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Brand Guidelines Working together to develop global & local brand awareness. April 2012. Contents. Welcome 4 Taxand Brand Introduction 5-11 Overview 5 Taxand Global Brand Centre 6 What is Taxand? 7 What is our Vision? 8 How does our Vision affect our Brand? 9 Global Visual Identity 10
Brand GuidelinesWorking together to develop global & local brand awareness April 2012
Contents • Welcome 4 • Taxand Brand Introduction 5-11 • Overview 5 • Taxand Global Brand Centre 6 • What is Taxand? 7 • What is our Vision? 8 • How does our Vision affect our Brand? 9 • Global Visual Identity 10 • Brand Values 11 • Taxand Linguistic Guidelines 12-16 • Overview 12 • Key Descriptors 13 • Value Proposition (Boilerplate) 14 • Elevator Pitch 15 • Unique Selling Points (USPs) 16
Contents • Taxand Global Marketing Collateral 17-36 • Overview 17 • Website 18 • Brochure & Inserts 19 • PowerPoint Presentations 20 • BD: Referrals & Client Relationships 21 • BD: Credentials, Targeting & More 22 • BD: Taxand Access 23 • BD: 1 Client, 1 Partner BD Challenge 24 • BD: Taxand DRIVE 25 • External Newsletter – Taxand’s Take 26 • Intranet – Taxander Portal 27 • Publications 28 • Media Factsheet & Press Releases 29 • Stationary: Business Cards, Letterhead & More 30 • Films 31 • Advertising 32
Contents • Brand Merchandise 33 • Events Overview 34 • Events Tool 35 • Social Media Overview 36 • Taxand Social Media Channels 37 • Some of our BD & Marketing Deliverables 38 • Taxand Local Brand Design Guidelines 39-60 • Brand Compliance Overview 39 • Taxand Name Incorporation & Examples 40-43 • Taxand Logo Application Across Deliverables 44-60 • Taxander Compliance Checklists 61-70 • Summary 61 • Taxander Compliance Checklists 62-70 • Brand Champions Contact List 71-72 • Key Contacts 73
Welcome 1 Welcome Dear Taxanders Welcome to the Taxand Brand Guidelines. This is your “how to” guide to all things marketing in our Taxand world. It is designed to provide you with the knowledge you need to build our brand locally and the support you seek to spread the Taxand word globally. Taxand is unique. We are dedicated to tax and passionate about working together for our clients’ success. We are committed to building our brand so that clients engage us above our competitors. Provided here are: an introduction to our Taxand brand; linguistic guidelines to make sure you write and talk about our brand consistently; marketing collateral guidelines to make you aware of the tools and materials available to you; social media and events guidelines to ensure the best use of these channels; design guidelines to help you apply our brand to all of your marketing materials; and some tips to promoting our Taxand brand. Please review this guide in detail and make sure you visit www.taxand.com/brandcentre to access all of the tools available to you. Your collaboration is imperative to our future success. To meet your brand obligations please review the Taxander Compliance Checklist (see pages 62-70). It’s a summary of the actions expressed throughout so you can quickly run through the different areas and check your compliance. Each country’s compliance levels will be evaluated regularly and one to one support and guidance, provided. Taxand global marketing is here to help you. Whatever your query – large or small – don’t hesitate to get in touch. The more we can work together to develop global and local awareness of the Taxand brand, the better off we will all be. Lynne SandlandGlobal Head of Marketing Taxand • T. +44 20 7072 3251E. lsandland@taxand.com
Taxand Brand Introduction - Overview 2 Taxand Brand Introduction • Taxand has developed a global corporate brand identity system to enhance our brand recognition worldwide • Provided here is a brief introduction to this system including our history, mission, vision, brand values and visual identity to help you familiarise yourselves with our global brand • A successful brand creates a memorable link between what a company’s name is, what it does and what it stands for. It is always consistent in its application. Inconsistency will erode brand equity and damage brand recall (that memorable link) Please refer your queries to: Lynne Sandland Global Head of Marketing Taxand T. +44 20 7072 3251 E. lsandland@taxand.com
Taxand Global Brand Centre Taxand Brand Introduction 2 • Our dedicated Taxand brand microsite, www.taxand.com/brandcentre, is designed for the exclusive use of Taxanders and your agencies, providing secure but easy access to all our deliverables in one place • Whether you want to download the artwork for our brochure or publications; view our best practice guidelines or download high resolution Taxand logos www.taxand.com/brandcentreis where you need to go • Just access the Taxand Global Brand Centre at:www.taxand.com/brandcentreUsername: TaxandBrandCentrePassword: LivingtheBrand • Global marketing must be involved in the production of any globally branded collateral to ensure we do not dilute our brand equity
