Thor defendstheEarthbecausewhen he come totheEarth he fall in love of jane foster, butthorfeelsguiltybecausehisfaultlokisendsomethingtodestroytheEarth, withthepourposetotakerevange of hisbrotheratackingthplanetthatthorlove, and speciallyatackingthewomanthatthorlove. So thorstarttodefendtheearthfromloki and otherthingsforstaywith jane and protecther. Real name: Thor odison Birth place: Asgard Current Location: Asgard Current job: asgardian god of thunder, guardian deity, he is actually related with fertility. Strengths: strongest, speed, the limits of his physical stamina are unknown, he can stay at least 24 for hours before fatigue, he can control the weather, he can teletransportate using his Mjolnir (hammer), he can fly but he doesn’t require Weaknesses: Thors powers degree from his equipment. If his belt is removed he cant use Mjolnirand losses all his super habilities.