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GLOBAL FUND GRANT CONSOLIDATION WORKSHOP DATE. Module 5. PART 1: Introduction to Consolidation of Pharmaceutical and Health Product Management (PHPM) in the SSF Context. PART I PSM OVERVIEW:. Procurement Supply Management (PSM) Definitions Why is PSM important?
GLOBAL FUND GRANT CONSOLIDATION WORKSHOP DATE Module 5 PART 1: Introduction to Consolidation of Pharmaceutical and Health Product Management (PHPM) in the SSF Context
PART I PSM OVERVIEW: • Procurement Supply Management (PSM) Definitions • Why is PSM important? • GF approach to PSM • Overview of PSM Planning • PSM Consolidation Scenarios • Key PSM Consolidation Documents • Key Messages
DEFINITIONS OF KEY TERMS • Procurement and supply Management • All management activities for health products, to include quality assurance, in accordance with national and international laws • Health Products and Equipment • Pharmaceutical products, diagnostics technologies and supplies • Non- health Products • All products other than “ health products”, including vehicles, computers, construction materials, and services - including technical assistance
WHY IS PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT IMPORTANT? • Approximately 45% of grant funds are budgeted for the procurement of drugs and other commodities • In many countries, the procurement process is a major cause of delays in grant implementation • Limited PSM capacity and systems in many countries The procurement process must improve for the Global Fund to achieve its mission and for programs to achieve their objectives
THE GLOBAL FUND’S APPROACH TO PSM • Principles and minimum standards, not detailed procedures • Build upon existing systems • Distinction between health and non-health products • Expanded definition of Procurement: How health products arrive in country and what happens to them subsequently. • PR is responsible for all implementation & monitoring of PSM activities (whether directly implemented or sub-contracted). • CCM responsible for oversight of PSM activities
PARTICIPANT TEAZER ! • How many of us have been involved in developing PSM section of proposal and PSM plans? • What were your experiences?
OVERVIEW OF PSM PLANNING • Traditional PSM Plan divided into 3 parts • Part 1: • Institutional capacity of the PR • PR to demonstrate its capacity to manage PSM activities • Part 2: • Elements of the PSM cycle • Description of how each cycle activity will be carried out by the PR • Part 3 • Annex 1a:List of products to be procured- Pharmaceuticals • Annex 1b:List of products to be procured – Other health and non-health products • NB : SEE HANDOUTS
CURRENT PSM PLAN APPROVAL PROCESS Global Fund Approval & Disbursements Implementation of program in line with Grant Agreement PSM Plan per grant Proposal Approved LFA PHPM Assessment Revise plan based on LFA Assessments and Global Fund recommendations
EXAMPLE: COUNTRY X PSM PLANS PORTFOLIO- The 8 PSM plans in country x are not harmonised- Each of the PSM plans goes through the approval process Approved Proposals LFA PHPM Assessment LFA PHPM Assessment LFA PHPM Assessment LFA PHPM Assessment LFA PHPM Assessment LFA PHPM Assessment LFA PHPM Assessment LFA PHPM Assessment TB R6 Mal R3 Mal R5 Mal R8 TB R4 HIV R3 HIV R7 HIV R6 PSM Plan PSM Plan PSM Plan PSM Plan PSM Plan PSM Plan PSM Plan PSM Plan
GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR CONSOLIDATING PSM PLANS Scenarios • Case 1: All grants to be consolidated into SSF have an approved PSM Plan • Case 2: One or more grants to be consolidated into SSF does not have an approved PSM Plan • Case 3: One or more grants to be consolidated into SSF does not have an approved PSM Plan but there is a recent LFA/GF assessed Pharmaceutical and Health Product Management (PHPM) Country Profile • Case 4: One or more grants to be consolidated into SSF does not have an approved PSM Plan and the PHPM Country Profile is being developed / implemented
Case 1: All grants to be consolidated into SSF have an approved PSM Plan • Straightforward consolidation of information already provided in the approved PSM Plan(s) • Mathematically aligned (addition of quantities and costs from the grants being consolidated) • PR submits the consolidated PSM Plan • Complete list of health products under the consolidated agreement • Review by LFA • No need for review by the PMAS Team
Case 2: One or more grants to be consolidated into SSF does not have an approved PSM Plan • PR to submit a revised/consolidated PSM Plan • PSM Plan to include all information previously included into the formally approved PSM Plan PLUS any information on activities and health products included under the new grant • Need for review by the LFA and PMAS Team IN BOTH CASES, THE CURRENT PSM PLAN TEMPLATE COULD BE USED
Case 3: One or more grants to be consolidated does not have an approved PSM plan but there is an LFA/GF assessed pharmaceutical and health product management (PHPM) country profile • PHPM country profile must not be older than 12 months • PR to submit a Procurement Plan using the new Template • Plan to include all information previously included in the formally approved PSM Plan PLUS any information on activities and health products under the new grant • In both cases, info relevant for Tables 1-7 • Desk-review by LFA
Case 4: One or more grants to be consolidated into SSF does not have an approved PSM Plan and the PHPM Country Profile is being developed / implemented • PR to submit a PSM Plan if Country Profile cannot be completed and assessed on time • Plan to include all information previously included in the formally approved PSM Plan PLUS any information on activities and health products included in the new grant • Need for review by the LFA and PMAS Team
CONSOLIDATED PSM PLAN APPROVAL PROCESS Global Fund Approval & Disbursements Implementation of program in line with Grant Agreement Consolidated PSM plan of two or more grants with at least one “new” or “not yet approved LFA PHPM Assessment and country review Revise plan based on LFA Assessments and country review
key psm documents & forms for consolidation Documents: • Guide to the GF’s policies on PSM • PSM plans for the respective consolidated grants • Procurement plan for the respective grants • Consolidated perfomance framework • Consolidated work plan and detailed budget Forms: • PSM Plan template front sheet • International drug price index • Annex 1a • Annex 1b
GUIDE TO THE GF’S POLICIES ON PSM • Outlines all Global Fund’s PSM Policies • Procure quality assured products • At the lowest price • Adhere to National and International Laws • Conduct procurement processes in a transparent and competitive manner. • Based on the Global Fund Board decisions • Outlines what PR’s need to do.
KEY MESSAGES • Use of the PHPM Country Profile is replacing the PSM Plan in future grants • For GC, implementation arrangements in consolidated PSM Plan should be harmonized with individual PSM plans or have plans to manage transition process • In consolidated grants, lists of health products and quantities (Annexes 1a&b) should be aligned to the PF targets, work plan and budget
FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact • Global Fund Pharmaceutical Management Advisory Services Team Email: luca.libassi@theglobalfund.org • UNAIDS Technical Support Facility EA & SA • WHO EPM
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • Grant Management Solutions • The Global Fund Secretariat • UNAIDS Technical Support Facility • The AIDS Alliance • AIDSPAN