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Belgrade, Jan. 19, 2010

ERASMUS MUNDUS: How to apply?. Belgrade, Jan. 19, 2010. National Tempus Office Serbia . Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 3 ACTIONS. Action 1 Joint Programmes - Joint Master and Doctoral Programmes

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Belgrade, Jan. 19, 2010

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  1. ERASMUS MUNDUS: How to apply? Belgrade, Jan. 19, 2010 National Tempus Office Serbia

  2. Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 3 ACTIONS Action 1Joint Programmes - Joint Master and Doctoral Programmes - Implemented by EU and non EU universities - Scholarships for non EU and EU students for the entire duration of the joint study programme • Action 2Partnerhips • (Ex-External Cooperation Window) • Partnerships projects with non-European HE institutions • Scholarships for EU and non EU students • On all levels of education • In a variety of disciplines Action 3Promotion of European Higher Education - Attractiveness Projects - Studies - Information activities of EM National structures http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/index_en.php http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmusmundus 2

  3. ACTION 1 Joint masters and doctoral programmes including a scholarship scheme • Designed and implemented by a consortium of European universities from at least 3 different countries. (Applicant: EU HEI) • Consortia may also include universities from other parts of the world. • Flat rate for consortium management (€ 30 000) • Scholarships/fellowships are open to higher education students and academics from all over the world. Scholarships go up to 24000 eur per year for Master students and between 10 000 – 23 000 per year for Doctoral candidates. • Programmes include obligatory study and research periods, in at least 2 universities and award recognised double, multiple or joint degrees. http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/index_en.php http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmusmundus

  4. ACTION2 Partnerships (Ex-External Cooperation Window) • Establishment of cooperation partnerships between European and Third countries HEI in a specific region • Objective: Organise and implement structured individual mobility arrangement between the European and Third Country partners. • Scholarships of various lengths (3 months to 3 years) • Scholarships for bachelor, master, doctorate and post-doctorate students and HE staff • Special attention is given to disadvantaged groups and populations in a vulnerable situation. http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/index_en.php http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/eramus mundus

  5. ACTION2 Partnerships (Ex-External Cooperation Window) Composition: • At least 5 European HEIs from at least 3 EU countries • At least 1 HEI from each country in geographic lot • Maximum size partnership: 20 partners http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/index_en.php http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmusmundus

  6. ACTION2 Partnerships (Ex-External Cooperation Window) • Funding: • € 10 000 per partner flat rate for partnership management • Individual mobility scholarships for students and staff (including travel, insurance, living allowances and, if applicable, tuition fees). • Undergraduate + Master scholarship: € 1000/month + tuition fees (€3.000) + insurance (€75/ month) • Doctorate scholarship: € 1500/month + tuition fees (€3.000) + insurance (€75/ month) • Post doctorale scholarship: € 1800/month + tuition fees (€5.000) + insurance (€75/ month) • Academic staff fellowship: € 2500/month + insurance (€75/ month) http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/index_en.php http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmusmundus

  7. ACTION 3 Promotion of European Higher Education • Promotes European higher education through measures enhancing the attractiveness of Europe as an educational destination and acentre of excellence at world level. • Type of activities - Funding for « Attractiveness projects » • - Studies, Calls for Tender • Support to the EM Alumni Association activities: Network of current and former Erasmus Mundus Students (active role in promoting the programme, assisting future EM students, etc.) • Co-financing – 25 % of the total project budget http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/index_en.php http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmusmundus

  8. 2010 Call • 3 December 2009: Publication of the new call • 22 January 2010: Info-Day in Brussels • 30 April 2010: Deadline for submission of proposals http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/index_en Contact: EACEA-Erasmus-Mundus@ec.europa.eu http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/index_en.php http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmusmundus

  9. National Tempus Office Serbia Lazarevićeva 9/14 11000 Belgrade, Serbia +381 11 3233 409, +381 11 3347 389 office@tempus.ac.rs www.tempus.ac.rs Thank you for your attention! http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmusmundus

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