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Red Sea. A Journey Through The Bible. Mt. Sinai. 1,600+ Years. 857 Years. Law 40 Days. Tabernacle. Gen 1 In The Beginning God. Eden. Aaron. Creation. 40 Years. Adam Eve. Enoch. Cain Able. FLOOD. Noah. Abraham Isaac Jacob. Shem - Ham Japheth. Moses. J o r d o n. Joseph.
Red Sea A Journey Through The Bible Mt. Sinai 1,600+ Years 857 Years Law40 Days Tabernacle Gen 1 In The Beginning God Eden Aaron Creation 40 Years Adam Eve Enoch CainAble FLOOD Noah AbrahamIsaac Jacob Shem - HamJapheth Moses Jordon Joseph EGYPT Gen 6 Wilderness 430 yrs 51 yrs Joshua Gideon Exodus Nathan Elijah Jeremiah Isaiah Elisha Daniel Canaan Jonah 722 BC Ezekiel 254 Yrs II Kings 17 70 Yrs North (10 Tribes) Judges AssyrianCaptivity Solomon’s Temple Built 606 BC GoldBabylonian SaulI Sam 2 (ISRAEL) JEROBOAM DavidII Sam 5 BabylonianCaptivity 305 Yrs SolomonI Kings 12 Malachi (JUDAH) REHOBOAM (Solomon’s Son) ZERUBBABEL(Temple) 512 BC Start 516 BC End Eli - Samuel Divided Kingdom South (2 tribes) 120 Yrs SilverPersian 389 Yrs Period of MonarchsUnited Kingdom Nebuchadnezzar's Dream EZRA(Reformer) BrassGreek Daniel 2 Paul(13 Letters) ESTHER Holy Spirit Ascension Death Life Revelation Birth Apostolic Church Begins 136 Yrs NEHEMIAH (Walls 445 BC) John IronRoman Tree Events Acts 2 GOD In Heaven Jesus NT BeginsMatt 1 Isle of Patmos OfLife End OT 63 Yrs 400 Yrs(Silence) 33 Yrs Page 1.1
Red Sea A Journey Through The Bible 1,600+ Years 857 Years 40 Years Creation Mt. Sinai Adam FLOOD Eden Cain & Able Noah Gen 1:26-27Gen 2:7 Gen 3:15 Abraham Gen 4 Isaac Jordon Jacob Gen 6:1-8Gen 6:22 51 yrs Gen 12:1-3 Gen 26:1-4 JosephEgypt Wilderness Joshua Gen 28:1-4 Moses Num 13:17-33Num 14:1-34 Josh. 1:1-5Josh. 6 - Jericho Josh. 24:15 Gen 50:25-26 Ex. 3:1-10 400 yrs 142 yrs 388 yrs 305 yrs 120 yrs O.T. Zerubbabel(Temple)Ezra(Reformer)Nehemiah(Rebuild Walls) N.T. Saul DavidSolomon Reheboam&Jereboam Judges BEGINS ENDS Silence ChristIsBorn I Sam. 8:1-9I Sam. 15:1-24I Sam. 16:1,122 Sam. 11:1-4I Kings 3:5-12Eccl. 12:13 Judges 2:11-16 I Kings 12:202 Kings 17(Isreal) 2 Kings 25(Judah) Ezra #Ezra 10Neh. 2:17-20 Matt. 1:18-25 REVELATION 33 yrs 63 yrs Christ’sPersonalMinistry Epistles GuideForChristians Pentecost ChurchBegins LAW ENDS Acts 2:1-47 Col 2:14Heb 9:15-17 John 20:30-31 Page 1.2
PROPHECY Isaiah - Zechariah To READ OLD TESTAMENT IN SEQUENCE, begin with Genesis through 2nd Kings then Ezra, Nehemiah, Malachi and the Gospels. All other books fit in as pictured. ECCLESIASTES Song of Solomon PSALMS PROVERBS ESTHER JOB 521 1520 NEHEMIAH 2nd SAMUEL Old Testament History Contiues With The First Four Books of The New Testament EZRA DEUITERONOMY MALACHI 1st SAMUEL GENESIS EXODUS 2nd KINGS LEVITICUS NUMB ERS 1st KINGS JOSHUA JUDGES RUTH 397 896 536 1451 1451 1171 1056 1015 446 1425 1706 1490 1490 1322 4004 Review of 1st and 2nd Kings Ends with Chap. 53:10 Chapters 1-8 Relates Genealogy Adam to David Chapters 9-29 Reviews History Down to 1st Kings Ends at 1015 B.C. LAW ENDS 2ndCHRONICALES 1stCHRONICALES MATTHEW MARK LUKE JOHN 1025 4004 End of O.T. History Page 1.3
THE BIBLE Page 23.1
The Old Testament is the New Testament Concealed The New Testament is the Old Testament Revealed NEW TESTAMENT 4GospelsorLife ofChristChurch13Epistles(Letters)fromPaulto theChurches(called Pauline Epistles) 8Special Letters “General Epistles” Tell how tolive theChristianLife Prophecy MatthewMarkLukeJohn Acts RomansI CorinthiansII CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansColossiansI ThessaloniansII ThessaloniansI TimothyII TimothyTitusPhilemon HebrewsJamesI PeterII PeterI JohnII JohnIII JohnJude Revelation A collection of 27 BOOKS written in Koine Greek in less than 100 years (50 to 150 A.D.) after Christ – to promote the Gospel or “Good News” (by men inspired of God) the fact that God has provided a way for man to be saved from his sins – by the sacrifice of God’s Son – his ascension back to Heaven – the sending of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost which heralded the beginning of the CHURCH or the KINGDOM. Page 23.2