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Statistics, Knowledge and Policy Chain-tax reform in Slovenia

Data: Micro Agreggated Model tools Microsimulation model CGE model Analisis Public discussion. Statistics, Knowledge and Policy Chain-tax reform in Slovenia. Institute for Economic Research Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Finance

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Statistics, Knowledge and Policy Chain-tax reform in Slovenia

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  1. Data: Micro Agreggated Model tools Microsimulation model CGE model Analisis Public discussion Statistics, Knowledge and Policy Chain-tax reform in Slovenia

  2. Institute for Economic Research Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Finance Government Office for Development Partners in the project

  3. Microdata for 40 000 householdas Population data from census Income Social transfers and pensions Dwellings Cars Microdata

  4. Supply and use tables National accounts Household Budget Survey Aggregated data

  5. Static microsimulation model Dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the Slovene economy The combination of two tools usable for: complex and dynamic effects effects at micro (person, household, enterprise),mezzo (sector) and macro levels short, medium and long-term effects Model tools

  6. replace rangB=1 if kriterijB <(povprecnaB*0.15) replace rangB=2 if kriterijB>=(povprecnaB*0.15) & kriterijB<(povprecnaB*0.25) replace rangB=3 if kriterijB>=(povprecnaB*0.25) & kriterijB<(povprecnaB*0.30) replace rangB=4 if kriterijB>=(povprecnaB*0.30) & kriterijB<(povprecnaB*0.35) replace rangB=5 if kriterijB>=(povprecnaB*0.35) & kriterijB<(povprecnaB*0.45) replace rangB=6 if kriterijB>=(povprecnaB*0.45) & kriterijB<(povprecnaB*0.55) replace rangB=7 if kriterijB>=(povprecnaB*0.55) & kriterijB<(povprecnaB*0.75) Microsimulation model, example

  7. Thank you!

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