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Tuscany Heights Elementary

Tuscany Heights Elementary. ONE TEAM, ONE TUSCANY 2014-2015. Tuscany Heights Mission Statement. We, THE Tigers, will be inspired to lead, honor, and excel today. T.H.E. Big Rocks. Attendance. Leadership. Academics. GOAL # 1.

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Tuscany Heights Elementary

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  1. Tuscany Heights Elementary ONE TEAM, ONE TUSCANY 2014-2015

  2. Tuscany Heights Mission Statement We, THE Tigers, will be inspired to lead, honor, and excel today.

  3. T.H.E. Big Rocks Attendance Leadership Academics

  4. GOAL # 1 State accountability student groups for Tuscany Heights Elementary will increase by 10% in reading, math, writing and science.

  5. GOAL # 2 Tuscany Heights Elementary students and faculty will increase attendance rate to 98% each nine weeks.

  6. GOAL # 3 100% of Tuscany Heights Elementary students will understand the Seven Covey Habits and participate in leadership roles.

  7. Attendance ATTENDANCE AND SCHOOL HOURS: Our school hours are: 7:40 AM – First bell 7:50 AM – Tardy bell 2:40 PM – Dismissal ****PUNCTUALITY IS IMPORTANT AND A PRACTICE WE STRESS TO OUR STUDENTS *** Students who arrive at school after the tardy bell are expected to check in through the office.

  8. Arrival and Dismissal ARRIVAL & DISMISSAL PROCEDURES/ PARKING LOT PROCEDURES • Parking Lot A: STAFF only (1st Parking Lot) • Parking Lot B: VISITORS Only (2nd Parking Lot) • Parking Lot C: STAFF Only (Parking Lot next to 1st, 2nd, 4th, & 5th Grades) • Parking Lot D: PARENT AFTERNOON PARK AND PICK-UP (Back Parking Lot) ***All parking lots are labeled.

  9. Tuscany Transportation BUS RIDERS: All students will have bus tags to identify their bus #. CAR RIDERS: All students will have a car rider colored/numbered tag attached to their backpack that will match the colored/numbered car tag in their parent/guardian/car pool vehicle. AFTERNOON PARENT PARK and PICK-UP: All students will be matched with their parent/guardian using the car rider colored/numbered car tag presented by the parents at pick-up time. WALKERS/BIKERS: All students will be dismissed to their designated areas for dismissal. DAYCARE: All students will be dismissed to the gym and seated according to their Daycare tag.

  10. Parking • We have one VISITOR Parking LOT in the front (far front parking lot). If walking your child into the building, please park in the appropriate lot and use the crosswalk. In the afternoon, if you wish to come into the school to pick-up your child (ren), please use the designated back parking lot. All PARENT AFTERNOON PARK and PICK-UPs will park in the back and meet staff at the Rotunda doors. Parents will show their CAR RIDER TAG and your child (ren) will be sent to meet you. All students leaving in a car must have a CAR RIDER TAG that matches their parent/guardian tag. Otherwise, staff will direct you to the front office to show appropriate ID. We encourage all parents to use the car rider line for the safety of all students. • If you have a change of transportation and will be unable to provide your car tag, please be sure that an email, note, or fax has been sent to the school.

  11. Learn and Live the 7 Habits

  12. Tiger Agenda The Tiger Agendas are recommended for second through fifth grade students. The cost of the agenda is $8.00 The Elementary Student Parent Handbook can be viewed at: http://www.neisd.net/pupil/studenthb.html The front of the agenda has a supplement to the NEISD Elementary Student Parent Handbook for information unique to THE.

  13. Tiger Café BREAKFAST AND LUNCH PRICES: The price for elementary student meals will be as follows: Breakfast is $.95 Lunch is $2.05 Lunch visitors are limited to parent and/or guardians. If another visitor wishes to have lunch with a student, the parent/guardian must give written permission for that person to attend lunch with their child. A note must be as sent to school prior to the visitation. Staff members are responsible for sending the note to the front office by 10:00 am on the day it is received.

  14. Tiger Teaching and Discipline Teacher Consequences for Daily Progression and/or Persistent Misbehaviors: • 1st Time Verbal Warning • 2nd Time 1 check in the agenda book – Teacher-student Conference • 3rd Time 2 checks in the agenda book – Think Time and Phone Call Home • 4th Time 3 checks in the agenda book – Peer Mediation and/or Parent Conference • 5th Time 4 checks in the agenda book – Referral to Assistant Principal

  15. Tiger Teaching and Discipline Consequence Levels for Office Referrals • First Referral- 1 day ISS • Second Referral- 2 days ISS • Third Referral- 3 days ISS • Fourth Referral- 1 day Out of School Suspension • Fifth Referral- 2 days Out of School Suspension • Sixth Referral- 3 days Out of School Suspension *Note-Students assigned ISS will not be permitted to have lunch visitors. *** The nature of the incident may alter the progression of the discipline levels. Severe infractions will result in an immediate office referral. If a student is referred to the office, they will receive an “N” for their 9-weeks conduct grade. Multiple referrals will result in a “U” in conduct for the 9-weeks.

  16. Join Team Tuscany PTA and Volunteer • Member • Volunteering • Watch Dog • To find out more, go to : www.tuscanyheightspta.org

  17. Individual Student Needs If your child is feeling ill, you have a concern, or your child has a new health issue, please notify the clinic directly that day by phone or email. Please be sure that your child is fever free without medication before attending school and is fever free for 24 hours (without fever reducing medication) before returning. If your child is vomiting prior to school, please keep them home.

  18. Clinic Requirements Children are not allowed to carry/transport medication to or from school or have it on their person, back pack, lunch, etc. including cough drops. An adult must bring all medication to the clinic for their student and sign permission for administration of the medication. A Doctors request must be submitted for administration of cough drops. All medications must be in the Prescription/Original container to be administered at school. Medications will not be sent home with students.

  19. Welcome Back-To Tuscany

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