Alotau Urban LLG • Alotau Urban LLGPresentation Notes* Fastest Growing Town in the southern region* Waste Management not properly coordinated* Mostly indiscriminate dumping* Land ownership is a hindrance to improving waste management infrastructure* No proper legislation and policy on waste management
Alotau Urban LLG * Lack of prosecution powers for offenders * Lack of coordination and partnership from all stakeholders * Collection revenues around K19000.00 * Due to lack of effect implementation of laws results in illegal dumping * Political interference also makes waste management a problem for the authority
Alotau Urban LLG * Lack of concern from the public may be due to awareness and education of the effects of waste generation * Lack of manpower and necessary resources to enable effective waste management and * 22.5m3 daily * 5850m3 yearly * Proposing to contract out waste management services * No studies to indicate waste types
Alotau Urban LLG * Recent develops-AULLG has singed and MOU with NOOSA Town Council of Australia through ASAID to improve its waste management system. MOU singed in 2007 * Challenges include lack of political support, lack of funding, lack of partnership * Recommendations include severe penalties for offenders, increase awareness and education, increase funding,
Alotau Urban LLG Discussion Points * AULLG has a waste management plan * Making use of Town Development plans to identify possible areas of waste management. DEC can assist in undertaking EIA to identify suitability of site selection. * Departments working in isolation hence the failure incommunication