What is Taxand? 2 Taxand Brand Introduction • TAXAND HISTORYIn 2002 the tax advisory landscape changed radically. The largest international network of tax advisors disappeared. New legislation was introduced to prevent repeat disasters. Client demand for independent – separate from audit - tax advisors and Big 4 alternatives was created. At the same time the increasing complexity of tax systems demanded the expertise of local dedicated tax advisors and worldwide business operations required global capability. Taxand was established in 2005 by a respected group of nine entrepreneurial, independent tax firms committed to delivering a responsive tax advisory service to international and local clients around the world. • TAXAND DEVELOPMENTTheTaxand film – view at http://www.taxand.com/about/our_vision – summarises our story • WHAT IS TAXAND?Taxand is the world’s largest independent tax organisation with nearly 400 tax partners, over 2,000 tax advisors in nearly 50 countries. Taxand focuses on delivering high quality, integrated tax advice and does not undertake audit work. Taxand advisors work together to provide global tax services for clients. • MISSIONTo contribute to our clients’ success by anticipating and advising on the tax implicationsrelating to their most strategic decisions.
What is our Vision? 2 Taxand Brand Introduction VISION PROGRAMME 20102010 saw Taxand’s fifth anniversary and the birth of our Vision programme. The time was ripe to review where we were and where we want to go. The following extract from the Taxand film script – view at http://www.taxand.com/about/our_vision - summarises our move from start up to integration. So what is our Vision for the future? We are the global alternative. Our goal now is to be first choice. First choice for our clients. First choice for our people. First choice for our industry. Taxand is different. Our culture is unique. We Taxandise for our clients. Our people are Taxanders. Our partners, partner our clients and each other. We have to. The quality of our service depends on it. To be first choice we will nurture our Taxandness because it’s what our clients seek. We have the scale already. But being a network isn’t enough. It’s no different to everyone else. We will deliver top advice, locally and globally. We will be “inter-dependent,” that’s integrated and independent.Through integration, teaming together and living our global brand we will continue to strike fear in our competitors, excite our people and build our client base. Taxand is a global organisation of leading tax advisors.We are dedicated to delivering top quality strategic tax advice to drive the performance of multinational businesses. We are committed to providing seamless cross-border advice which adds value for our clients. We attract the best talent because we’re passionate about tax. Through our interdependence - we act fast; we proactively give tailored advice that helps relieve the pressure of making complex tax decisions. By working together, with our partners actively leading every engagement from start to finish, we achieve excellence and efficiencies for our clients, globally. That’s why Taxand’s Vision is: to be the first choice for companies seeking quality, integrated, tax advice, worldwide
How Does Our Vision Affect Our Brand? 2 Taxand Brand Introduction • One of the key outputs from our Vision programme was the need to develop a “brand fix” to ensure compliance and present “one face to the market” • To achieve our Vision we must put every effort into building our global brand • The Taxander benefit: Put simply, increased brand reputation & awareness = more client wins What are the key brand building steps? We have changed our global brand positioning to reflect this face, we need to move towards a common brand adoption level and evolve our approach to achieving compliance and living the brand • All Taxand countries to move towards incorporating Taxand into your name within 2 years. The more firms with Taxand in their brand, the better global brand awareness • Taxand global brand positioning has changed. We no longer refer to Taxand as a network rather say Taxand is and Taxand does. Our new tagline is “Quality tax advice, globally”. In global materials we are referring to countries as Taxand France, Taxand India • Compliance to these brand guidelines is required and a detailed evaluation report will be prepared for the Board to review each year • Each country has an appointed brand champion to report on compliance (see pages 71 and 72) • Brand compliance alone will not deliver brand awareness rather activity across the marketing mix, will, so the more involvement in global initiatives, as well as promoting our brand locally, the better too!
