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Low Energy Neutron Data for Nuclear Technology

Low Energy Neutron Data for Nuclear Technology. J.L. Tain Instituto de Física Corpuscular C.S.I.C - Univ. Valencia. IP EUROTRANS-ITC2 Santiago de Compostela, June 6-10, 2006. Layout of the lectures. Low energy neutron reactions: a catalogue

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Low Energy Neutron Data for Nuclear Technology

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  1. Low Energy Neutron Data for Nuclear Technology J.L. Tain Instituto de Física Corpuscular C.S.I.C - Univ. Valencia IP EUROTRANS-ITC2 Santiago de Compostela, June 6-10, 2006

  2. Layout of the lectures • Low energy neutron reactions: a catalogue • R-Matrix formalism: short introduction. Data bases. • Cross section measurements: general ideas • Neutron beam production • Experimental techniques: • Total cross section • (n,) cross section • Fission cross section • Elastic cross section • Inelastic cross section • (n,xn) cross section • (n,p), (n,), … For energies going from meVto (say) 20 MeV

  3. Neutron reactions at low energies A neutron is absorbed to form a “compound nucleus”: n + AZ A+1Z* which lives for a short time and decays: A+1Z* n + AZ (elastic) Other contributions: A+1Z* A+1Z*’ + g (radiative capture) A+1Z* A1Z1* + A2Z2* + xn (fission) A+1Z* n + AZ* (inelastic) A+1Z* A+1-xZ* + xn (n multiplication) …

  4. The CN formation probability is higher for certain neutron energies En corresponding to quasi-bound or virtual states: resonances A Sn : neutron separation energy of CN ( <10MeV )  level separation D0~ 1 eV – 100 keV ER = Sn + En A+1 Life-time  Energy-width:   = n+ + f+ … ( = n +  + f + ...)  ~ 1 meV – 100 keV

  5. resolution log  1/v resolved unresolved overlapping log En Shape of neutron cross-section 1/v: thermal  < D0,  > E: resolved resonance region (RRR)  < D0,  < E: unresolved resonance region (URR)  > D0 : overlapping resonances In the RRR region,  is described using the R-Matrix formalism, in one of its usual approximations. In the URR region, average  are described by Hauser-Feshbach statistical theory At higher energies cross section are described using Optical Model and other reaction models It is a parametric approach since nuclear theory cannot predict the values. Experimental information is strictly necessary.

  6. R-Matrix n  (E) = 2 gJ n+197Au, =0, J=2 ER = 4.9 eV n = 15.2 meV  = 122.5 meV (E-ER’)2 + ¼2  (barn)  = / 2E 2J + 1 gJ = 2(2I + 1) En (eV) n(E) =  E/ERn(ER) , =0 Single Level Breit-Wigner Formalism: (n,) For -capture into an isolated spin J resonance at ER: (neutron wavelength) (spin stat. factor; |I -  ±½|  J  |I -  +½| ) (E) = n(E) +  + …; (FWHM) … and the channel radius Rc

  7. n n 4 1   = gJ[ sin2+ cos 2+ sin 2 ]  1 + 2  1 + 2 k2  n 4 1  = gJ  1 + 2 k2 238U (n,) 2  = (E-ER’)  2J + 1 gJ = 2(2I + 1) S(ER) - S(E) P(E) (n,n) ER’ = ER + n(ER) n = n(ER) 2P(ER) P(ER) k = 2E /  SLBW formalism: elastic and capture cross sections ELASTIC potential resonant interference CAPTURE P0 = 0 = k RC = , S0 = 0 P = 2 P-1 / ((- S-1 )2 + P-12) S = 2(-S-1) / ((- S-1 )2 + P-12) -   = -1 – tan(P-1/ ( -S-1)) , I, J,ER , n(ER),, Rc

  8. Hauser-Feshbach Cross sections are described by average strength functions (S) and level densities () Statistical Nuclear Model Porter-Thomas fluctuations: Wigner fluctuations:

  9. Neutron Reaction Data • From the analysis of experimental data on capture, total, fission, … cross-sections, resonance parameters are obtained for every nucleus. • All the information is combined, cross-checked for consistency, etc, in a process called “evaluation” until a recommended set of parameters is obtained. • This information is published in a Evaluated Nuclear Data File using an accepted standard format (ENDF-6) • There exist several files: • BROND-2.2 (1993, Russia) • CENDL-3 (2002, China) • ENDF/B-VI.8 (2002, US) • JEFF-3.0 (2002, NEA+EU) • JENDL-3.3 (2002, Japan)

