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PAA Africa Programme Purchase from Africans for Africa ( Ethiopia , Malawi , Mozambique , Senegal, Niger ) First findings and Future Challenges 18th January 2013. UN Organizations Manage and implement. PAA Africa Work Group. PAA Africa Objectives and funds (USD).
PAA AfricaProgramme • PurchasefromAfricans for Africa • (Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Senegal, Niger) • First findings and Future Challenges • 18th January 2013
UN Organizations Manageandimplement PAA Africa WorkGroup
PAA Africa Objectives and funds (USD)
PAA AFRICA: Coordination Diagram Technical and Planning Guidelines 1. 2. Programme level FAO HQ (TCEO) WFP HQ (P4P) FAO (HQ+BRA) WFP BR GoBR Overall project Budget Holder, communications flow, monitoring of and support to the Regional Project Knowledge building and International knowledge sharing activities Pilot Project of Local Food Purchase (Short term) Learning Component Country level FAO + WFP + Government (Implementation) Pilot Project of Local Food Purchase (Short term) Assessment and Strategy for Local Food Purchase (Short and Medium term) Technical and Operational support in the field International Consultants National consultants (FAOR and WFP CO)
Malawi and Senegal Operational component • Malawi • - WFP through an NGO is supporting 451 farmers to diversify the production and to produce according to the schools demand. FAO is implementing a school garden focused on diversification and nutritional education. • - Funds were decentralized to the Ministry of Education, Purchase commitees at schools, training on contracts (9 schools). • - Diversified menu; 10 recipes; training on cooking and food storage. • Senegal • Partnerships have been established with federal and regional government, NGOs and Farmers Associations to support the production and post harvest of rice (FAO - 1 000 vulnerable households, 5 unions of “Groupementsd’IntérêtEconomique”). • Purchases will be under WFP responsibility. Purchase of 60% of the rice produced by the targeted farmers (300 mt peeled). • - 22.859 students benefited (six months) – food will be distribute to 173 school canteens. 4 4
Malawi and Senegal Knowledge component – Strategy focus • . 5
Niger, Ethiopia and Mozambique Operational component • Ethiopia • - The project benefits 1 600 household farmers through the distribution of seeds and fertilizers as well as training on haricot bean production. • Funds for procurement were decentralized to the regional office of the Ministry of Education. Links have been established with primary for the local and direct procurement of food from targeted farmers. • The local partnership will benefit approximately 8 700 students during the school year 2012-2013, with the provision of haricot blended maize daily meals. • Mozambique • Distribution of agricultural inputs and trainings on maize production and post-harvest handling will benefit about 600 household farmers (FAO). • Purchases will be under P4P/WFP responsibility. • The direct procurement of maize will provide daily meals for approximately 72 000 students in 2013, covering 174 primary schools. • Niger • Under revision – funds transferred last December. Purchases of legumes will be distributed to schools. 6 6 6
Niger, EthiopiaandMozambique Knowledgecomponent 7
PAA Africa Common challenges • Productionsupport • Access to quality seeds, agricultural inputs, water, credit and technical assistance; • Sustainable production models are an important issue for Brazil; • Diversification of crops considering nutritional requirements of HGSF; • Post-harvest development constrained by national realities (infrastructure); • Quality standards. • Purchases • Purchase modalities could have different results in terms of small farmers’ and cooperatives’ engagement and benefits; • Price methodology is an important issue for partners (Brazilian Gov.; FAO; WFP and farmers); • Logistic constraints. • Access tofood • School Infrastructure is strongly limited in terms of facilities for food storage and preparation; • Limited access to water for cooking and washing (hygiene and sanitation); • Schools less adapted to work with diversified menus. • Partnerships to strengthen LFP • The pilot activities are generating demands for expansion in the five countries; • Need of funds to guarantee stable demand and allow for an analysis of lessons learned and impact; • Fully dedicated local staff, along with further Brazilian, FAO and WFP technical support can be very relevant; • High level policy dialogue between Brazilian Gov. and African Gov.could strengthen partnerships. • Partnerships of PAA with other national and regional initiatives (gov. and civil society) may be essential. 8