Global Visual Identity 2 Taxand Brand Introduction • The Taxand brand identity system consists of several different elements that need to be applied consistently across all mediums. In particular, it includes the Taxand logo which is also used locally as a quality kite mark to denote firms are part of Taxand, tagline (Quality tax advice, globally), global swoosh graphic, photography, colour palette, typeface, Taxand arrows, and Taxand bullets. • Taxand TypeFace / Font = Helvetica Neue (although Arial can be used as a substitute) • Taxand has negotiated a group license to allow Taxanders to use select photographs - please refer to global marketing for further guidance • Global marketing must be involved in the production of any globally branded collateral to ensure we do not dilute our brand equity Quality tax advice, globally Taxand Logo Taxand Tagline Taxand Swoosh Taxand Bullet Taxand Arrow Taxand Colour Palette Taxand Photography
Brand Values 2 Taxand Brand Introduction There are a number of key words that express our brand personality and values – what we stand for: • RESPONSIVE – Our independence advantage allows us to act fast. Our clients don’t have to wait for us to undertake time-consuming audit-based conflict checks. At the same time clients can be confident they are adhering to best practice and law by engaging independent tax advisors • PRACTICAL– We focus on providing strategic tax advice that can be implemented. We are action-orientated • PASSIONATE – We are motivated by a unique passion to work together – all Taxand countries have competed to become and are proud to be a part of Taxand. • PROACTIVE – In our competitive space we are truly driven to perform. We focus on delivering a proactive service that adds value • COMMITTED – We are committed to fuelling client success by anticipating and advising on the tax implications associated with strategic business decisions. We treat every client as a priority • QUALITY – Every project is led by a partner from start to finish meaning engagements can be delivered faster, more cost effectively and to the highest quality standards • ENGAGING – We work harder to develop longstanding client relationships by listening to what our clients want and providing a professional and engaging experience • TEAMWORK – We work together as an integrated global team pooling our tax talent to deliver best results for our clients
Taxand Linguistic Guidelines Overview 3 Taxand Linguistic Guidelines • Clients want to buy from one team and one “firm” • In order to build our global brand, we must consistently present one face to the market, one integrated team and use the same language around the world • Consistency in the language we use to describe Taxand is as important as achieving visual consistency • The more our key messages are repeated, the more our Taxand brand will be remembered • Provided here are linguistic guidelines to ensure we all talk the same talk both in marketing communications materials and face-to-face • Examples of where to apply these guidelines are also provided • Please use our common Taxand language whenever you can - whether you are talking to clients, journalists or even your own staff - everyone can make a difference by getting it right Please refer your queries to: Lynne Sandland Global Head of Marketing Taxand T. +44 20 7072 3251 E. lsandland@taxand.com
Key Descriptors 3 Taxand Linguistic Guidelines In order to build our global brand, we must consistently present one face to the market, one integrated team and use the same descriptors around the world. Clients want to buy from one team and one “firm” • Taxand is / Taxand does – We no longer refer to Taxand as a network, or an alliance or an association or affiliation. Instead we simply say for example Taxand provides high quality advice across nearly 50 countries; Taxand is independent and does not undertake audit work etc. • The world’s largest independent tax organisation – Where circumstances require an explanation we use the word organisation, not network or alliance or association etc. • Quality tax advice, globally – this is our tagline and is used in global marketing collateral in conjunction with the Taxand logo to say what we do. This does not have to be applied locally. • Taxand advisors / Taxanders – please use these terms rather than “members” to describe our people; advisors is spelt with an o rather than an e • Taxand France, Taxand India etc – in global materials we refer to countries as Taxand France, Taxand India and encourage this usage locally; for example BMR Advisors is Taxand India • Taxand countries / Taxand locations / Part of Taxand - membership implies a club or loose affiliation – as such we avoid using the term “member firms” • Network organisation • Member firms countries • Members Taxanders • www.taxand.com - please promote the global website on all of your marketing materials
