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Introduction to Geospatial Metadata – ISO 191** Metadata . National Coastal Data Development Center A division of the National Oceanographic Data Center. Please email a list of participants at each location to ncddcmetadata@noaa.gov
Introduction to Geospatial Metadata – ISO 191** Metadata National Coastal Data Development Center A division of the National Oceanographic Data Center Please email a list of participants at each location to ncddcmetadata@noaa.gov Also email questions for the Q&A session to ncddcmetadata@noaa.gov
Course Outline Introduction to Metadata - ISO 101 ISO 101 - Content and Organization XML Basics UML Basics Tools for ISO Metadata Creation Methods & Writing Metadata Validation
learn what metadata is, plus how it can help you in your job understand the use and format of the ISO 191** standards identify tools and resources needed to write metadata write quality metadata that you can share with others help other people write quality metadata make sure that the metadata produced for data today will be reliable, accurate, and long-standing Objectives
ISO Resources Series Materials - ftp://ftp.ncddc.noaa.gov/pub/Metadata/Online_ISO_Training/ NOAA EDM Wiki ( ) - https://geo-ide.noaa.gov/wiki/index.php?title=Main _Page Workbooks - http://www.ncddc.noaa.gov/metadata-standards/
What is metadata? Why is it important? Metadata 101
What is Metadata? • Metadata functions… • documentation • management • discovery • access • use Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How
Who Who collected the data? Who processed the data? Who wrote the metadata? Who to contact for questions? Who to contact to order? Who owns the data? What is Metadata? Where Where were the data collected? Where were the data processed? Where are the data located? When When were the data collected? When were the data processed? What What are the data about? What project were they collected under? What are the constraints on their use? What is the quality? What are appropriate uses? What parameters were measured? What format are the data in? How How were the data collected? How were the data processed? How do I access the data? How do I order the data? How much do the data cost? How was the quality assessed? Why Why were the data collected?
This is the metadata for this. aurora with comet What’s Missing?
This is the metadata for this. Author(s)Blair, Diane. Title(s)Whales watching/ by Diane Blair and Pamela Wright PlaceMankato, Minn. : Capstone Books 1997. Physical Descr48 p.: col. ill., col. maps ; 23 cm. Subject(s)Whales -- Juvenile literature Whale watching -- Juvenile literature While the card-catalog entry is a form of metadata, it does not address topics such as quality, accuracy, or scale. Well-written geospatial metadata describes these and many more aspects of the data.
a small part of This is the metadata for this.
Metadata contains vital information Imagine being given two identical cans. Your task is to choose one to eat. But here’s the catch. Neither can has a label. Which would you choose? Ravioli? Dog Food? Without a label, how would you know which one to open?
A Component of Data Properly documented data provides vital information to interested parties.
A Component of Data A published map contains elements of metadata… • Publisher • Publication date • Type of map • Title / Description • Spatial references • Scale and accuracy • Sources • Legend
A Component of Data
Metadata is that component of data which describes it. A Component of Data RARNUM - unique combination of species, concentration, and seasonality CONC (concentration) = Density species is found at location Season_ID = seasonality code like to the seasonal table Element - Biology group Environmental Sensitivity Index Data Metadata
A Component of Data Characteristics of the data Metadata describes… • CONTENT • CONDITION • QUALITY
A Component of Data Because metadata provides vital information about a dataset, it should neverbe viewed or treated as a separate entity. Metadata is a critical component of a complete data set.
Metadata should be updated to reflect changes in the data… 1980 HEW Teheran British Honduras Cape Hatteras Light Mt. St. Helen West Germany 2005 HHS & HUD Tehran Belize Cape Hatteras Light Mt. St. Helen Germany
The Value of Metadata (Why Metadata?)
Why does an organization need to be able to track its data or work? • What about the employee who is ready to retire? • Do you know what he did or how he did it? • What were his processing steps? • What about the grad student who is leaving? • Do you even know where their data is?
Properly documenting a data set is the key to preserving its usefulness through time.
For data developers, metadata helps to... • Avoid duplication • Share reliable information • Publicize efforts • Reduce workload
For organizations, metadata helps to… • Protect investment in data • Create an institutional memory • Counter personnel changes • Allow sharing of data with • other agencies • Save time and money • Limit potential liability
For data users, metadata... • Facilitates understanding • Focuses on key elements • Enables discovery — inside and outside of organizations • Find data of interest • Determine data usefulness • Determine data access This saves time and money.
This “data discovery” is all accomplished through the use of a clearinghouse, an on-line searchable catalog of standardized metadata records.
Data Discovery Metadata clearinghouses and Portals are decentralized systems of Internet servers you can use to search for available geospatial data. Servers housing metadata Client Gateway
Discovering Data Through Metadata The descriptive information that fuels the clearinghouses and other portals is metadata, which is collected in a standard format to facilitate query and consistent presentation.
Example Discovery Portals • Data.gov Data Catalog • http://catalog.data.gov/dataset • National Geoplatform • https://www.geoplatform.gov/ • NOAA Community Geoplatform • http://www.geoplatform.gov/noaa/noaa-home • NOAA Geoportal Example • http://data.nodc.noaa.gov/geoportal/catalog/search/search.page • Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) • http://gcmd.nasa.gov/
DATA.GOV SEARCH DATA CATALOG http://www.data.gov/
DATA CATALOG http://catalog.data.gov/dataset
Common Types of Searches • Free Text Searches • Categorized Search • Temporal Search • Geographic Search • by Keyword • by Map Interface
Questions for Discovery Does a dataset on a specific topic exist? Does a dataset for a specific place exist? Does a dataset for a specific date or time period exist? Can I obtain the data? Why was the data collected? Who can I ask questions about the data?
Data Discovery Demo http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/access/index.html
What is Metadata? Email questions to ncddcmetadata@noaa.gov