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OPENING CEREMONY. Barcelona 2014. WELCOME ADDRESSES. WELCOME ADDRESSES. Lars Walløe President of the Academia Europaea Joandomènec Ros President of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans Enric Banda Director of the Sciences and Environment Area of ”la Caixa ” Foundation Gerard Ardanuy
WELCOME ADDRESSES Lars Walløe President of the Academia Europaea Joandomènec Ros President of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans Enric Banda Director of the Sciences and Environment Area of ”la Caixa” Foundation Gerard Ardanuy Councillor of Education and Universities, Barcelona City Council Andreu Mas-Colell Minister of Economy and Knowledge, Generalitat de Catalunya
Barcelona 2014 MEMBERS ELECTED IN 2013
Members elected in 2013 In 2013 around 260 leading scholars from across the continent of Europe were invited following a rigorous international peer review process to accept membership. We are pleased to be able to welcome 43of that 2013 cohort, who are with us today.
Members elected in 2013 History and Archaeology Section (28 invited in 2013) Ryszard STEMPLOWSKI,AkademiaIgnatianum(Poland) RyszardStemplowski has attained a remarkable position among scholars of the contemporary history of international relations of Latin Amer. states (esp. Argentina and Chile) with the Western Powers during the Great Depression and/or the Second World War, and the history of the 19th/20th C. migration from Eastern Europe to S. America, as well as in the comparative history of so-called underdevelopment.Classics & Oriental Studies Section (14 invited in 2013) Colette BODELOT,UniversitéBlaise Pascal (France) The leading French specialist on subordinate clauses in Latin. She contributed in a significant way to Serbat’sGrammairefondamentale du latin by co-ordinating the volume X on completive clauses…. Linguistic Studies Section (14 invited in 2013) Bonifacas STUNDŽIA,Vilnius University (Lithuania) The most important and prominent researcher of the Baltic subfamily within the Indo-European language stock (Lithuanian, Latvian, Old Prussian, Lithuanian being the most conservative living Indo-European language). He is the first and only linguist member of Academia Europaea from one of the three Baltic republics. He has been a pioneer in synchronic and diachronic Baltic accentology and its role for morphology. Bo RALPH,Gothenburg University (Sweden) For the past 10 years he has been heavily occupied with the writing of his state-of-the-art 4,000-plus page book on the history of the Swedish language (to appear in 2014).
Members elected in 2013 Literary & Theatrical Studies Section (19 invited in 2013) Martin MIDDEKE,University of Augsburg (Germany) Major research concerning the aesthetics, history, and theory of contemporary drama that rates him amongst the most prominent European scholars in the field of Anglophone drama. Musicology & History of Art and Architecture Section (13 invited in 2013) Emilio ROS-FÁBREGAS,Institució Milà i Fontanals – CSIC (Spain) Renaissance music manuscript/printed books: edition, music patronage, performance practice. Transmission of music repertory between Spain and other countries (from Europe and the Americas). Historiography of Spanish music. Philosophy, Theology & Religious Studies Section (14 invited in 2013) Jan WOLENSKI,Jagiellonian University (Poland) He achieved many important results in the history of logic and applications of logic to philosophy. Joël BIARD,Université François-Rabelais (France) His expertise includes sub fields such as logic, physics and mathematics, theology, theory of language, rhetoric, psychology, from the medieval age to the early modern period (including an excursus in Hegel’s Logic).
Members elected in 2013 Social Sciences Section (11 invited in 2013) Yale FERGUSON,Rutgers University-Newark (USA) He is a distinguished scholar with a global reputation in global politics. He has held numerous visiting fellowships/appointments in Europe, including U. of Cambridge (3), U. of Padua (Italy), Norwegian Nobel Institute, and U. of Salzburg (2+Hon. Prof.). He has been extremely active in European professional circles for 25+ years. Salvador GINER,Institut d’Estudis Catalans(Spain) Founder of the Spanish Sociological Association and theEuropean Sociological Association, in Vienna. Outstanding contribution to the critique of the prevalent pessimistic theories of the modern world, as in his book “Mass Society” and outstanding contribution to the macrosociological interpretation of European Societies, especially Mediterranean Europe. Anders MALMBERG,Uppsala University (Sweden) - 2012 Economic Geography Researcher on industrial dynamics and innovation systems. He is Pro Vice Chancellor of Uppsala University since 2012. Leo VAN WISSEN,University of Groningen (Netherlands) Covers spatial and regional aspects, trends and demographic transitions across Europe. and directs one of the less than a handful leading national demographic institutes on the continent
Members elected in 2013 Economics, Business & Management Sciences Section (9 invited in 2013) Salvador BARBERÀ, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) For fundamental work on the analysis of the (restricted domain) conditions under which natural and/or realistic decision mechanisms are free of game-theoretic complexity (truth as a dominant strategy). László CSABA, Central European University (Hungary) One of the leading European scholars transmitting Western academic knowledge to the East and Eastern insights to the Western academic community in the field of economic systems, economic relations and their changes. Kai KONRAD,Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance (Germany) Belongs to the younger generation of German economists chairman of the Council of Scientific Advisors to the Federal Ministry of Finance of the Federal Republic of Germany. Member of the Scientific Council of the Bruegel Institution in Brussels Friederike WALL, Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt (Austria) Research subjects range from business informatics, information economics and management accounting and she works on elaborating commonalities and general rules in these areas.
