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HUMAN RESOURCES POLICIES GOVERNING HIRES, SALARY RAISES, PROMOTIONS AND BONUSES. January 2014. REMUNERATION COMMITTEES. Two committees consider Staff and Faculty remuneration issues from a global budget perspective
REMUNERATION COMMITTEES • Twocommitteesconsider Staff and Faculty remuneration issues from a global budget perspective • The Committeesdefineremunerationstrategiesbefore the budget isbuilt • The Committeesarbitratedisagreements about salarypolicies; the President retains final decision-making power
BONUSES • Bonuses are awarded to employeeswhotake on higher-levelresponsibilities for a limitedperiod of time, beingthemselvesreplacedat a lowerlevel • Bonuses are awarded to facultymembers in the cases which are foreseen in the Accord d’Entreprise • Bonusesmaybeawarded to all employees as an outcome of salarynegotiations
DISCRETIONARY BONUSES Discretionarybonuses are first discussedbetween the President and the member of the Leadership team whoisrequesting the bonus, thensubmitted to the appropriateRemunerationCommittee for approval. The President retains final decision-making power
MODIFICATION OF JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND CATEGORIES • Job descriptions and categoriescanbemodifiedonly as a part of the annual budget process, duringwhichrequests made over the course of the yearwillbeexamined • Changes of rank for facultywillbeexaminedduring the sameprocess, with due attention to the recommendations of the Faculty Committee on Rank and Promotion
MODIFICATION OF JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND CATEGORIES ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF • Modified job descriptions and proposed new categories are submitted to Human Resources, whomake a recommendation to the RemunerationCommittee • The new job description, category and salarytakeeffectat the beginning of the next fiscal year FACULTY • Promotion decisions are made by the Dean on the basis of the recommendations of the Faculty Committee on Rank and Promotion • The RemunerationCommitteedetermines the appropriate new salary for the budget • The new rank and salarytakeeffectat the beginning of the next fiscal year
LEAVES OF ABSENCE • Unpaidleaves of absence are granted in accordance with French law. The Universityalsofrequentlygrantsunpaidleaves of absence in cases whereitis not obliged by law to do so • Paidleaves of absence are granted in accordance with French law and Universitypolicy. Thesemainlyconcernpersonal and/or family situations
SABBATICAL LEAVES AND COURSE RELEASES • The numbe of sabbaticalleaves to begrantedeachyearisdetermined as part of the budget process. Leaves are granted by the Dean on the recommendation of the Faculty Committee on Rank and Promotion • Course releases for research or administrative work are granted by the Dean within the limits set by the budget • Faculty members on sabbatical or benefitingfrom a course release are not on leave: they continue to work for the University but have a diminishedteachingload to allow for otherwork.
CREATION OF NEW POSITIONSADMINISTRATIVE STAFF • New positions are foreseenduring the budget process • A proposed job description and categoryare submitted to Human Resources, whomake a recommendation to the RemunerationCommittee • The RemunerationCommitteemakes a final determination on category and salary, and prioritizesrequests for new positions • Whenapproved, the new position iscreatedatthe beginning of the next fiscal year
CREATION OF NEW POSITIONSPERMANENT FULL-TIME FACULTY • Creation of a full-time faculty position isforeseen in the budget of the year PRECEDING that in which the personwillbehired • The Dean and the President determine the rankatwhich the new facultymembershouldberecruited • The budget includes the costs of selection and recruitment, including the cost of obtaining a visa if necessary • The final decision to go aheadwith the recruitmentis made by the Faculty RemunerationCommitteeduring the budget process for the followingyear, and onlyatthis point is a firmoffer made.
