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Learn to utilize various online resources available to evaluate and analyze different countries using PESTLE analysis for written reports in an international business course.
The Written Report BSMM-8310-01International BusinessWinter 2019 Instructor: Tony Mao
Introduction Today I’m going to cover a few business resources that will help you with the written report for this course. If you need further help, please contact me: Katharine Ball at (519) 253-3000, ext. 3852 or email: kball@uwindsor.ca Some of the resources are freely available on the web. Others are Leddy Library (http://leddy.uwindsor.ca) subscriptions and so, if you are off-campus, you will need to sign on with your University of Windsor ID and email password. You can get back to all the business databases and guides on the Business Administration page (http://leddy.uwindsor.ca/business-administration). This presentation powerpoint is available online at: http://leddy.uwindsor.ca/bsmm-8310-international-business-winter-2019
Evaluate Your Country Using PESTLE Analysis For a comprehensive guide to information sources, see the Library guide: Country Informationhttp://leddy.uwindsor.ca/country-information We will quickly take a look at a couple of these databases: Economist Intelligence Unit http://www.eiu.com.ledproxy2.uwindsor.ca/landing/corporate_landing_University_of_Windsor Start with Country Commerce. If your country is not included in this database, go to Country Reports. For each country: under the Reports tab, you can download pdf versions of all the available reports. Also, look at the Data tab and the Country Data via Alacra database for demographic and economic forecasting statistics.
Evaluate Your Country Using PESTLE Analysis Continued Business Source Complete http://led.uwindsor.ca/business-source-complete Country Reports (right-hand side). Search: By Title, Subject & Description. There are reports from a variety of organizations. For example: Country Profile (Marketline): indepth PESTLE insights Country Risk Report (Business Monitor) Country Report (IHS Markit): country risk analysis Country Review (CountryWatch): broad analysis, including social and environmental factors Country Report (PRS Group): political risk You can also just type the name of your country in the search box to find additional articles.
Analyze the Higher Education Industry in Your Country A few preliminary comments: Higher education is not considered to be an “industry” in many parts of the World. For this reason, it is more difficult to find pre-packaged industry or market research reports. You may have to look for your information from non-business sources. Information on higher education may also be found under related words and terms such as: postsecondary education, tertiary education, universities, colleges.
Analyze the Higher Education Industry in Your Country Continued Go to your country directly and look for the Ministry of Education or similar government department. e.g. Australia. Department of Education and Training. Higher Education https://www.education.gov.au/higher-education-0 e.g. Morocco. Ministere de l’EducationNationale….. https://www.enssup.gov.ma/fr This international database may help you to get to the relevant sites: https://www.enic-naric.net/educational-systems-country-profiles-and-other-tools.aspx
Analyze the Higher Education Industry in Your Country Continued Business Source Complete http://led.uwindsor.ca/business-source-complete You can search for articles on the higher education sector/system in your country, e.g. (higher education OR postsecondary education OR tertiary education) AND Pakistan A couple of industry reports: Worldwide Colleges & Universities Industry Report (Barnes) 2019 http://search.ebscohost.com.ledproxy2.uwindsor.ca/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=134341536&site=bsi-live United States Colleges & Universities Industry Report (Barnes) 2019 http://search.ebscohost.com.ledproxy2.uwindsor.ca/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=132554670&site=bsi-live Google Scholar http://led.uwindsor.ca/google-scholar You can search for articles on the higher education sector/system in your country, e.g. Italy AND (higher education OR tertiary education OR universities)
Analyze the Higher Education Industry in Your Country Continued Global Market Information Database (GMID) http://led.uwindsor.ca/gmid Type: Higher Education in the search box There are some quite extensive statistics and also global reports such as: Global Higher Education: Trends and Prospects Current Trends in the Global Education Sector IBISWorld http://led.uwindsor.ca/ibisworld Type: Universities in the search box You will find industry reports for the United States, Canada, and China
Analyze the Higher Education Industry in Your Country Continued OECD iLibrary http://led.uwindsor.ca/oecd Try a search for your country, e.g. Ireland AND (higher education OR tertiary education) Or, Browse by Theme and Country OECD Education Statisticshttps://doi.org/10.1787/edu-data-en Includes the Education Database and Education at a Glance Country Statistical Profileshttps://doi.org/10.1787/20752288 Broader country profiles with a section for Education Trends Shaping Education 2019https://doi.org/10.1787/trends_edu-2019-en
Analyze the Higher Education Industry in Your Country Continued World Bank https://www.worldbank.org Try a search for your country, e.g. Colombia AND (higher education OR tertiary education) Education Statistics: All Indicatorshttps://databank.worldbank.org/data/source/education-statistics/preview/off Detailed education statistics by country Unesco https://en.unesco.org/themes/education Institute for Statistics. Higher Educationhttp://uis.unesco.org Statistics and analysis Unesco Statistics. Educationhttp://data.uis.unesco.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=edulit_ds Statistics by country Global Education Monitoring Reporthttps://en.unesco.org/gem-report
Analyze the Higher Education Industry in Your Country Continued European Union https://europa.eu/european-union/topics/education-training-youth_en European Commission. Education and Training Monitor: Country Analysis https://ec.europa.eu/education/sites/education/files/document-library-docs/volume-2-2018-education-and-training-monitor-country-analysis.pdf Country reports on education and training European Tertiary Education Register https://www.eter-project.com/#/home Data and analytical reports Eurostat Tertiary Education Statistics https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Tertiary_education_statistics&oldid=398265 Eurydice https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/national-policies/eurydice/home_en National educational systems and comparative reports