号或设计,或是它们的组合运用。其目的是借以辨认某个销售者或销售群体的产品或服务,并使之与竞争对手的产品和服务区分开来。 品牌一般由两部分组成:一是品牌名称,即可以用语言来表示的部分,如“海尔”,“长虹”等都是中国国内知名品牌的名称;而是品牌标志,指的是不能用语言表达的部分,如符号、图案、基准色和标准字体等。 Company Logo Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

  12. 2. Term Study (Text A) Brand “品牌就是指你与客户间的关系,说到底,起作用的不是你在广告或其他宣传中向他们许诺了什么,而是他们反馈了什么以及你又如何做出反应。对我们来说,口碑极其重要。简而言之,品牌就是人们私下里对你的评价。” —杰夫•贝佐斯 (美国亚马逊公司总裁) Text A: outline Text B: terms Company Logo Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

  13. 2. Term Study (Text B) High-end Product High-end Product 高端产品:所谓高端产品通常是指目标消费群体能力相对较强、消费层次相对较高、技术相对领先、利润率相对较高的产品。相关的概念还有高端市场 (High-end Market) 以及高端顾客 (High-end Customers) 等。 Low-end Product 低端产品:与高端产品概念相对。 Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

  14. Outline 3. Outline of the Texts Text A Text B Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

  15. Introduction: Global branding has married to local sensibilities. Para. 1 Examples: Get three factors right—imagery, relevance and innovation—to enhance advertising and marketing. Paras. 13-14 Conclusion: The challenge for the agency is to touch people with a message. 3. Outline of the Texts Text A Outline Paras. 2-12 Text B: outline Text A: discussion Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

  16. 3. Outline of the Texts Text B Outline Chinese appetite for handsets tends to be more fashionable and sophisticated, which is a nice ring for foreign handset makers. Paras. 1-4 Foreign handset brands gain popularity in the Chinese market, and the home team has also made huge success. Paras. 5-10 Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

  17. 4. Discussion Questions for discussion TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT Text A Text B Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

  18. 4. Discussion Text A • According to the text, what are the ways for brands to cross borders? List them out. • “In fact, getting the three factors right—imagery, relevance and innovation—can translate into an advertising and sales bonanza abroad.” what is your understanding of this idea? • “Consumer needs are amazingly similar market to market; the challenge for the agency is to touch people with a message.” Do you agree with this idea? Text B: discussion More information Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

  19. 4. Discussion Text B • In front of the fierce competition from the foreign brands of handsets, what suggestions can you give to Chinese handsets producers? • What markets in other countries can Chinese producers expand business into? More information Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

  20. 5. More Information 国际品牌 (百度百科) • 是指在国际市场上知名度,美誉度较高,产品辐射全球的品牌,例如可口可乐,麦当劳,万宝路,奔驰,爱立信,微软,皮尔 卡丹等。 • 国际品牌一般有以下三个特征: • 是品牌历史悠久,有的在本国有着几十年甚至上百年的历史; • 经常能引领业界的发展方向; • 有支撑该品牌的知师。 Company Logo Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

  21. 5. More Information 世界品牌实验室 (百度百科) 世界品牌实验室是由1999年诺贝尔经济学奖得主罗伯特·蒙代尔教授(Robert Mundell ) 担任主席的世界经理人资讯有限公司 (icxo.com) 的全资附属机构, 致力于品牌评估、品牌传播和品牌管理,其专家和顾问来自美国哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、麻省理工学院,英国牛津大学、剑桥大学等世界顶级学府,其研究成果已经成为许多企业并购过程中无形资产评估的重要依据, 其独创的评估方法“品牌附加值工具箱” (Brand value Added Tools) 与目前通行的“经济适用法”(Economic Use Method) 相吻合。 Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

  22. 5. More Information 世界品牌实验室 (百度百科) 《世界品牌500强》排行榜 (The World‘s 500 Most Influential Brand) 的评判依据是品牌的世界影响力。品牌影响力(Brand Influence) 是指品牌开拓市场、占领市场并获得利润的能力。世界品牌实验室按照品牌影响力的三项关键指标:市场占有率 (Share of Market)、品牌忠诚度(Brand Loyalty ) 和全球领导力(Global Leadership)对世界级品牌进行了评分,1分表示一般,5分表示极强。世界品牌实验室经过长达半年对全球5810个知名品牌的调查分析,根据品牌影响力的各项指标进行评估,最终推出了世界最具影响力的500个品牌。 Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

  23. 5. More Information 2008年度世界品牌500强排行榜(前20名) Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

  24. 5. More Information 2008年度世界品牌500强排行榜 (前20名) Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

  25. 商务英语阅读 高等学校英语拓展系列教程 Business English Reading Thank You !

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