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Unleashing the Potential: Performance Assessment Strategies

Join Heather Crouch, Kirsten Maloney, Chris Powell, Ellie Stack, and Lisa Wooditch to explore the power of performance assessments in educational settings. Understand the impact and benefits of implementing performance assessments through engaging discussions and activities. Discover effective strategies, examples, and resources that can enhance student learning and development. Share your insights and experiences to deepen understanding and drive success in performance assessment practices.

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Unleashing the Potential: Performance Assessment Strategies

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  1. Using any device (iPad, laptop, smartphone), go to Todaysmeet.com/PAAdmin and respond to the following: Use no more than 140 characters to encapsulate a description of performance assessment.

  2. The Power of Performance Assessments Heather Crouch, Instructional Technology Integration Kirsten Maloney, AAP Chris Powell, AAP Ellie Stack, Special Education Instruction Lisa Wooditch, Adapted Curriculum Specialist

  3. Jot Thoughts • Describe yourself in five words. • Jot each descriptor on its own post-it note. • Look for similarities at your table.

  4. Today’s Goals

  5. Deepening understanding Survey says…

  6. Deepening understanding Ainsworth and Viegut (2006) define performance assessments as: • An activity that requires students to: • construct a response, • create a product, or • perform a demonstration. These tasks are often “open-ended”with more than one correct answer, promoting critical thinking and problem solving skills.

  7. Deepening understanding Data and Inter-rater reliability Collaborative vs. Isolated • Anchor papers • Standardization activities • Discussion stems and starters to reinforce protocol What successes and challenges has your school experienced? (Discussion Time: 3 Minutes)

  8. Deepening understanding “Performance assessments… offer a variety of ways for students to demonstratewhat they know about content. These additional skills are related to attitude, creativity, ethics, perseverance, honesty, teamwork, sense of fair play, and many other behaviors and dispositions needed not only in the classroom, but also in the work force.” Sternberg, Robert J. (2007). Assessing what matters. Educational Leadership, 65 (4) 20-26.

  9. Deepening understanding Target Audience?

  10. Deepening understanding Target Audience?

  11. Sarah’s Experience

  12. Today’s Goals

  13. Discussion Developing and Supporting Skills “21st century learning is not new but represents what our best educators have been teaching us for several centuries.” --Jay Mathews (Schmoker, Focus p 25) TPS and then post on Todaysmeet.com/PAAdmin

  14. Discussion Collaborative Questions 1. In what ways can school administrators support successful implementation of performance assessments with their teams? 2. What are the drivers that need to be in place in order to have initial successes with teams that can model performance assessments?

  15. Performance Assessment Research • http://performanceassessment.org/consequences/index.html

  16. Today’s Goals

  17. Resources FCPS and Performance Assessment? • Mentoring Mathematical Minds (M2 and M3) • FCPS Math Performance Tasks • Document-Based Questions • Problem-Based Learning Units • Parallel Curriculum Model – (Practice) • Scenario-Based Projects, Questions, Quizzes • AP/IB Internal Assessments – Exams • IBMYP Monitoring of Assessment

  18. Problem Based Learning Units

  19. Resources Examples Explain how a crumple zone or air bag reduces the force on a body in a car during a crash. Use some example calculations and/or diagrams to support your answer. What might be possible responses from students?

  20. Resources Examples The Government has just announced a plan to make front air bags and side air bags compulsory in all cars. They then plan to allow drivers to drive at any speed they want. They claim that goods can then be delivered faster and the airbags will mean fewer people in hospitals. Do you think that this is a good plan? Justify your answer.

  21. Resources Audit assessment

  22. Resources Resources on FCPS Google Share

  23. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

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