Value Proposition (Boilerplate) 3 Taxand Linguistic Guidelines Our value proposition sets out what we do and how we add value to our clients. It is our “boilerplate”. It is a concise summary which should be used by Taxanders in its full form wherever possible for example on websites, in brochures, in newsletters, in Notes to Editors in your press releases etc. ABOUT TAXAND Taxand provides high quality, integrated tax advice worldwide. Our tax professionals, nearly 400 tax partners and over 2,000 tax advisors in nearly 50 countries - grasp both the fine points of tax and the broader strategic implications, helping you mitigate risk, manage your tax burden and drive the performance of your business. We're passionate about tax. We collaborate and share knowledge, capitalising on our collective expertise to provide you with high quality, tailored advice that helps relieve the pressures associated with making complex tax decisions. We're also independent—ensuring that you adhere both to best practice and to tax law and that we remain free from time-consuming audit-based conflict checks. This enables us to deliver practical advice, responsively. Taxand has achieved worldwide market recognition. In the International Tax Review’s (ITR) World Tax 2012, over 95% of Taxand locations are ranked top. 32 Taxand countries were voted top in the ITR Tax Planning Survey 2011 and 35 countries were voted top in the ITR Transaction Tax Survey 2012. Taxand has received a number of ITR awards in 2011, including European Indirect Tax Firm of the Year; European Tax Policy Firm of the year and a further five ITR Europe national awards as well as six ITR Americas Awards. In 2010, Taxand won four regional awards: Asia Transfer Pricing Firm of the Year, Asia Tax Policy Firm of the Year, Latin America Tax Disputes Firm of the Year and European Indirect Tax Firm of the Year and 10 national awards. Full details of awards can be viewed at www.taxand.com/media/factsheet
Elevator Pitch 3 Taxand Linguistic Guidelines Often you will only have a very short period of time to communicate what Taxand is all about e.g. when networking at events. Our elevator pitch is designed to help you in these circumstances. The name reflects the fact that an elevator pitch can be delivered in the time span of an elevator ride. Taxand provides high quality tax advice worldwide. We have over 2,000 specialist tax advisors in nearly 50 countries. We work as an integrated team providing global tax services for multinational clients. We deliver practical advice, fast. We can do this because all of our work is led by a partner from start to finish and because we’re independent – we’re not conflicted by time-consuming audit- based issues. We’re dedicated to tax.
Unique Selling Points (USPs) 3 Taxand Linguistic Guidelines • Our unique selling points are the key messages that we need everyone to associate with the Taxand brand. Whether you are talking to clients, journalists or even your own staff, please refer to them. • DEDICATED TO TAX - No other truly global organisation is focused solely on providing tax advice • OUR INDEPENDENCE ADVANTAGE - Our independence advantage allows us to act fast. Our clients don’t have to wait for us to undertake time-consuming audit-based conflict checks. At the same time clients can be confident they are adhering to best practice and law by engaging independent tax advisors • PARTNER LED FROM START TO FINISH - Each of our client relationships is managed centrally by one partner from the Taxand country in the client’s primary region. This gives our clients access to highly specialised expertise from all countries of business activity, coordinated personally through a single experienced partner. It also means engagements can be delivered faster, more cost effectively and to the highest quality standards • LOCAL KNOWLEDGE, GLOBAL VIEW - Only advisors with full awareness of the varying tax systems of different countries – and the risks associated with transactions that flow across borders – can help companies plan for tax implications and avoid costly surprises. Our local tax specialists work together to deliver integrated global services • COMPLEX PROBLEMS, CUSTOMISED ADVICE - We solve our clients’ tax problems by delivering high quality bespoke advice • PASSIONATE ABOUT WORKING TOGETHER – We are dedicated to working together, sharing knowledge and capitalising on our collective expertise to deliver the highest-quality tax advice PRACTICAL ADVICE, RESPONSIVELY DELIVERED - Because we are unencumbered by audit–based conflict checks, our firms have compact structures (un-bureaucratic and flatter hierarchies) and Taxand is structured to facilitate a free flow of communication between advisors in different locations, we commit to delivering practical advice, responsively
