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Arctic Observing Viewer

Arctic Observing Viewer. a web mapping application for AON data collection sites. http:/ / ArcticObservingViewer.org. The Challenge …. … is strategic assessment. “How can we know where to go if we if we don’t know where we’ve been?” “What resources already exist?”

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Arctic Observing Viewer

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  1. Arctic Observing Viewer a web mapping application for AON data collection sites http://ArcticObservingViewer.org

  2. The Challenge … … is strategic assessment. “How can we know where to go if we if we don’t know where we’ve been?” “What resources already exist?” “Is there overlap?” “Where are the gaps?” It’s difficult to get an overview of data center holdings.

  3. AOV can provide … … visualization, assessment, synthesis, and decision support for AON data collection activities: The “who”, “what”, “where”, and “when” of AON data. Assure sampling design. Fill gaps. Assess progress. Access data. Coordinate. Collaborate. • Started with sites for the “Thermal State of Permafrost” project • Added sites from Advanced Cooperative Arctic Data and Information Service (ACADIS) and other sources

  4. Users can … … navigate, select, search, draw, print, export, and more. Displayed are hundreds of sites with repeat measurements, providing details such as: project title funding agency award number contact information discipline type of site ** location ** links to more information whether data are archived links to datasets

  5. AOV Scope projects datasets “data collection sites” • Circumarctic • Marine & Terrestrial • Wherever AON data were collected AON cruise tracks, boreholes, buoys, climate and weather stations, moorings, towers, shoreline surveys, repeat vegetation plots, Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (TEK data), etc.:

  6. AOV Goals To be comprehensive for AON: • more sites • broadly interagency and international To improve data discovery and access For 2013, make the app robust for adding sites: • strengthen the database– migrate from MS Access to a spatially enabled relational database that supports Simple Features. • enable contributions– create pathways: an online data entry form, via upload of files, or through a web service; prepare a contributor guide. • work with initial partners– consider a slightly modified ADIwg standard; test, troubleshoot, and vet the contribution pathways. As well as: • add more sites, regional views, tools and map layers, better website, formal announcement … to help meet the strategic needs of AON.

  7. Components planned for information flow related to Arctic observing data Collection sites, the Arctic Observing Viewer, and interoperable web services.

  8. For more info … http://ArcticObservingViewer.org or info@ArcticObservingViewer.org

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