Members elected in 2013 Informatics Section (31 invited in 2013) Henri BAL,VU University Amsterdam (Netherlands) His research has led to award-winning applications, such as search algorithms (the solution of Awari in 2003), eScience, multimedia, semantic web and model-checking. Jordi CORTADELLA,UniversitatPolitècnica de Catalunya(Spain) One of the top researchers in Europe on Electronic Design Automation. 2002: Finalist of the Descartes Prize. Schahram DUSTDAR, TechnischeUniversität Wien (Austria) One of the leaders ins Service-oriented and Context-aware Computing. The top three papers written by him in above areas and collaborative computing have about 2.000 citations. Carlo GHEZZI,Politecnicodi Milano (Italy) One of the most respected researchers, authors and educators in the field of software engineering. As an author and educator, he is particularly known for a series of textbooks (some with D. Mandrioli and M. Jazayeri) on fundamental topics, programming languages and software engineering, which are considered authoritative. Martin GOLUMBIC,University of Haifa (Israel) World renowned expert in the area of algorithmic graph theory and discrete applied mathematics. He has had a major impact in the area for over 30 years through his seminal papers and research books on structured families of graphs including introducing interval tolerance graphs, EPT graphs, graph sandwich problems, trivially perfect graphs, a variety of hypergraph problems, chordal bipartite graphs, trapezoid graphs, chordal probe graphs, and many other concepts that have become mainstream.
Members elected in 2013 Informatics Section (31 invited in 2013) Christian JENSEN, Aarhus University (Denmark) Has made fundamental contributions to the state of the art in data management, most notably 1) modelling and querying temporal databases and 2) indexing, querying, and tracking moving objects and their trajectories. These areas are key to information technologies for mobile devices and for time-related big data analytics. Bart PRENEEL,Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) An internationally respected, inspiring leader in the field of cryptography and information security,The Belgian school of cryptography is the basis for two winners of competitions organized by the American National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST). Siegfried SELBERHERR, Technische Universität Wien (Austria) One of the key persons who created Technology Computer-Aided Design (TCAD), whereby the development of semiconductor devices became possible, a milestone of progress towards today's information society. Roman SŁOWIŃSKI, Poznań University of Technology (Poland) Best known for his seminal work on using rough sets in decision analysis. is well known for his innovative research in Operations. Research and Computational Intelligence, which shaped new paradigms such as rough set theory, robust ordinal regression, ordinal data mining and preference learning. Doctor Honoris Causa of 3 European Universities, full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, laureate of the EURO Gold Medal (the highest distinction in Operations Research in Europe), Arnold SMEULDERS,Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (Netherlands) Is one of the most eminent Dutch researchers in AI, computer vision, and ICT in general. In the last RAE’s his group scored maximal grades, ranking as first in the list of all Dutch research groups.
Members elected in 2013 Physics and Engineering Sciences Section (15 invited in 2013) Ergin ATALAR,Bilkent University (Turkey) For his scientific contributions to magnetic resonance imaging technologies. Specifically, significant contributions on development of interventional procedures under the guidance of magnetic resonance imaging. Michel GEVERS,Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) Key European scientific figure in system identification and its interconnection with robust control design, optimal experiment design for identification, and data-based control design. Gabor STEPAN,Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) Pioneering, constructive and seminal contributions to theories applicable to delay systems like ‘Micro-chaos’, ‘Semi-discretization of delay systems’, ‘Act-and-wait control’, ‘Delayed Mathieu-equation paradigm’. Chemical Sciences Section (17 invited in 2013) Enric CANADELL,ICMAB-CSIC (Spain) A major figure in the theory of low-dimensional materials (“hidden Fermi surface nesting”, “two-band molecular conductors”). Craig HILL,Emory University (USA) One of the foremost experts internationally on transition-metal oxygen anion clusters (polyoxometalates or “POMs”) and his papers have impacted virtually every area of POM science. Roeland NOLTE, Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands) Pioneered the field of Supramolecular Chemistry. His studies have found applications as new catalytic systems, materials, and sensor systems. Hans-Peter STEINRÜCK,Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany) – 2012 Surface and interface science with the main research interests in new materials with novel electronic, geometric and chemical properties.
