TPs “CEOs Are Idiots18”1. Fail to spend Hyper-aggressively on IS/IT; fail to follow “Gamechanger” IS/IT Strategies; fail to put their CIO on the Board; fail to exploit fully [Revolution Now!] the Web.2. Believe in [BIG] mergers as The Key to Offense & Defense.3. Hire MBAs in large #s.4. Recruit mostly from conventional sources, have a low tolerance for risktakers-freaks.5. Are less than 24/7 “Talent Fanatics.”6. Do too much Imitation/Benchmarking/ConstantImprovement, not enough “Breathtaking”/Disruptive Innovation; favor “marketshare” over MarketCreation.7. Believe that “process” beats “passion,” “analysis” beats “action.”8. Spend too much time in the Office, not enough time in the Field; fail to ColdCall at least One Customer per Week; are surrounded by sycophants; have low Tolerance for Contention.9. ARE NOT LOVED BY FRONTLINE STAFF!10. Do too much MicroSegmentation I: Grotesquely underestimate the Women’s Market—and if they do more or less “get it,” fail to understand the Strategic Transformation required to master it.11. Do too much MicroSegmentation II: Grotesquely underestimate the Boomer-Geezer Market.12. Have too few Women on the Executive Team, too few Women on the Board.13. Board = OWMs. 14. Balk at Technicolor actions and language—eg, WOW!, Lovemarks, DreamMarketing, InsanelyGreat. 15. Think Design is a frill, nicety—not the Fundamental Basis for Value Added.16. Tolerate less than Excellence, do not insist upon “Experiences that make me ‘Gasp.’”17. Deliver more on Short-term Earnings rather than Long-term Yearnings.18. FAIL TO INSPIRE ME BY THE AUDACITY OF THEIR DREAMS.(Too much: “Dream” = “Buy MarketShare, Get BIGGER, Cut Costs.”)