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Implementation of Green Growth Concept in Korean K-12 Education

13 OCT 2010 Young Sik LEE Kyung Hee University, Korea. Implementation of Green Growth Concept in Korean K-12 Education. Background : Green Growth. National Geographic Magazine 2004 Sep issue. Global warming is real…. Greenhouse Effect. The Inconvenient Truth.

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Implementation of Green Growth Concept in Korean K-12 Education

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  1. 13OCT 2010 Young Sik LEE Kyung Hee University, Korea Implementation of Green Growth Concept in Korean K-12 Education

  2. Background :Green Growth

  3. National Geographic Magazine 2004 Sep issue Global warming is real…

  4. Greenhouse Effect

  5. The Inconvenient Truth Concentration of Carbon dioxide is increasing by human activity…

  6. Asia-Pacific : We are special • Area : 40% of the world • Population : 60% of the world • 670 mil people live on $1 per day (2004) • Economic growth is a must! ‘ESCAP(2006). Green Growth at a Glance, A Way Forward for Asia and the Pacific. United Nations Publication

  7. Energy consumption per capital • The relationship between GNP per capita and energy use per person follows a straight line and emphasizes the relationship between how much energy we consume and our standard of living.

  8. Population and GDP (2009)

  9. World Energy consumption • Economic growth in the conventional norm will induce more environmental problem • Green Growth is required at all aspects

  10. Green Growth Education

  11. I. Definition • Green Growth Education • What is GGE? • While balancing the Economic Growth and Environmnetal sustainability, GGE teaches the value and methods of green life. The students will be future global citizen who will lead the green growth. Green technology + Green life style 2 1 Economy + Environment GGE Global citizenship with global awareness 3 12/46

  12. I. Objects of GGE National Agenda Global Change Green Growth is one of the top agenda of Korean Government Global citizen K-12 education GG Education New Educational Paradigm World Cooperation take a role of Leading country for GGE GG will produce a new kind Of market and business sector 13/46

  13. II. Current Status of GG Education in Korea • Current Status • Low interests in Environment Subject • Small number of schools teach “Environment” classes • ※’08 Middle School : 257 schools (8.4%), 59,278 students (3%) • ※’08 High School : 498 schools (37%), 142,654 students (10%) • Not many teachers are ready • ※’05 1,986 teachers - 73%(1,449명) are not Environment Majors • Teaching Resources in short supply • ※Especailly in Teaching Resources • 『Green School Project』 • Hareware and facility improvement for K-12 schools • (’09 52개 schools, 학교지정, 19 mil $) • ※ 친환경자재교체, 신재생에너지설치, 에너지절약형시설개선, 생태환경조성, 리모델링등 14/46

  14. II. Strategy for GGE in Korea • Basic Principle for K-12 GGE 12th Grade K(Kindergarten) 녹색환경교육비중확대 녹색성장교육비중확대 Economic Growth Environmental Issues 15/46

  15. vision goal II. Vision & Goals 비전 및 목표 Vision & Goals Leading Green Growth Country thru Education ① GG education infrastructures ② GG citizen with Global mind ③ Open resources to the world Green University Green Life style GGE outreach Share Korean Resource K-12 GGE Education GGE curriculum development GGE Textbook & Resource book GGE teacher training at levels Establish GGE center(GERC) 16/46

  16. III. Action Plan • Plan 1. GG curriculum New Curriculum('09 issue) New subject/course in 10-12 Environment & Green Growth Creativity emphasis GG Projects in all areas of school activity Partial implication to current curriculum(-2010) Topic addition Add GGE topics to current curricula Add GGE chapters to current curricula Chapter addition 17/46

  17. 『Environment & Green Growth』 Curriculum Textbook Model (Published) GG & Sustainable Society Green Industry Green Economy Governemt side Environment and sustabiable growth Sustainable Society & Culture Towards Green Society Individual & local Efforts National, Global Efforts

  18. 『Environment & Green Growth』 Textbook writing - Holistic Environment Education Textbook Model (Published) Economics Politics Business Science GG & Sustainable Society Green Industry Green Economy Governemt side Environment and sustabiable growth Home Economics Environmental Engineering Sustainable Society & Culture Home Economics Philosophy Psychology Towards Green Society Individual & local Efforts Politics Social Science Foreign Affairs National, Global Efforts

  19. III. Action Plan • Plan 2. GGE textbook model & Resource book GGE textbook model after the new curriculum • Textbook model for textbook developers and publishers GGE Resource & Resource book • Resource • means educational resoures • will be used in extra-curricular activities (projects) • Needs internet based archive for easy access 20/46

  20. 『Environment & Green Growth』Resource book Water Energy and Natural Resources Water in nature Water in Korea Renewable energy Water pollution Lack of water Conumption of natural resources Water resource Energy & GG Nuclear Energy Understanding climate change Pros and Cons Short History of NE Definition and effect Safety issue How to respond

  21. III. Action Plan • Plan 3. GG teacher traing Need for teachers for GGE • Make GGE certified teachers K-9 and 10-12 levels • Regional Training Centers • Kyung Hee Univ, Kyung Nam Univ, Daegu Univ • Gyong In National Univ of Edu, Seoul National Univ of Edu Introduce GGE concept for teacher re-training program • Climate change and Green Growth Concepts • New training course syllabus 22/46