Taxand Global Marketing Collateral – Overview 4 Taxand Global Marketing Collateral • Taxand has developed a range of global marketing collateral, guidelines and systems to benefit Taxanders worldwide • Our portfolio of deliverables and guidelines and how to contribute to them is provided here – just visit www.taxand.com/brandcentre to access whatever you need • All Taxanders are encouraged to use our global materials and reference our guidelines when interfacing with multinational clients and contacts • We also welcome feedback – please let us know what you and our clients think of our deliverables and particularly how they have helped win work so we can continuously improve and add value • The development and production of all global materials is undertaken by global marketing working with Taxanders • To ensure cost effectiveness (avoiding shipping costs) print is generally undertaken locally – print guidelines are provided to Taxanders to deliver quality consistency • Global marketing must be involved in the production of any globally branded collateral to ensure we do not dilute our brand equity Please refer queries andfeedback to: Lynne Sandland Taxand Global Head of Marketing T. +44 7072 3251 E. lsandland@taxand.com Sandra Hatugari Taxand Global BD & Marketing Executive T. +44 20 7715 5245 E. shatugari@taxand.com
Website Taxand Global Marketing Collateral 4 www.taxand.com is principally designed to present the quality and scale of Taxand effectively to the worldwide market and drive client traffic to Taxand country websites To keep it up to date and aid search engine optimisation Taxanders are requested to send the following to global marketing, E. lsandland@taxand.com: • newsletters, articles, papers, event information and technical updates • partner biographies (guidelines available at www.taxand.com/brandcentre) • location profiles (see: www.taxand.com/our_locations): And refer queries re the Real Estate Calculator to: Anita DubostE. anita.dubost@atoz.lu
Brochure & Inserts Taxand Global Marketing Collateral 4 • The global brochure and inserts are designed to demonstrate the credibility of Taxand for use in meetings with clients, as attachments for emails, reception areas and conferences • All inserts (22 currently) are developed by global marketing and printed locally • Access web quality pdfs, the artwork and print guidelines from our dedicated Taxand Global Brand Centre at www.taxand.com/brandcentre • To print please take the following steps: • download the print guidelines at www.taxand.com/brandcentre. • give the link to your printers and confirm quantities • email global marketing, E. lsandland@taxand.com, confirming how many of each deliverable you are printing (e.g. 500 brochures and 500 of each insert) • send 1 hard copy of what you do print to global marketing for quality control purposes • provide any feedback about the brochure from clients and your perspective
PowerPoint Presentations Taxand Global Marketing Collateral 4 • Taxand branded PowerPoint presentation templates should be used wherever more than country is involved • Templates are available at www.taxand.com/brandcentre • All credentials and pitches involving more than 1 county should tailor the Taxand global new business credentials presentation library slides. • All events involving more than 1 country should use the Taxand global event PowerPoint template • Global marketing is responsible for maintaining these presentations – case studies and feedback are welcome • Please contact E. atarren@taxand.com for guidance and support with cross-border credentials opportunities and pitches
BD: Referrals & Client Relationships Taxand Global Marketing Collateral 4 Taxand runs the Coordination Costs Recovery for Referrals Programme where opted in countries achieve or pay a 10 per cent referral fee. All countries are required to report all inbound and outbound referrals 6 monthly • The Taxand relationship check email service is now available – if you’re talking to a potential new client and want to find out if other Taxanders already have a local relationship to help you win the work just contact E. atarren@taxand.com • Please contact E. atarren@taxand.com with any queries about our referral programme or client targeting initiatives
BD: Credentials, Targeting & More Taxand Global Marketing Collateral 4 • Taxand global new business credentials - all credentials and pitches involving more than 1 county should tailor the Taxand global new business credentials presentation library slides available at www.taxand.com/brandcentre • Taxand BD funnels – Taxand is working on a number of targeting initiatives across service lines • Review Taxand’spitch and proposals best practice guidance at: www.taxand.com/brandcentre • Please contact E. atarren@taxand.com for guidance and support with cross-border credentials opportunities and pitches plus any business development queries
BD: Taxand Access = Face-to-Face Meetings Taxand Global Marketing Collateral 4 What? • Designed primarily for BD purposes to help client service excellence delivery & building brand awareness Client Benefit • Reaches beyond desk programmes • Gives our clients direct, regular, face-time with our local experts where our clients are based • Truly “Glocal" (global + local) advisors who know their markets inside-out, delivering seamless international tax advice, through bespoke meetings, held locally Where? • Madrid | London | New Delhi New York | Paris | Shanghai • Visit the www.taxand.com/brandcentre for more information, and to download our Taxand Access Facsheet
