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Enhancing European Research Area: New Perspectives from the Green Paper

Explore the European Research Area's vision, challenges, and opportunities outlined in the Green Paper, aiming to make research more efficient and effective. Discuss areas like innovation, education, research institutions, and global cooperation.

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Enhancing European Research Area: New Perspectives from the Green Paper

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  1. Research and the Lisbon Strategy - giving renewed impetus to ERA European Research Area New Perspectives Green PaperCOM(2007)161James Gavigan - Euopean Commission SIX COUNTRIES PROGRAMME SPRING WORKSHOP, Dublin 19-20 APRIL 2007

  2. ERA in the knowledge triangle • Innovation • Broad-based innovation strategy  • Education • European Higher Education Area • Research • European Research Area Green Paper

  3. A new look at ERA • The Green Paper • Where do we need more Europe in research? • Not reinventing ERA but reinvigorating efforts • Make European research more efficient & effective • Why now? • Globalisation • Major challenges • Research system changes

  4. Where we stand with ERA • Some progress • But… …Fragmentation …Business R&D investment …Lack of specialisation Need now to move decidedly towards a situation where research and knowledge could be considered to constitute a fifth freedom of the EU

  5. ERA vision • Firmly rootingknowledge in society • Right balance between competition and cooperation • Free Europe’s knowledge potential: • People • Infrastructures • Organisations Questions for debate • Knowledge circulation • Funding • Global cooperation

  6. Single labour market for researchers • Overall assessment • Careers and mobility • Untapped potential • Voluntary approaches: sufficient? • Education and training Questions for debate

  7. World-class research infrastructures • Overall assessment • Roadmap • Funding • Legal structure • Electronic infrastructures Questions for debate

  8. Strengthening research institutions • Overall assessment • Challenges • Concentration and specialisation • Autonomy / accountability • Virtual research communities / centres Questions for debate

  9. Sharing knowledge • Overall assessment • Open access • Knowledge transfer • IPR issues • Society and policy-making Questions for debate

  10. Optimising programmes and priorities • Overall assessment • Public funding efficiency • Investigator-driven research: reciprocal opening • Society-driven research: joint programming • Intergovernmental research organisations Questions for debate

  11. Opening to the world • Overall assessment • S&T contribution to wider policy objectives • EU / national coordination • Speaking with one voice • Multilateral frameworks Questions for debate

  12. On-line survey Seminars/ meetings Ad hoc contributions Relevance of questions? Potential follow-up actions? Initiatives in 2008 (Who to involve – European institutions / Member States / Regions Researchers & RIs / Business / Citizens / Experts/ Academics) Public debate and further steps

  13. http://ec.europa.eu/research/era

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