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The Austrian Research Promotion Agency. - Support Programmes for Research and Development in Austria - Ralf König Unit International Cooperation and Mobility Division European and International Programmes St. Petersburg, 14 March 2013. AGENDA. 1. Introduction. 2. About the FFG. 3.
The Austrian Research Promotion Agency - Support Programmes for Research and Development in Austria - Ralf König Unit International Cooperation and Mobility Division European and International Programmes St. Petersburg, 14 March 2013
AGENDA 1 Introduction 2 About the FFG 3 AT Research Statistics Agenda 4 Range of Services 5 Research Effects
Innovation Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
Agenda 1 Introduction 2 About the FFG 3 AT Research Statistics 4 Range of Services 5 Research Effects Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
FFG -Austrian Research Promotion Agency • Founded in September 2004 • Merger of four organisations • Austrian Industrial Research Promotion Fund • Technology Impulse Corporation • Austrian Space Agency • Bureau for International Research and Technology Cooperation • Legal structure: private limited company • Owner: Federal Government, represented by • Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology • Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth • Budget 2012: 525 million € • Staff 2012: 225 full-time equivalents • Projects 2012: 3.000 projects involving 5.500 partners Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
Parliament Committee for Research, Innovation & Technology Federal Government BMF BMWFJ BMVIT BMWF the Austrian innovation system Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
MISSION STATEMENT The purpose of the FFG is to promote research, technology, development and innovation for the benefit of Austria Our aim is to make a lasting contribution to the strength of the Austrian economy. As part of the Austrian innovation system, we help Austria’s business and science sectors to remaincompetitive both nationally and internationally Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
Agenda 1 Introduction 2 About the FFG 3 AT Research Statistics 4 Range of Services 5 Research Effects Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
Research in Austria • approx. 300.000 organizations in AT • 22 universities • approx. 70 non university research organizations • FFG promoted projects Austria within the last 10 years*) • 9.630 organizations in research projects [approx. 7.400 companies] • 2011: 2.829 organizations [1.994 companies] Source: FFG database Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
R&D Expenditures in Austria Source: FFG Förderstatistik 2011 Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
R&D Expenditures in Austria Since 2004 GDP shift R&D Quota R&D Expenditures Source: FFG Förderstatistik 2010 Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
DevelopmentFFG-fundscommitment Source: FFG-Förderstatistik 2011, Vorschaustatus: Juli 2012 Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
MORE THAN DOUBLED>> CONTRACTORS, APPROVED PROJECTS approvedprojects contractors Source: FFGFörderstatistik 2010 Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
FFG shows effectWiden the basis – strengthen the top Quelle: FFG-Förderstatistik 2011 Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
Research statistics total payments 2011 (347,28 mio. Euro) Source: FFG-Förderstatistik 2011 Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
SME on the rise SME 2008 SME 2009 SME 2011 SME 2010 applicants: 1.934 companieswherof 1.509 SME cash value: 220 mio € to companies whereof 99 mio to SME Source: FFG-Förderstatistik 2011 Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
Newcomers // experienced Applicants All Applicants SME Experienced applicants 63% New applicants Experiencedapplicants New applicants 37% 27% Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
funding divided into topics +31 Mio. € (48%) +33 Mio. € (101%) Aeronautics and astronautics +8 Mio. € (116%) Mobility +16 Mio. € (69%) Energy/Environment +58 Mio. € (425%) +26 Mio. € (103%) +12 Mio. € (126%) +4 Mio. € (17%) Source: FFG-Förderstatistik 2011, 2-year mean value (in mio. €) Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
Agenda 1 Introduction 2 About the FFG 3 AT Research Statistics 4 Range of Services 5 Research Effects Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
FFG Funding>> characteristics • Funding on quality standards and within competition • Independent jury processes • Leverage effect: funded organization hold significant cost shares • Strict project evaluations(ex ante, interim report(s), final report) • Regular programme evaluations • International reputation: FFG-programmes considered best practice by EU-Commission and ECD Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
General programmes Objective Strengthening the technological competitiveness of companies based in Austria Broadening of the innovation base (attracting newcomers) Funding model is based on Bottom up (no thematic focus) Open calls, regular funding decisions (7 x / year) Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
structural Programmes Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
Thematic PROGRAMMEs Focus on thematic fields of strategic relevance for the Austrian technology policy Economic and social needs of research (e.g. mobility, energy, communications) Developing technologies, processes, systems and service through cooperation Positioning innovative enterprises and R&D organizations through transnational cooperation's (ERA-NET, ERA-NET plus, JTIs, Art. 185 EGV) Thematic fields: Energy & Environment ICT Life Science Mobility Production & Nanotechnology Safety research Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
aeronautics and space agency Implementation of the Austrian aeronautics and space policy International positioning and networking of Austrian industry, economy, science Representing Austria: ESA, EUMETSAT, UNO Management of participation in bilateral and international aerospace programmes Management of the Austrian space programme ASAP Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
European and international Programmes • Establishment of contacts with international R&D networks • Monitoring of Austrian participation in EU Framework Programme • Enhancing the Austrianparticipation to European and international funding programmes • Support of Austrian researchersin industry and science • National competence and service centre for European and international R&D programmes and initiatives • Professional information and counselling on all programmes by competent national contact points • FFG academy Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
Agenda 1 Introduction 2 About the FFG 3 AT Research Statistics 4 Range of Services 5 Research Effects Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
economic effects • Project impact regarding sales/ licence revenues • 1 EUR funding (FFG-Programmes) generates 13,2 EUR additional sales and licence revenues • Effect on employment • one secured /new created job „costs“ 19.700,-EUR (funding; 5-year average) FFG funding Source: Wirkungsmonitoring durch die KMU FORSCHUNG AUSTRIA, Befragung der Unternehmen zu den 2007 abgeschlossenen Projekten; Rücklauf 73%, n gesamt=296 Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien | www.ffg.at
Contact Ralf König Head of Unit Unit International Cooperation and Mobility Division European and International Programmes Austrian Research Promotion Agency Sensengasse 1 A-1090 Vienna www.ffg.at Tel.: +43-(0)57755 - 4601email: ralf.koenig@ffg.at