Members elected in 2013 Earth and Cosmic Sciences Section (8 invited in 2013) Pilar RUIZ-LAPUENTE, Instituto de Física Fundamental-CSIC(Spain) She has been a part in one of the major discoveries in cosmology and fundamental physics: the acceleration of the cosmic expansion, due to a hitherto unknown component of the universe, nowadays dominant. Gordon E. BROWN, Stanford University (USA) Ian Campbell Medal, American Geosciences Institute (in recognition of singular performance in and contribution to the profession of geology."). International leader in Mineralogy and Geochemistry Mathematics Section (12 invited in 2013) János PINTZ, Alfred Renyi Mathematical Institute (Hungary) He has made pioneering and ground-breaking discoveries in the field of analytic number theory, with special regard to the Twin Prime Conjecture and the Goldbach conjecture. Behavioural Sciences Section (7 invited in 2013) Valéria CSÉPE,Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (Hungary) High impact on three main research fields: animal models of pre-attentive processing; electrophysiological correlates of typical and atypical development of reading, including dyslexia; interdisciplinary approach of cognitive development and language disorders in clinical groups .
Members elected in 2013 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Section (20 invited in 2013) José Luis RIECHMANN,Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (Spain) Work in plant virology, in the analysis of Arabidopsis transcription factors in his period in Caltech that is a reference in the field and in plant development back in Spain. Translation to applications. Devoted to translate results from the analysis of Arabidopsis genome to plant breeding in a USA biotech company producing a number of patents IannisTALIANIDIS,Biomedical Sciences Research Center (Greece) Leading molecular biologist in Europe and worldwide. - Gene regulation Chromatin structure-function Epigenetics Liver development Liver cancer. Director of the Fleming Institute in Athens. EMBO member in 2004. AnnalisaPASTORE,MRC National Institute for Medical Research (UK) Seminal contributions to Structural Biology and to the fields of protein aggregation and misfolding diseases, through original work entirely different from the main stream and focused on the relationships between normal function and aggregation. Her work in iron-sulphur cluster biogenesis has created a new paradigm to understand Friedreich's ataxia and other mitochondrial diseases.
Members elected in 2013 Physiology & Medicine Section (17 invited in 2013) Elías CAMPO,University of Barcelona (Spain) Leader of the Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) Genome Project, the only Spanish consortium within the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC). The ICGC aim is to obtain a comprehensive description of genomic, transcriptomic and epigenomic changes in 50 different tumour types and/or subtypes which are of clinical and societal importance. major awards. Cisca WIJMENGA,University Medical Center Groningen (Netherlands) In the field of human genetics and is considered among the world leaders in the study of the genetics of coeliac disease. Her interdisciplinary research team covers genetics, molecular genetics, epidemiology, immunology, computational biology and bioinformatics. Kurt ZATLOUKAL,Medical University of Graz (Austria) Research work focuses on molecular pathology of metabolic liver diseases and cancer. coordinated the preparatory phase of a European biobanking and biomolecular research infrastructure (BBMRI)
Members elected in 2013 Welcome to the Academia Europaea JOSEP DOMINGO-FERRER Informatics Section AE Member elected in 2012
Burgen Scholarship 2014 • The 26th Annual award of the Burgen Scholarships • Established in honour of the founding President of the Academia Europaea, Arnold Burgen, and awarded to ten ‘young’ emerging scholars, on the recommendation of AE members in the host country of each annual conference. • The awards recognise future potential and cover all disciplines. Recipients can be of any nationality, but must be working in the host country. • 2014 awards are co-sponsored by • Cambridge University Press
Burgen Scholarship 2014 Isabelle Anguelovski (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)Urban Planning / Environmental Studies My research is centered on studying processes and dynamics that lead to more just, resilient, healthy, and sustainable cities, bringing together theory from urban planning, public policy, urban and environmental sociology, and urban geography Almudena Fuster Matanzo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) Neurobiology As a P.h.D student I focused my attention on studying the role of the kinase in adult neurogenesis (the formation of new neurons during the adulthood) in the context of Alzheimers Disease (AD), as well as the role of a best known substrate of GSK-3β ; tau protein, in the same process. After obtaining the P.h.D degree, I began to be more interested in gaining insight into the relationship between GSK-3β and neuroinflammation, which is an important phenomenon taking place in neurodegeneration..