PAA Africa FirstFindings • The first findings of the knowledge component suggest that in order to contribute to National Local Food Purchase Programmes in Africa it would be necessary to consider: • - Long-term cooperation; • - Innovations in the FAO and WFP procedures (transfer money for gov., new models of technical assistance); • - The scale of local food purchases and food assistance need to be more compatible with the humanitarian needs in Africa; • - The immediate humanitarian needs of the population (operations) and the lack of farmers’ organizations to provide sufficient food production. Challenges faced by African States to promote public policy on social protection; (knowledge and capacity building). • The operational component indicates : • - Link smallfarmerstoschoolfeedingcouldbethemaincontributionof PAA Africa. • - Large scale pilots with less diversified menus could be scaled-up at a shorter term (focus on immediate nutritional needs of the population ); • - Small scale pilots with diversified menus (including fresh products) need to be scaled-up slowly (focus on testing different modalities and on capacity building ). • Multi stakeholders approach: • Dialogue is a big challenge among different Brazilian partners, FAO and WFP. • Current partnership is being strengthened as the Programme is implemented. • First results are really positive (WFP, FAO and Gov), but the dialogue need to be strengthened. • It would be important to have higher level coordination to consolidate dialogue between the two programme components and among partners. 9
PAA Africa Strategic opportunities • The PAA Africa operational component is strongly facilitated by the expertise of P4P and their human resources at country level. • The P4P and the home grow school feeding accumulated knowledge and experience can play a major role for the implementation of PAA Africa and for supporting an expansion; • There is a range of activities that can be performed by FAO and WFP based on their technical expertise. Some efforts between FAO decentralized offices and HQ could be useful for a jointly definition about the main activities that FAO can play in PAA Africa. • The PAA Africa Programme can contribute to advocacy and government policy dialogue, due to the technical and political recognition of the Brazilian experience in fighting hunger; • The Brazilian government can play an important role in strengthening collaboration and facilitating dialogue between FAO and WFP. • DFID is playing an strategic role promoting a multi-stakeholder initiative, it’s contributing to link the activities of the WFP CE (capacity building in School Feeding ) with P4P; FAO and Brazilian Government expertise. 10 10
Where would we go? • Wouldweliketo continue the PAA Africapartnership? • What are the WFP (P4P/HGSF) and FAO main expectations for a second phase of PAA Africa partnership? • Wouldwe use thesamemethodologyandcoordinationstructure? • For how long should an expansion be considered? • How could PAA Africa improve its links with P4P, HGSF and FAO accumulated knowledge and experience? • What are the next steps and considerations to design an expansion proposal? 11 11
PAA Africa Zero Draft - Next Steps suggested to design an expansion • Important deadline: • The end of main PAA Africa activities in August 2013 is an essential deadline. It would be important to consider the 1st semester as a "political window“ to have guaranteed the stakeholders’ commitment. • What to consider for the expansion: • A first scenario: scale up and strengthen the PAA Africa in the five African countries (including the two programme components: operations; M&E + knowledge). • Suggested next steps for discussing the expansion: • I ) Each country strategy could be translated into five concept notes to be evaluated by Brazilian Gov.; Brazilian Embassies could support FAO and WFP CO’s fundraising. • II) Based on country strategies, the PAA Africa coordination could write one programme/umbrella concept note to the expansion phase, to be discussed during the next months with PAA Africa partners (WFP; FAO; Brazil and DFID). • III) A fundraising strategy could consider: • Meeting among Brazil; FAO; WFP; DFID and main donors to present first findings and the expansion proposal. • Bilateral meetings of Brazilian Gov., partner countries and other development partners in collaboration with WFP; FAO and PAA Africa coordination. • b) High level FAO and WFP mission to Brazil to present and discuss the programme expansion. 12