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Course Preliminaries. ITCS 4010 Grid Computing, 2005, UNC-Charlotte, B. Wilkinson. Class List and Attendance. Will every student send an email to me at abw@uncc.edu confirming their registration in the course Put in the subject of the message “Grid course student”
Course Preliminaries ITCS 4010 Grid Computing, 2005, UNC-Charlotte, B. Wilkinson.
Class List and Attendance Will every student send an email to me at abw@uncc.edu confirming their registration in the course Put in the subject of the message “Grid course student” In the body of the message identify: • Your name • Your email address • Your major • Whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student • Your institution Use the email account from your institution.
Assignments • There are several “short” assignments, covering web services and grid computing. • Each assignment has a detailed write-up describing steps you need to take. (see course home page).
Computers • The assignments use very specific (free) software. • You will need an account of a suitable computer system with software installed, either: • A local computers at your institution, or • A remote computer system at one of the established sites • Or you can use your own computer for most assignments if you can install the software (no support given).
Main sites with computer systems already set-up for use with course • App. State • grid0.cs.appstate.edu, node1.cs.appstate,edu … node7.cs.appstate.edu • NCSU • vcla1-10.hpc.ncsu.edu • UNC-C • coit-grid01.uncc.edu … coit-grid04.uncc.edu • UNC-W • beowulf.bear.uncc.edu • WCU • snowwhite.cs.wcu.edu, bashful.cs.wcu.edu, sneezy.cs.wcu.edu, sleepy.cs.wcu.edu, happy.cs.wcu.edu, grumpy.cs.wcu.edu, dopey.cs.wcu.edu • MCNC • globus16.nc.grid.org or kite1.ncgtec.org
Remote Access • Traditional way from a Windows system is to use PuTTY for a command line remote access. Select ssh. • More details in Assignment 1 write-up
What each student must do • Make sure an account on the computer system set-up for the course at your institution if available, otherwise contact abw@uncc.edu for allocation of a computer system. This must be done immediately.
What each student must do (cont.) • For Assignment 3 onwards, you will need to obtain a “certificate” to do grid computing in a secure fashion. This must be done now as there is some work that we must do in the background and that takes time.
Obtaining a “certificate” • As will be fully explained later in the course, (X509) certificates are used to provide security in a grid system. • Each user needs a certificate issued by a “certificate authority” (CA). • Each of the main sites in our grid has a CA set-up.
ASU WCU MCNC UNC-C NCSU UNC-A CA CA CA CA CA CA CA’s in Course grid structure
Obtaining a “certificate” cont. You make a request for a certificate to the appropriate CA. Requesting a certificate • 1. Log into your assigned system. • 2. Issue the command • grid-cert-request • which will produce three files in .globus in your home directory: • usercert_request.pem • usercert.pem (an empty file) • userkey.pem
Files held by user after usinggrid-cert-request • Request: usercert_request.pem • The certificate request, which you should send to your CA. • Certificate: usercert.pem • An empty file. When you receive your actual certificate from your CA, you should place it in this file. • User’s private key: userkey.pem • The private key associated with your certificate request, encrypted with the pass phrase that you entered when prompted by grid-cert-request.
Obtaining a “certificate” cont. 3. Email the file grid-cert-request.pem to the CA administrator: NCSU Dr. Gary Howell gwhowell@unity.ncsu.edu UNC-C Kevin Hammond kevbo99@bellsouth.net WCU James Ruff certauthority@cs.wcu.edu UNC-W Dr. Clayton Ferner cferner@uncw.edu The CA administrator will create the certificate as the file usercert.pem. The CA administrator will secure copy this file into your .globus directory replacing the empty file created with grid-cert-request. You will receive an email when this has been done.
Obtaining a “certificate” cont. 4. Test that certificate works by issuing the command grid-proxy-init which creates a “proxy” certificate to access resources on your behalf. You will be prompted for a passphase, which will be the same as you used when making the request. Check that you got a proxy by using the command: grid-proxy-info which will show the proxy subject and time left. The proxy can be destroyed with: grid-proxy-destroy
Class tests and assignment submission WebCT at UNC-C will be used for multiple-choice class tests and for submitting assignments. http://www.webct.uncc.edu/WCT_FACULTY/index.html Choose the “Development Server” login button on the Faculty WebCT support page (not 49er Express WebCT). Make sure you use a recent browser.
WebCT -- User name Same as first part of your email address (before @) plus one of two capital letters that identify your institution: • Lenoir-Rhyne L • UNC-A A • NCSU S • UNC-P P • WCU WE • UNC-W WI • WSSU WS • UNC-C C
WebCT -- passwords • Same as username. • You must change your password the first time you log into WebCT. • DO NOT FORGET YOUR PASSWORD. UNCC HAS NO AUTOMATIC WAY RESETTING PASSWORDS.
What to submit for each assignment Generally, produce a 4-5 page Word document. • Includes how you modified the service (code and explanation). • Show that you successfully followed the instructions and performs all tasks by taking screen shots and include these screen shots in the document. • Number of screen shots is up to you but it should demonstrate your programs worked.
To include screen shots from Windows XP, select window, press Alt-Printscreen, and paste to file. A presentation will be made prior to each assignment discussing the precise requirements of the assignment.
Due Date Each assignment will have posted due date posted on the course home page: http://www.cs.uncc.edu/~abw/ITCS4010F05 which is very firm unless you have documented system problems, see next slide.
System Problems • You MUST report any system problems that are preventing you complete an assignment at least 48 hours before the due date so that you can be given an account elsewhere if necessary. • No extensions will be allowed if you did not contact us 48 hours before the due date.