CREATION OF NEW POSITIONSPERMANENT PART-TIME FACULTY • Requests to created new part-time faculty positions or increase the contractualworkload of part-time facultymembers are made as part of the budget process • The Faculty RemunerationCommitteeprioritizesrequests and makesrecommendations to include (or not) the individualrequests in the budget for the followingyear
CREATION OF NEW POSITIONSTEMPORARY PART-TIME FACULTY • Requests to createtemporaryfaculty positions (for Topics courses and modules in Masters programs) are made as part of the budget process • The Faculty RemunerationCommitteeprioritizesrequests and makesrecommendations to include (or not) the individualrequests in the budget for the followingyear
HIRING PROCESS PERMANENT EMPLOYEES New permanent employeesare hired in order to • Fill new positions which have been budgeted • Replace permanent employeeswho have left the University TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES Temporaryemployees are hired in order to • Replace employeeswho are absent • Cover courses for faculty on sabbatical or benefitingfrom a course release • Fillbudgetedtemporary positions • Coverexceptionalneedswhensuch are identified All temporaryhireswhich are not included in the budget require the agreement of the VP Finance and Administration
HIRING PROCEDURE • All open positions are postedinternally one weekbeforebeingopened to the public • Open positions are advertisedat Pôle Emploi, on the Universitywebsite, and elsewhere as appropriate • The mostappropriate candidate isselectedbased on the criteriadecidedat the time the position wasopened • The Human Resources department carries out all verifications of paperwork, and whereappropriateapplies for a work visa for the potentialemployee • A contract of employmentisissued for the effective date of employment as determined by the selection and visa processes
SALARY INCREASES COST OF LIVING INCREASES • All employers in France have an obligation to negotiateannuallywith the unions present in the workplaceconcerningsalaryincreases. There is, however, no obligation to reachagreement • When an agreement isreached, the salaryincreaseisexpressed as a percentage of base salary. It maybedependentuponseniority, and the percentagemaydifferaccording to category or salarylevel MERIT INCREASES • The overallpercentage of the salary mass to bedevoted to meritincreasesisdeterminedat the same time as the « Cost of living » increase, during the samenegotiations • Decisions about individualmeritincreases are the prerogative of management • Meritincreases are based on employeeevaluations, and canbeforeseenonlywhen a clear and transparent evaluation system exists
REGULATIONS CONCERNING WORKING CONDITIONS • Employeeswho do not have the statute of Cadrework to a clearweeklyschedulewhichisspecified in the contract of employment. Full-time employmentis 35 hours per week. • Cadres are expected to organise theirworkinghours as a function of necessity, after consultation withtheircolleagues. The annualworkloadisexpressed in days (212 days per year for full time) or in hours (1,505 hours per year for full-time administrative staff; 1,500 hours per year for faculty) • Cadres Dirigeants have no set workingschedule: theywork as required.
VACATIONS AND HOLIDAYS • All employeesat AUP benefitfrom 6 weeks’ annual vacation • Sixteenpaidholidays are observedeachyear. • No employee, including Cadres Dirigeants, maywork on 1 May • Employeeswho are asked to work on a Jour Férié are paid double. Work on otherUniversityholidays, whenrequired, ispaidat standard rate
BREAKS AND REST DAYS • No employeemaywork for more than 6 hourswithout a break • All employees must benefitfromat least one day off per week, which must beSunday for all but Cadres Dirigeants • All employeesexceptCadres Dirigeants must benefitfromat least 11 continuoushours of restbetween one workingday and the next • No employeeexceptCadres Dirigeants maywork more than 10 hours per 24-hour day • No employeeexceptCadres Dirigeants maywork more than 40 hours per week (countedfromMondaythrough Saturday) • It isstrictlyillegal to work on 1 May
EMPLOYMENT CATEGORIESNON CADRE EMPLOYEES • This group includes Administrative Employés and Agents de Maîtrise • The working time isexpressed as a set number of hours per week (maximum 35 hours) with a clearschedule (usually 9 to 5 with a one-hour lunch break, Mondaythrough Friday, for full-time employees) • Theseemployeesbenefitfrom all publishedUniversityholidays, plus six weeks of annual vacation
EMPLOYMENT CATEGORIESADMINISTRATIVE CADRES • C1 Cadresusually have an annualworkloadexpressed in hours (1,505 hours for full-time employment). There are some exceptions to thisrule, where the workloadisexpressed in days (212 days for full-time employment) because of the type of position and the difficulty of countinghours • C2 Cadres have an annualworkload of 212 days for full-time employment • C3 Cadres have no set workinghours and few obligations concerningworking time. They are paid to « get the job done »
EMPLOYMENT CATEGORIESFACULTY • Faculty have an annualworkloadexpressed in hours (1,500 hours for full-time employment) • Full-time Enseignants-Chercheurs are responsibleeachyear for 225 hours of contact time, 375 hours of research and/or service and 900 hours of travaux induits (preparation, grading, participation in Universityactivities) • Full-time Enseignantsare responsibleeachyear for 300 hours of contact time and 1,200 hours of travaux induits (preparation, grading, participation in Universityactivities)
OVERTIME NON CADRE EMPLOYEES • Non cadre employeesworkovertimeonlyat the request of the supervisor • Suchovertimeisdeclared on the monthly Administrative Attendance Report, signed by both the employee and the supervisor • Overtime time canberecuperatedat the employee’srequest. Otherwise, itispaidat the end of the followingmonthat the legal rate (125 or 150%) CADRES • This group includes administrative Cadres and all faculty • The annualworkloadisexpressed as a number of hours or days of work in the year. The workloadmay not beevenlyspread over the period • Cadres shouldworkwiththeirsupervisors (the Dean in the case of faculty) to minimizework in excess of the annualloadbefore the yearisclosed • Excesshours or daysworked are paidat 125% the monthafter the yearisclosed