  10. Nn nT Nr Measurement of cross-sections (energy differential) Number of reactions r(E) = Number of target nucleus per unit area  Number of neutrons of energy E Needs: • sample of known mass and dimensions • count the number of incident neutrons of energy E • count the number of reactions … but there are a number of experimental complications

  11. Cross sections can also be: • Reaction product angle differential • Reaction product energy differential • Reaction product multiplicity dependent • Energy weighted • …

  12. Neutron Beams • Need to span a huge energy range:1meV – 20MeV • Since neutrons cannot be accelerated, they have to be produced by nuclear reactions at certain energy and eventually decelerated by nuclear collisions (moderated) • Energy determination: • kinematics of two-body reaction • mechanical selection of velocities (“chopper”) • Time Of Flight measurement • Sources: • Radioactive • Nuclear detonations • Reactor • Light-ion accelerator • Electron LINACS • Spallation

  13. High Flux Reactor at the Institut Laue-Langevin (Grenoble) thermal  1015 n/cm2/s

  14. 30keV > Thresh. ForschungsZentrum Karlsruhe Van de Graaf 7Li(p,n)7Be, Q= -1.644MeV Ep~ 2MeV  En ~ 5-200keV Rate: 250kHz, t = 0.7ns

  15. Geel Electron LINear Accelerator (,n), (,f) on U (bremsstrahlung) Ee~ 100MeV, Ie ~ 10-100A Rate: 100-800Hz, t ~ 0.6-15ns


  17. CERN neutron Time Of Flight n_TOF p-spallation on Pb target Ep = 20GeV, Ip = 7x1012 ppp Rate: 2.4s-1 , t = 14ns

  18. n_TOF Entrance to the target PROTONBEAMLINE p-intensity pickup p current monitor n beam tube NEUTRON BEAM LINE Water cooled Pb target shielding shielding

  19. … n_TOF 2nd collimator shielding Bending magnet BEAM DUMP n monitor Sample changer n monitor EXPERIMENTAL AREA

  20. The characteristics of the spallation-moderation process and the collimators in use determine the neutron beam parameters: intensity- energy distribution, energy resolution and spatial distribution. … n_TOF MODERATION: • =  ln(Ei/Ef)   1+ ln ( (H)=1, (Pb)=0.01 ) (A-1)2 A-1 2A A+1 TARGET: 80x80x60 cm3 Pb + 5cm H2O SPALLATION PROCESS: ~600 n/p Intensity distribution

  21. … n_TOF time vs. energy RF @ 5eV Beam energy-resolution RF @ 180keV RF t beam The statistical nature of the moderation process produces variations on the time that a neutron of a given energy exits the target assembly Resolution Function … also important: time spread of beam

  22. … n_TOF Beam profile 4cm  10-5 The collimation system determines the final number of neutrons arriving to the sample an its spatial distribution Neutrons on sample

  23. Counting neutrons Common reactions used for neutron detection: Elastic scattering: • n + 1H  n + 1H • n + 2H n + 2H (abund.=0.015%) Charged particle: • n + 3He3H + 1H + 0.764 MeV (abund.=0.00014%) • n + 6Li 4He + 3H + 4.79 MeV (abund.=7.5%) • n + 10B7Li* + 4He 7Li + 4He + 0.48 MeV  +2.3 MeV (abund.=19.9%, b.r.=93%) Radiative capture: • n + 155Gd156Gd* -ray + CE spectrum (abund.=14.8%) • n + 157Gd158Gd* -ray + CE spectrum (abund.=15.7%) Fission: • n + 235U fission fragments + ~160 MeV • n + 239Pu fission fragments + ~160 MeV • n + 238U fission fragments + ~160 MeV

  24. … n_TOF Si Si Si 200g/cm2 on 3m Mylar Si Counting neutrons Reaction: n + 6Li  t +  Si detectors Neutron Intensity Monitoring:

  25. 6Li(n,t) Scintillator + Photomultiplier 10B(n,)7Li Ionisation Chamber …GELINA Neutron Monitors

  26. Counting reactions Total reaction cross sections Transmission measurements: counting the neutrons disappearing from the beam


  28. Background correction using black resonance filters Black Resonance Filters

  29. Techniques for radiative capture (n,)detection: • Detection of the capture nucleus • Activation measurements • Detection of -ray cascade • Total Absorption Spectrometers • Total Energy Detectors • Moxon-Rae Detectors • Pulse Height Weighting Technique • High Resolution Ge detectors n

