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Best Child Custody Lawyer in Phoenix

A Phoenix child custody lawyer at Your Phoenix Family Lawyer can ensure that you receive a fair and reasonable child support order in Phoenix family law court.

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Best Child Custody Lawyer in Phoenix

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  1. Best Child Custody LawyerIn Phoenix Your Phoenix FamilyLawyer yourphoenixfamilylawyer.com

  2. Childcustodycasesareveryemotional.Noonewantstothinkabouthavingrestrictions onwhenandhowtheycanseetheirkids.APhoenixchildcustodyattorneycanhelp youdevelopaplanthatisinthebestinterestofyourchildrenandiseasiertodealwith. We will treat your child custody case with the care and compassion that your kids deserve.Wefighttoestablishaparentingplanthatwillhelpyourkidsthrive,notjust surviveinthewakeofyourdivorce. yourphoenixfamilylawyer.com

  3. CommonFactorsConsideredinaChild CustodyCase Courtswillconsiderfactorssuchas: lThecurrentresidenceofthechild lTheparent’simmediateandfutureplans lThecurrenthouseholdenvironmentofbothparents lHistoryofdomesticviolence,druguse,criminalproblems&childabuse lThedistancebetweenthepartiesresidences lTheoccupationsandworkschedulesoftheparents lWherethechildwillattendschool landanyotherfactorthatmayaffectthechild’swell-being yourphoenixfamilylawyer.com

  4. Add asubheading PhoenixChildCustodyandSupport Cases APhoenixfamilylawlawyercanensurethatyoureceiveafairand reasonablechildsupportorderinPhoenixfamilylawcourt. yourphoenixfamilylawyer.com

  5. Talk toUs Your Phoenix FamilyLawyer Phone: 602-737-3195 Website: yourphoenixfamilylawyer.com

  6. Thank You

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