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起來敵擋使復興之火熄滅的黑暗勢力. 3. 每天禱告抵擋的靈 : 沉睡的靈 不信的靈 不禱告的靈 拜偶像的靈 恐懼的靈 不合一的靈. 祢是否 感到群山震動 Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble ? 聽見大海在怒吼 Did you hear the oceans roar?. 祢是否感到群山震動. 13.013/ 天 90. 萬民都在揚聲歌唱 When the people rose to sing of 耶穌基督已復活 Jesus Christ the risen One .
每天禱告抵擋的靈 : 沉睡的靈 不信的靈 不禱告的靈 拜偶像的靈 恐懼的靈 不合一的靈
祢是否感到群山震動Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble ?聽見大海在怒吼Did you hear the oceans roar? 祢是否感到群山震動 13.013/天90
萬民都在揚聲歌唱When the people rose to sing of耶穌基督已復活Jesus Christ the risen One.
祢是否感覺人心惶恐Did you feel the people tremble?聽見萬民在歌頌Did you hear the singers roar?
失喪人們開始呼喊When the lost began to sing of耶穌基督我救主Jesus Christ the saving One.
我們看見神大能運行And we can see that God You're moving.活水江河正流向萬邦A mighty river through the nations.
天堂大門正敞開 Fling wide you heavenly gates,來預備復活救主降臨prepare the way of the risen LORD.
天堂門打開音樂響起來Open up the doors and let the music play,讓讚美充滿這世界let the streets resound with singing.
唱出新盼望 喜樂湧上來Songs that bring Your hope, songs that bring Your joy歡呼祂的公義永存在dancers who dance upon injustice.
黑暗勢力正在顫抖Do you feel the darkness tremble,當主百姓同心歌頌when all the saints join in one song?
山川小溪匯成河流And all the streams flow as one river,洗凈一切破碎憂愁to wash away our brokenness.
我們看見神大能運行And we can see that God You're moving.活水江河正流向萬邦A mighty river through the nations.
天堂大門正敞開 Fling wide you heavenly gates,來預備復活救主降臨prepare the way of the risen Lord.
天堂門打開音樂響起來Open up the doors and let the music play,讓讚美充滿這世界let the streets resound with singing.
唱出新盼望 喜樂湧上來Songs that bring Your hope, songs that bring Your joy歡呼祂的公義永存在dancers who dance upon injustice.
願讚美充滿每個家May our homes be filled with dancing願喜樂充滿我心May our streets be filled with joy 願讚美充滿 24.023/天93
願萬物都尊崇耶穌May injustice bow to Jesus讓我們獻上祈求As the people turn to pray
從高山上 直到山谷From the mountain to the valley頌揚讚美 獻給祢Hear our praises rise to You
從天降下 直到萬民From the heavens to the nations讓這歌聲 傳千里Hear our singing fill the air
願主真光照亮黑暗May our light shine in the darkness讓我們屈膝敬拜As we walk before the cross
願主榮耀充滿全地May Your glory fill the whole earth讓我們同聲宣揚As the water over sea
從高山上 直到山谷From the mountain to the valley頌揚讚美 獻給祢Hear our praises rise to You
從天降下 直到萬民From the heavens to the nations讓這歌聲 傳千里Hear our singing fill the air
哈利路亞 哈利路亞Hallelujah! Hallelujah!哈利路亞 哈利路亞Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
從高山上 直到山谷From the mountain to the valley頌揚讚美 獻給祢Hear our praises rise to You
從天降下 直到萬民From the heavens to the nations讓這歌聲 傳千里Hear our singing fill the air
性別平等國中小教綱修改最新消息! 教育部國教司召開了九年一貫國民教育性別平等教育課綱修改諮詢會議,最後決定委請真愛聯盟在六月前提出新的教綱,給教育部作修改的參考。代禱事項如下: 1.懇請大家繼續為真愛聯盟能在短短幾週之內提出新的教綱代禱,未來馬上會面對新的教材編寫與師資訓練的挑戰,因此需要有更多優秀的人才投入。 2.整個事件的發展快得讓主其事的同工們應接不暇,未來也一定會進入司法、修法的戰爭,求主幫助祂的兒女剛強壯膽、有智慧又有真愛,不動血氣,贏得未來每一場爭戰。 (我們不是與屬血氣的爭戰,乃是與天空屬靈的爭戰)
父神創造的主Father of creation 顯明祢創造心意unfold Your sovereign plan 願祢榮耀降臨 22.008/天13
興起祢所揀選的百姓Raise up a chosen generation在這地同心前進That will march through the land
宇宙萬物都在嘆息All of creation is longing 等候祢能力彰顯For Your unveiling of power
求主釋放祢的恩膏Would You release Your anointing哦 神就在這時刻Oh, God let this be the hour
願祢榮耀降臨此地Let Your glory fall in this room讓它從我們中間流到萬邦Let it go forth from here to the nations
願祢恩膏充滿此地Let Your fragrance rest in this place我們同心尋求祢面As we gather to seek Your face
願祢國度降臨Let Your kingdom come願祢旨意成全Let Your will be done
讓全地看見Let us see on earth神兒子的榮耀The glory of Your Son
統管萬國的主Ruler of the nations這世界仍要看見the world has yet to see
祢的應許全地彰顯The full release of Your promise教會要全然得勝The church in victory
求祢憐憫觸摸我們Turn to us LORD and touch us使我們靠祢剛強make us strong in Your might