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Transforming Screening and Surveillance for Autism in Children: Well Child Lens &The iM-CHAT

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Transforming Screening and Surveillance for Autism in Children: Well Child Lens &The iM-CHAT

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  1. OVERVIEW: wellchildlens.com (WCL) is a video-richwebsite that facilitates universal screening and surveillance forautism as mandated by the American Academy of Pediatrics for all children 16-30 months so that therapies can begin at a time when they are the most effective (AAP, 2007). CONCLUSION: Well Child Lens and the iM-CHAT will transform ASD evaluation and improve the lives of children with ASD by bringing down the average age of diagnosis, especially among families of low socioeconomic status, and getting children into early intervention therapy earlier for improved long-term function outcomes from early childhood through adolescence and adulthood. EMR ADAPTATION:Well Child Lens Autism-Clinical Version (WCLA-CV) is an integrated diagnostic, communications, and care management solution specifically designed for pediatric practices.  By customizing a special dashboard, GeneticaLens can create an integrated system for each pediatrician in the practice that incorporates the web-based iM-CHAT into their EMR. • PROBLEM:1 in 68 children in the US will be diagnosed with an ASD (Centers for Disease Control, 2014). Less than 50% of doctors regularly administer developmental screenings, let alone autism-specific screenings (Radecki et al.,2011). ONLINE SOLUTION: With over 500 hours of videos, wellchildlens.com enables everyone concerned about autism – parents, pediatric healthcare providers, teachers, researchers, therapists and others – to see the early warning signs and learn about the therapies that can change a child’s life. A core feature of WCL: The Interactive Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (iM-CHAT), a questionnaire designed to be taken by parents of toddlers at the 18 and 24 month well child visits. Advantages *Improves quality of medical decision-making *Speeds diagnosis and timely referrals for care *Improves outcomes for children with ASD *Drives down costs to families, practitioners, payers (government/healthcare), and society  WCL-CV (SaaS) The next generation of WCLA-CV will be software as a service (SaaS).  Licensed to users on a subscription basis, the software will be internally produced, centrally hosted on dedicated servers (web and database servers) by a contracted provider and accessed via web browsers.  WCLA-CV SaaS will be designed to integrate with any EMR, in private practices, hospitals or clinics. Video Enhanced The iM-CHAT contains video examples of the behavior in question to help clarify questions like: “Does your child wiggle his fingers in front of his eyes?” Parents can take the iM-CHAT on their home computers or in the doctor’s waiting room on a tablet. PILOT STUDIES: From 2013-14,pilot studies of the iM-CHAT were conducted at sites in Georgia and Delaware: 48 parents completed the iM-CHAT, 47 screened negative, 1 screened positive and was referred for evaluation. In response to a survey question, 77% (37) responded that the IM-CHAT was very easy to understand and navigate, and 19% (9) responded quite easy or easy. The vast majority found the videos to be helpful/very helpful (83%), with 9 responding that they changed their answers after watching videos. 1.Tiranoff Productions LLC/GeneticaLens, 2. University of Connecticut, 3.Drexel University, 4. Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai Transforming Screening and Surveillance for Autism in Children: Well Child Lens &The iM-CHAT The iM-CHAT WCLA – Clinical Version I WCLA – Clinical Version II Louise Tiranoff, PhD1; Diana Robins, PhD3; Deborah Fein, PhD2; Connor Kerns, PhD3; Greg Polin, BA1; Michael Tiranoff, BA1;Jeremy Silverman, PhD4 • RESULTS: Preliminary data confirms the value added proposition for doctors and parents of the iM-CHAT and WCL tools integrated into EMR and the advantages of video-enhanced screening. • “My son Alexander is 28 months old and we have continually been concerned with early warning signs for autism. The Well Child Lens website helped me understand what I should be looking for and advice on where to go from here. I especially found great use from the ‘See the Signs’ portion of the website because it was easy to navigate. I simply clicked on ‘24 months’ and was directed to a video library of milestones that children around my son's age have mastered.” Tracy • “Just based on preliminary data…we see that the iM-CHAT has been a valuable addition to our autism screening and surveillance routine. The engaging videos, that are part of the iM-CHAT, highlight typically developing children and children at risk, and our physicians have commented that the videos increase the parents' understanding of the questions. The fact that the iM-CHAT is digital, interactive and automatically scored has certainly streamlined the process.” Victoria A. Levin, MD, Pediatric Associates, DE Digital Follow Up Interview Instant Scoring and Review • A multi-media and information services company dedicated to combating rare and difficult-to-diagnose disorders through proprietary video content and tools in interactive web applications. Contact • louise@geneticalens.com The responses are instantly scored and, if the results indicate, the Digital Follow-Up Interview is administered. The results can be printed out to bring to the well child visit or integrated into the doctor’s EMR system. Productivity is improved and referrals can be ordered in a timely manner. .

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