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BTB Real Estate Investment Trust aims to revamp a 7-hectare underutilized property into a vibrant Business Park Plaza, enhancing the area's economic opportunities and conforming to provincial policies.
BTB Real Estate Investment Trust Proposed Comprehensive Redevelopment at the South West Corner of 805 Boundary Road and Marleau Avenue, Cornwall Ken Bedford, MCIP, RPP Supervisor – Planning Division PAC File Z-04-13
BTB Business (Industrial) Park Plaza Project Project Proposal • Proposal by BTB (REIT) for a Comprehensive Redevelopment to create a Business (Industrial) Park Plaza at the south west corner of Boundary Road and Marleau Avenue • A four pad (Blocks “A-D”) multi-phase construction project, totalling approximately 22,790 square metres (245,310 sq. ft.) of Gross Floor Area (GFA), commencing with Block “D” a complete retrofit/refacading of the existing warehouse building at 805 Boundary Road • The approximate 7 hectares (17 acres) is underutilized and presently realizes a lot occupancy of only 12-14% with the existing building. Full proposed build-out will see an approximate lot occupancy of 33%, representing an appropriate optimization of the parcel.
BTB Real Estate Investment Trust • Subject property situated at the “Eastern Gateway to the City of Cornwall Planned Business (Industrial) Park, at the boundary of Cornwall and the Township of South Glengarry. • Lands west of Boundary Road, in the Business Park, are designated as “Industrial” (IND.) in the City of Cornwall (2002) Official Plan.
BTB Real Estate Investment Trust • The present on-site zoning of Manufacturing (MFR 40) represents the general Industrial-type zone for the Business Park and allows for a traditional portfolio of permitted uses, typically expected in past years in such a planned area. • The request by BTB is to propose an expansion of the range of permitted uses in the MFR 40 zoning, in order to effectively/successfully market the redevelopment initiative, while respecting the “Industrial” Plan Function in the Park.
BTB Real Estate Investment Trust PPS’s • The Provincial Policy Statements (PPS’s) as a provincial interest promote smart growth and sustainability of Community “Employment Areas” (Employment Lands), such as the Planned Business Park. • The BTB proposal provides for diversified economic base opportunities, including a range and choice such as this suitable site for employment uses, but maintaining the focus of the “Employment Areas” (policy 1.3.1. of PPS).
BTB Real Estate Investment Trust PPS’s (continued) • Sufficient land shall be made available through intensification and redevelopment to accommodate an appropriate range and mix of employment opportunities… (policy 1.1.2 of PPS). • As a result of these types of Policies BTB and the Business Plaza project are deemed to be in conformity with the PPS’s.
BTB Real Estate Investment Trust O.P. • The “Industrial” (IND.) designation of the Cornwall Official Plan (O.P.), as stated, is to remain on-site effectively maintaining its Industrial-based Plan Function.
BTB Real Estate Investment Trust O.P. (continued) • Some major goals of the O.P. “IND” section are to: • Ensure sufficient land and services to accommodate and attract future industrial/business development. • Provide industrial/business sites of sufficient size and appropriate facilities. • Ensure attractive industrial/business developments and industrial/business parks.
BTB Real Estate Investment Trust O.P. (continued) • Various O.P. policies promote inclusion of a mix of Service and General Industrial activity in the Business Park ( and of the O.P.). • Infilling, intensification and a high standard of development and maintenance of Park properties are in support of the BTB concept (i.e., and • Both Planning and Economic Development are supportive of the proposal, while considering the BTB initiative as a “Model” project to serve the needs of the Business Park.
BTB Real Estate Investment Trust ZONING • The new zoning mix respects the Manufacturing basis of the MFR 40 zone, but offers added/new flexibility in the range of use for such a Business (Industrial) Plaza development. • All the new added uses to the MFR 40 zone can be found in some form in other manufacturing-based (MFR 10, 20 and M.S.) zones.
BTB Real Estate Investment Trust Zoning (continued) • The new hybrid zone is considered by Planning as a “test” or “model” zone with potential future application in other parts of the Business Park. • The new zone mix and specific criteria standards ensures that the project is not a Retail Commercial or General Office Plaza project, but a Business (Industrial) Park serving development. • Staff monitoring of the effectiveness of this zone will occur.
BTB Real Estate Investment Trust OTHER ISSUES/SUMMARY • Apply a Comprehensive Site Plan Control process to the phased project. • Mix of uses(s) will adhere to MOE “D” Series Guidelines for Separation Distance to Sensitive Land Use. • Removal of tracks from site and Marleau Avenue with applicable Environmental Remediation protocols being respected.
BTB Real Estate Investment Trust • As an Eastern Entry Gateway to Business Park the design/function will have the effect of positively rebranding the Business Park in this location. • Conforms to and is consistent with PPS’s/City O.P. policies. • Support from City Staff and no objections resultant from Public Notice at time of publication of Planning Report. • A positive monitoring of effectiveness/impact of new zone may translate to more universal application as needed in Park.