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Architecture. Stone Age Paleolithic. Hall of the Bulls Lascaux Cave, Central France c.15,000 BCE. Black Cow and Horses Lascaux Cave painting, Central France c.15,000 BCE.
Stone AgePaleolithic Hall of the Bulls Lascaux Cave,Central Francec.15,000 BCE Black Cow and Horses Lascaux Cave painting, Central France c.15,000 BCE Note : The following demonstrates how established dates are designated today vs. how they have been shown in the past : Before Now BC = Before Christ BCE = Before Common Era AD = Anno Domini (year of our lord) CE = Common Era
Ancient Architecture Round Tower[of Jericho] Tel-el-Sultan c.7000 BCE (Neolithic) Brick & Stone
Sumerian Architecture Ziggurat at Ur(Third Dynasty) Sumerian c. 2100 BCE Sun-dried Brick
EgyptianOld Kingdom (EOK) Architecture Stone Quarry for Pyramids Great Pyramids At Giza (Cheops, Chefren, Mycerinus) (EOK) c. 2570-2500 BCE
EgyptianOld Kingdom (EOK) Archtiecture Pyramid entrance tunnel Cross section of Pyramid tunnels and chambers
Mayan Architecture El Castillo Chichén Itza, Mexico 9th-10th Century CE Stone Mayan Temple of the Giant Jaguar (Temple I) Tikal, El Péten, Guatemala c. 700 CE
EgyptianNew Kingdom (ENK) Architecture Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut Architect Imhotep Dier - El - Bahri, Thebes (ENK), Beginning of the XVIIIth Dynasty c.1480 BCE
Neolithic Architecture Type of construction? Stonehenge Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, England c.1800 - 1400 BCE
Neolithic Architecture Type of construction? Post and Lintel construction Stonehenge Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, England c.1800 - 1400 BCE
Minoan Architecture Palace Floor Plan Palace at Knossoscourtyard Crete, Minoan c.1600 BC
Minoan Art and Architecture Queen’s Bedroom in thePalace at Knossos Late Minoan c.1500 BC
Minoan Art and Architecture The Queen’s parlour Palace at Knossos, Crete
A B C Proportion Classical Greek design principle The Golden Rectangle The Golden Mean Root 5 Rectangle (based on the Golden Mean Length = √ 5 x height )
Greece Classical Art Sculptural model of the Goddess Athena of the Parthenon The Parthenonon the Acropolis, Athens, Greece Iktinos and KalliKrates (Architects) 448 - 432 BCE Floor Plan
Greece Classical Architectural Column Designs Doric Ionic Corinthian (origin : Greek mainland) (origin : Asia Minor) (origin : Corinth,Greece )
Early Roman Empire Architecture Roman Aqueduct Pont Du Gard, Nimes, France Brick and Stone c. 14 CE 900’ in length x 160’ in height
Early Roman Empire Architecture Collosseum Rome Concrete c. 80 CE All three orders of Greek Architecture are used here. Third level : Corinthian Second Level : Ionic First Level : Doric
Early Roman Empire Architecture 15-18 similar Pantheon Rome Early Empire 117-125 CE Brick and concrete
Early Roman Empire Architecture Under the Portico of the Pantheon Rome 117-125 CE
Early Roman Empire Architecture The Pantheon Rome Early Empire 117-125 CE Concrete coffered ceiling w/ oculus 15-19
Romanesque Architecture • Cathedrals Floor Plan St. Etienne Cathedral interior Vignory, France 1050-1057 CE St. Sernin Cathedral Toulouse, France 1080-1210 CE 15-27
Gothic Architecture Notre DameFacade Notre DameFloor Plan Apse Flying Buttresses Notre Dame Cathedral(Apse) Paris, France Detail1163 - 1250 CE
Gothic Architecture • Cathedrals Ribbed Vaulted Ceiling (Example) Amiens Cathedral Amiens, France Begun 1220 CE
Islamic Architeture Great Mosque (interior) Cordoba, Spain 784 - 988 CE Mosque : from the Arab word masjad meaning ‘a place of kneeling’ Great Mosque dome
Buddhist Architecture Buddhist Stupa Sanchi, India
The Renaissance in Italy The High Renaissance House Proscenium of the Teatro Olimpico Vicenza, Italy c. 1560 The Rotunda Vicenza, Italy c. 1550 Pilladio
Late 19th & early 20th Century Architecture Louis Sullivan Carson Pirie Scott Building Chicago, IL 1890 - 1904 Steel Structure Art Nouveau Decorative Details in wrought-iron above entrance and elsewhere
The Renaissance in Italy The High Renaissance House Proscenium of the Teatro Olimpico Vicenza, Italy c. 1560 The Rotunda Vicenza, Italy c. 1550 Pilladio
Traditional Japanese Architecture Katsura Palace Kyoto, Japan c. 1615 - 1663
Late19th & early 20th Century Architecture Frank Lloyd Wright 1867 - 1959 17 - 14 The Robie House Chicago, IL 1907 - 09 Falling Water Bear Run. PA 1936 - 39
Art Nouveau Architecture Antonio Gaudi 1852 - 1926 Casa Mila Barcelona, Spain 1906 - 1910
Art Nouveau Architecture Antonio Gaudi Park Guell Barcelona, Spain
Architecture Antonio Gaudi Casa Battlo Barcelona, Spain 1904 - 1906
Modern Architecture - International Style LudwigMies van der Rohe Seagram Building NYC 1954-58
20th Century Architecture Prefab design and structure The Building Truss Buckminster Fuller Geodesic Dome Structure c 1950
Architecture Buckminster Fuller Geodesic Urban Dome of the future Buckminster Fuller Stamp Geodesic Biosphere Montreal World’s Fair of 1967 Geodesic Sphere Epcot Center Orlando, FL
21st Century Architecture Murphy & Mackey, architects Climatron Missouri Botanical Garden Geodesic structure + Dale Chihuly blown glass sculpture
20th Century Architecture Notre Dame du Haut Ronchamp, France 1955 Le Corbusier Villa Savoie Poissy, France 1929
20th Century Architecture Joern Utzon Opera House Sydney, Australia 1959-72
20th Century Architecture Suspension and Tensile Construction Frei Otto Olympic Village Tent Structures Munich, Germany 1972
Contemporary Architecture Walt Disney Concert Hall Los Angelos, CA 2003 FrankGehry
Contemporary Architecture FrankGehry Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Spain 1997 Corcoran Gallery proposal (model) Washington, DC Model made of Gatorboard, basswood, silver paper, Plexiglas, and acetate 30” x 41” x 72”