Burgen Scholarship 2014 David Hernández de la Fuente (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, UNED) Ancient Greek History, Ancient Greek Civilization My main research lines are Greek Religion and Mythology (especially Oracles, Dionysism and Pythagoreanism), Religion, Literature and Society in Late Antiquity (esp. Nonnus and Early Byzantium) and History of Platonism (esp. Laws and Neoplatonism) Inmaculada Hoyos Sánchez (Centre Léon Robin des Recherches sur la Pensée Antique - CNRS- Université Paris IV Sorbonne) Modern and Ancient philosophy My research analyzes the development of the cognitive-evaluative theory, from the ancient stoicism (Chrysippus) to the late stoics (Seneca). It also seeks to unveil the link between this late elaboration of the notion of passion as a cognitive evaluation and the concept of passion characteristic of Spinoza’s philosophy.
Burgen Scholarship 2014 Hug March (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) Urban Political Ecology, Water Management, Geography My research revolves around the urban political ecology of the urban water cycle, focusing on the relationships between urbanization, infrastructure, technology, finance, droughts and governance at multiple spatial and temporal scales and geographies. I have also done research on climate change perception in tourist areas of Mediterranean Spain where water is a critical resource for economic activity. Silvia Pellicer-Ortín (Universidad de Zaragoza)Contemporary British Literature My main research interests lie in contemporary British fiction and semi-autobiographical genres, with a special focus on British-Jewish literature and British-Jewish women writers, the ethical and traumatic component in the writings of sexual and ethnic minorities, the Holocaust and the question of Jewishness, feminism, women and gender studies.
Burgen Scholarship 2014 Alexandre Ponrouch (Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona) Chemical Sciences My research is focused on tailoring the interface between electrode and electrolyte for both lithium- and non-lithium-based batteries, placing emphasis on electrolyte formulation in order to maximise performance. David Sánchez Ruenes (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) Computer Science My research backgrounds are framed both in Artificial Intelligence -knowledge acquisition and representation, ontologies, data semantics and multi-agent systems- and Data Privacy –disclosure control and data anonymisation
Burgen Scholarship 2014 Victor Sebastian Cabeza (Universidad de Zaragoza) Nanotechnology My main research focus is on the following fields: 1) Microfabrication techniques.2)Micro/nano fluidics.3) Synthesis of nanomaterials. 4) Nanocatalysts.5) Biomedical applications of nanomaterials. 6) Porous materials and applications 7) Development of membranes for gas and liquid separation purposes. Pedro Serna Merino (Instituto de Tecnología Química) Chemistry My research has made landmark advances in selective catalysis. I (with Prof. Corma), discovered how gold can be transformed from the least reactive of all metals to a nanomaterial, so highly dispersed as nanoparticles, that it selectively catalyzes the conversion of compounds that incorporate nitro groups into a number of valuable products.
Barcelona 2014 BURGEN SCHOLARSHIP Posters available in courtyard
Barcelona 2014 ERASMUS MEDAL
2014 Erasmus Medal Award The Council of the Academia Europaea are pleased to award an Erasmus Medal to the renowned Informatics scholar Professor KURT MEHLHORN Medal and lecture sponsored by: Laudation by Professor Jan Bergstra, MAE – Chair of the Informatics Section
2014 Erasmus Medal Award KURT MEHLHORN(MAE) Citation: Computer Science has changed the world and will continue to change it. ALGORITHMS are at the core of every computer system. Kurt Mehlhorn is Europe’s ‘Mr. Algorithm’. His work has shaped Computer Science. Mehlhorn has made fundamental contributions to algorithm science; data structures, computational geometry and algebra, parallel computing, VLSI design, complexity theory, combinatorial optimization and graph algorithms. His breadth is unrivalled. Algorithms, or more precisely, implementation of algorithms in the form of programs are at the core of every computer system. Programs have to be efficient and correct (accuracy and speed of completion). These two aspects are traditionally addressed by different communities within Computer Science. Mehlhorn has brought the two together through his pioneering work with Stefan Näher in the LEDA (Library of Implementations of Efficient Data Structures and Algorithms) project (since 1989). LEDA has spawned a revolutionary development and many subsequent libraries such as the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL) and STXXL (Standard Template Library for Very Large Data Sets). These inventions have facilitated access by outside user communities; e.g. Celera Genomics software for human genome sequencing was based on LEDA.
2014 Erasmus Medal Award ERASMUS LECTURE Sponsored by The Heinz-Nixdorf Foundation “Algorithms and Programs”
www.ae2014barcelona.com OPENING CEREMONY