BD: 1 Client, 1 Partner BD Challenge Taxand Global Marketing Collateral 4 We know when we get Taxanders together with clients, opportunities are identified and fees are generated That's what the Taxand 1 Client, 1 Partner Business Development Challenge is all about and is a great way of achieving commitment from Taxanders to introduce at least one client to another We challenge every partner in every Taxand country to introduce another Taxander to 1 client each month Send E. atarren@taxand.com details of your latest key client introductions to your fellow Taxanders providing: the client company name Taxander introduced country of Taxander introduced nature of client work any additional notes re success The Taxander making the most client introductions will win our annual competition
BD: Taxand DRIVE Taxand Global Marketing Collateral 4 The Taxand DRIVEprogrammeis designed to bring client service excellence front of mind and share our commitment to building our client base globally Our future depends on retaining and building our client base. Quality service is vital to our business Our clients are our greatest priority To achieve client loyalty and competitive advantage we must be delivering client service excellence. Now is our time! Bottom line, we have built a world class global tax team and now it’s time to DRIVE! Define Value, Respond, Identify, Voice, Excite • Visit the www.taxand.com/brandcentre for more information, and to download our DRIVE client service questions and best practice guide
External Newsletter – Taxand’s Take Taxand Global Marketing Collateral 4 • Taxand’s Take (e-newsletter) publishes updates on the latest tax issues facing multinationals every 2 months to over 32,000 clients • Each article includes “Taxand’s Take” - a short summary of the issue, our opinion re its impact on multinationals and what they should be doing about it • 1 person per country is responsible for authorship and guidelines and information are available at: www.taxand.com/brandcentre • To view the latest edition please visit: www.taxand.com/news/newsletters • Taxanders are required to liaise with global marketing, E. lsandland@taxand.com, to: • allocate 1 person to be your primary knowledge contact • provide timely contributions • suggest special features surrounding multi-jurisdictional issues and their impact for multinationals • forward all country topical news and information • provide client and contact mailing lists where-ever possible • provide feedback from recipients – has Taxand’s Take helped you win work? • Add button and link to each issue of Taxand’s Take to your local websites
Intranet – Taxander Portal Taxand Global Marketing Collateral 4 • Taxander Portal is designed to help Taxanders share knowledge within Taxand • It provides access to a range of information including a searchable contact directory of our people, latest news and a library of materials from Taxand service line documentation to marketing collateral • Please access it via the purple button in the right hand corner of the homepage of www.taxand.com • Log in guidelines are available at www.taxand.com/brandcentre The portal is administered with much thanks to the following people: INDIRECT TAX: Paul Bakker, Netherlands E. paul.bakker@vmwtaxand.nlTRANSFER PRICING: Sanjiv Malhotra, India E.sanjiv.malhotra@bmradvisors.comREAL ESTATE TAX: Anita Dubost, Luxembourg E. anita.dubost@atoz.lu KNOWLEDGE: Juan Carlos Ferrucho, US E. jferrucho@alvarezandmarsal.com TRAINING: Ramon Lopez de Haro, Spain E. ramon.lopez.de.haro@garrigues.com NEWS: Lynne Sandland, Global Marketing E. lsandland@taxand.comMARKETING, SITE ADMIN, COMMITTEES: E. lsandland@taxand.com EVENTS: Sandra Hatugari, Global Marketing E.shatugari@taxand.com All Taxanders are required to: Ensure the contact directory is up to date (including all of your tax people, managers upwards) Log in and share knowledge
Taxand Publications 5 Taxand Global Marketing Collateral • Please download soft copies of Taxand publications at www.taxand.com/brandcentre • Please use the copy provided there to send these on to clients and contacts and promote Taxand publications on your websites and newsletters • Have these helped you win work? Please feedback results to global marketing Taxand Global Guide to APAs & CAs Taxand Global Guide to M&A Tax 2012 Taxand / PERE 2012 Global Guide to Private Equity Real Estate Taxand / IBFD Global Guide to Transfer Pricing Taxand Global Guide to Tax for Sportspeople Taxand Global Guide to R&D Tax incentives 2011-12 Taxand Global Guide to Tax for Sportspeople