  30. Activation measurement Irradiation: A(n,)A+1 A+1 radioactive with suitable T1/2 Measurement of characteristic -ray of known I with Ge detector FZK Karlsruhe

  31. Define: i EC : total efficiency for -ray of energy Ei E1 pi : peak efficiency for -ray of energy Ei E2 Then: total efficiency for cascade: E3 peak efficiency for cascade: m C = 1 -  (1 - i) i=1 If pi = 1, i  pC = C = 1 Total Absorption Spectrometer m pC =pi i=1 m m If i« 1 & i = kEi, i  C  i = k  Ei = k EC i=1 i=1 Total Energy Detector Detection of -ray cascade

  32. … n_TOF n_TOF Total Absorption Calorimeter 40 BaF2 crystals /4 = 95% E  6%

  33. (from Karlsruhe 4 BaF2 detector) BACKGROUND REDUCTION  = 95% BaF2(n,) contamination

  34. Bi-converter C-converter  / E Mo-converter Bi/C-converter E Total Energy Detectors • Moxon-Rae type detectors: The proportionality between efficiency and -ray energy is obtained by construction: (,e-) converter + thin scintillator + photomultiplier Maximum depth of escaping electrons increases with E …  e- But … proportionality only approximate (need corrections) Not much in use nowadays

  35. imax Rij =  j i=1 imax Wi Rij = Ej i=1 Total Energy Detectors Pulse Height Weighting Technique: The proportionality between efficiency and -ray energy is obtained by software manipulation of the detector response (Maier-Leibniz): If Rij represents the response distribution for a -ray of energy Ej: E = 2MeV Rij E = 9MeV it is possible to find a set of weighting factors Wi (dependent on energy deposited i) which fulfil the proportionality condition (setting k=1): Wi for every Ej

  36. Detectors:C6D6 liquid scintillators Advantage: low neutron sensitivity  = 3-5% Also detector dead material is important … Optimized BICRON … and surrounding materials HOME MADE: • C-fibre cell • No cell window • No PMT housing

  37. Fission cross section Detection of fission products Problems: • strong energy loss • angular distribution • often -decay contamination

  38. … n_TOF PPAC assembly

  39. … n_TOF Fission Ionization Chamber Assembly Ionization chamber Gas used: Ar (90 %) CF4 (10 %). Gas pressure: 720 mbar Electric field: 600 V/cm Gap pitch: 5 mm Deposit diameter: 5 cm Deposit thickness: 125 µg/cm Support thickness: 100 µm (Al) Deposits on both sides. Electrode diameter: 12 cm Electrode thick.: 15 µm (Al) Windows diameter: 12 cm (KAPTON 125 µm)

  40. … n_TOF PPAC FIC

  41. Elastic scattering measurements Detection of neutrons Inelastic scattering measurements Detection of neutrons Detection of -ray from de-excitation cascade Measurement of scattered neutron energies by TOF requires monochromatic beams

  42. Tohoku University 238U Kinematics determines neutron energy and resolution En=465 keV n-source: 7Li(p,n)

  43. Neutron multiplication (n,xn) cross sections Detection of the residual nucleus: activation measurements (see before) Detection of neutrons (ambiguity due to limited neutron efficiency) Detection of -ray from de-excitation cascade In order to transform -ray production cross section into reaction cross section it is required a complete knowledge of the level scheme

  44. Angular distribution effects have to be corrected

  45. (n,p), (n,), … cross sections Activation measurements Direct detection of p, , … At low energies thin samples windowless detectors (similar to fission) At high energies Si detectors FZK ORELA

  46. Acquiring the data: full train of detector pulses t = 2ns En down to 0.6eV 0.5 MB/pulse/detector Digitizer: 8bit-500MS/s FADC + 8MB memory On-line “zero” suppression TOF & EC6D6 from pulse-shape fit of PMT anode signal Dead-time and pile-up corrections

  47. shielded Single-scattering Analysing the data:  Yield: Sample effects: Self-shielding: Multiple scattering correction: elastic collision(-s) + reaction

  48. 58Ni(n,) ER =136.6keV T = 300K Thermal (-Doppler)broadening For a fix neutron energy center-of-mass energy varies because of thermal vibrations Beam effects: Resolution Function A given TOF corresponds to a distribution of neutron energies or Energy distribution of “monochromatic” neutron beam

  49. 56Fe(n,) ER= 1.15keV T broad. single-scattering double scattering RF 197Au(n,) ER= 4.9eV  Y =  Use a R-Matrix code as SAMMY to fit the data and extract the parameters: ER,  , n, …

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