  22. III. Action Plan • Plan 4. Establish GGE Center Green Education Resource Center • Located at Kyung Hee University, Global Campus, Korea • Established on Nov 2009 (Director Prof. Young Sik LEE) • Funded by Ministry of Education, Science , and Technology & • Korea Foundation for the Advancment of Science & Technology

  23. Textbook & Resource book Teacher training curriculum GERC Workflow/Timeline of Korean GGE (2009-2010) Distribution MEST & KOFAC Of Korea 2009 Nov • Distribute resources thru various channels • Webpage, twitter, blog etc. • Train GGE teachers at 1-6 & 7-12 levels • (2010 Aug) • Develop model Textbook (2010 July) • Develop Resourcebook (2010 Sep) • Develop GGE textbook structure • Analyze current textbook Establishiment of Green Education Resource Center (GERC)

  24. Future Plan

  25. Future of Korean GGE • Establish GGE Roadmap • GGE Fund (from carbon tax?) • GG Education Outreach • Education for citizen • CEO forum • Global Partnership • UN and Asia-Pacific Organizations • NGO and individual schools

  26. 고맙습니다 Thank You

  27. IV. 녹색성장교육활성화방안(안) - 정책과제별추진방안 • 정책과제 7. 녹색시민을위한평생교육기반조성 녹색시민을 위한 녹색성장 관련 평생교육 실시 • 지역별 녹색성장 교육원 지정 및 지역 주민 대상 녹색성장 평생교육 실시 • 교과부 평색학습도시 조성사업과 연계 추진 • 다양한평생교육기관을 활용한 녹색성장 평생교육 강화 범시민 녹색생활 실천 교육 • 저탄소녹색생활실천자가진단프로그램개발및보급 • 우수 녹색성장교육 프로그램 인증제 추진 • 녹색성장교육콘텐츠개발지원 사회지도층 대상 인식 개선 추진 • 최고경영자대상기후변화및저탄소녹색성장관련단기교육프로그램개설 • 국내외 동향을분석, 기업의녹색성장전략과비전을구축하기위한경영원리 • 제시

  28. IV. 녹색성장교육활성화방안(안) • 녹색성장교육세계화(정책과제 8~9) • 기본방향 • 녹색성장교육의국제협력및공조체제구축 • · UN 지속가능교육10년(UNDESD)의국제이행을통한국제협력강화 • ·국제경제협력기구에서의환경교육, 지속가능발전교육및녹색성장관련교육 • 활동에적극적참여와협조 • ·아시아-태평양지역에서의녹색성장벨트구축에따른교육관련전략마련 • 차별화된韓style 녹색성장교육의세계화 • ·한국형녹색성장교육에서생성된다양한프로그램의국제홍보및한류화모색 • · '아시아-태평양 3G 교육원(AP3G)'의지정을통한세계화

  29. V. 향후추진계획 • 녹색성장교육로드맵작성및이행 • (가칭) 녹색성장교육협의체구성 • 관계부처및전문가 15인내외의협의체구성운영 • 녹색성장교육의종합적체계적추진을위한녹색성장교육모니터링및성과확산을 • 위한평가역할수행 • 녹색성장교육장기로드맵작성(2010년도상반기) • 녹색성장교육협의체를통해동세부추진과제로드맵작성및과제별이행지표개발 • 세부추진과제별이행지표에대한주기적모니터링및평가실시 • 녹색교육펀드(녹색성장교육기금) 마련 • 전기세 00%, 유류세 00% • 장기적으로탄소세부과시총부과액의 00% 녹색성장교육기금으로적립

  30. IV. 녹색성장교육활성화방안(안) - 정책과제별추진방안 • 정책과제 8. 녹색교육관련국제사회공조 UN 지속가능교육10년(UNDESD)의 국제 이행에 협조 • ‘유네스코’지속가능발전교육한국위원회’(’09.8 출범 예정)의 내실 있는 운영을 • 통해 국제사회의 지속가능발전교육 이행 노력에 합류 • ※ ’02.12월 제 57차 UN 총회에서 UN 지속가능교육 10년(2005-2014)의 제정을 결의하고 • 유네스코를 선도기관으로 지정 • 동북아지역을 중심으로 국제사회의 다양한 지속가능발전교육 네트워크를 활용 • 하여 녹색성장교육의 질적 향상 국격 제고 • ※ 한·중·일 환경장관회의(TEMM) 및 환경교육네트워크(TEEN)을 통해 녹색성장 교육의 • 노하우를 교환하고 국내 사례 전파 국제경제협력기구에서의 녹색성장 관련 교육의 공조 기반 구축 • OECD, APEC, ASEAN, ASEM 등 국제협력기구에서의 지속가능발전 및 • 녹색성장관련 사업의 협조자로서 역할 지원 • OECE가 진행 중인 지속가능발전교육 수행능력 국제학력평가(PISA)포함

  31. US energy consumption • During the 140 years between 1850 and 1990 total energy consumption per individual more than tripled. • US uses 3 times as much energy during our lifetimes as someone who lived 1850s • As energy consumption per capita increased, so did the nation's GNP.

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