Media Factsheet & Press Releases Taxand Global Marketing Collateral 4 • Media Factsheet is a 2 pager designed to give the media an immediate overview of our latest opinion and credentials. Use it with your local press contacts and download the latest edition from www.taxand.com/brandcentre • Global press releases are provided on a regular basis to all Taxanders. You are required to: • send them to your local press contacts • add them to your websites • if possible send over paid-for local newswires • provide ideas on potential surveys, topics or updates to take to the media • Taxand works with our global PR agency, MHP (formerly known as Hogarth) to develop media coverage. Please refer any global press queries or feedback to global marketing, E. atarren@taxand.com Taxand Media Factsheet Sample Taxand Press Release
Stationary: Business Cards, Letterhead & More Taxand Global Marketing Collateral 4 • Taxand globally branded business cards and print guidelines are available to download from www.taxand.com/brandcentre - use them for multi-territory pitches, Taxand events and simply day to day • Taxand letterhead forms the basis of all internal documents – access the following at www.taxand.com/brandcentre: • Letterhead template • Agenda template • Minutes template
Films Taxand Global Marketing Collateral 4 • Use the Taxand Vision Film which tells our story to: • kick off new business meetings with a difference! • in reception areas • in client events • just email the link to a new prospect as an introduction to Taxand with our global brochure: www.taxand.com/about/our_vision • in staff meetings / away days • Use the Taxand Video • as a backdrop in reception areas • at client events • View and download Taxand Films at www.taxand.com/brandcentre
Advertising 4 Taxand Global Marketing Collateral • Please contact global marketing to find out more about our global advertising plans and to discuss any multi-territory advertising
Brand Merchandise 4 Taxand Global Marketing Collateral • Please contact global marketing for guidance and support with the development of brand merchandise / give-aways Taxand Rock Sweets Taxand Wine in Tubes Taxand Mouse Taxand Laptop pouches Taxand Pens & Pencils Taxand Stress Dice Taxand Pocket Calculators Taxand Watches Taxand Drinks Flasks Taxand Cycling Kits Taxand Umbrellas Taxand Cufflinks Taxand Notepads Taxand t-shirts Taxand Lanyards
Events Overview 4 Taxand Global Marketing Collateral • The annual flagship Taxand global conference is run by global marketing working with the local on-site team and is held in April • Annual Taxand events sponsorships include MIPIM and the ITR Asia Forum • Taxand global service line seminar programmes • Taxand global webinar programme is in development • Taxand client dinners series - roundtables around a chaired debate • Taxand service line and regional meetings • Taxanders worldwide are encouraged to speak at and attend all key industry events • More and more bilateral /trilateral events are taking place throughout the year and are highlighted on www.taxand.com– please send information to E.lsandland@taxand.com • Any Taxand events involving more than 1 Taxand country should be globally branded and these guidelines are designed to give you a flavour of the tools and guidance available to you • Events best practice guidelines are available to download at www.taxand.com/brandcentre • Events = client face time; networking opportunities; brand awareness; reputation building - please contact global marketing for guidance and support with the development of multi-territory events or to find out more about any of our events above • It is essential for Taxanders to consult global marketing re the production of any globally branded event materials to ensure we do not dilute our brand equity
Events Tools Taxand Global Marketing Collateral 4 Events tools are available to help you plan your successful event while maintaining a consistent look and feel • Email Save the Date template • Email Invitation template • Seminar Programme template • Event presentation template & speaker guidelines • Banners • Taxand brochures and publications • Brand Merchandise • Taxand Film & Video • Name badge template • Evaluation survey template • Follow up templates • All artwork and files can be downloaded from www.taxand.com/brandcentre • Please send global marketing, E. lsandland@taxand.com, your drafts for review
Social Media Overview Taxand Global Marketing Collateral 4 • Taxand has developed a presence on key social networking sites: LinkedIn, Facebook, twitter and wikipedia • Taxand’s Social Media Guidelines are available at www.taxand.com/brandcentre and are designed to help guide the social media conversations and activities conducted by Taxanders, including key tips to get you started Taxanders are encouraged to: Initiate discussions that inform & demonstrate expertise Post relevant Taxand materials, articles, publications, newsletters, whitepapers and events Answer questions Demonstrate tax expertise Actively participate in social media LIVE THE BRAND!
Taxand Social Media Channels Taxand Global Marketing Collateral 4 LinkedIn • LinkedIn is an excellent place to expand your network and help position yourself as an expert COMPANY PAGE GROUP PAGE Facebook • Use Facebook to promote an event or start a group FACEBOOK PAGE Twitter • Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read other user messages. A good way to share and discover what is happening right now TWITTER PAGE Wikipedia Wikipedia is a free encyclopaedia that anyone can edit WIKIPEDIA PAGE
Some of Our BD & Marketing Deliverables 4 Taxand Global Marketing Collateral AWARDS
Brand Compliance Overview 5 Taxand Local Brand Design Guidelines Example 1 • The more Taxand branded countries, the more clients will see us as one “firm” and want to engage our services and the better global brand awareness • By October 2012 all Taxand countries, where possible, should have incorporated Taxand into your name and be using this identity in conjunction with the Taxand logo on all materials • There are 2 ways of incorporating Taxand into your name: • incorporating Taxand within your corporate identity (see Example 1) • adding the name of the country in which you operate below the Taxand word (see Example 2) • It will ideally require a legal name and brand identity change • Alternatively, it could be a practical rebranding of the tax practice only for law firms • Or if necessary, it could be the use of the appropriate logo visually where changing the firm’s entity name is a barrier for legal reasons • The Taxand logo is a quality kitemark to denote you are part of Taxand and is required to be used by all Taxand countries alongside your logo • All Taxanders are obliged to be compliant with the Taxand brand design guidelines and appoint a Brand Champion to take responsibility for reporting • Regular compliance reports will be provided to the Taxand Board and any non-compliance will result in discussions re entitlement to be part of Taxand Example 2 Taxand logo
Taxand Incorporation Re-Design Options Taxand Local Brand Design Guidelines 5 • A local corporate identity that has incorporated the Taxand name should always feature a line with Taxand below it at the bottom • This could necessitate the deletion of a tagline (see example 2) or a rework of the logo (see example 3) NOTE:All Taxand countries must also employ the Taxand logo alongside the local corporate identity as directed in these guidelines 1 2 3 Previous Local New Local Corporate Identities Corporate Identities with the Taxand name incorporated
Taxand Incorporation Design Guidelines Taxand Local Brand Design Guidelines 5 • A local corporate identity that has incorporated the Taxand name should always feature a black line with the Taxand word beneath (see examples 1 and 2 at right) • Both the Taxand word and the line are to be printed in black only • The size relationship between the line and the Taxand word is fixed: at 46mm (1.8 in) long the line should be 1pt thick, black and the Taxand font size 12.19 pt. • The Taxand word renders as Helvetica Neue, 55 Roman, horizontally scaled 120% with kerning set at 360 in Adobe Illustrator CS2 • Logos with a horizontal bias (see example 1) are sized to match the width of the line, while logos with a vertical bias (see example 2) are sized to match the width of the Taxand word NOTE:All Taxand countries must also employ the Taxand logo alongside the local corporate identity as directed in these guidelines 1 2
Taxand Inc. With Country Design Guidelines Taxand Local Brand Design Guidelines 5 Taxand: Helvetica Neue, Roman, 22pt, horizontally scaled 120% with kerning set at 355 Country Name: Helvetica tNeue, Roman, 10pt, horizontally scaled 120% with kerning set at 355 Stroke: 1pt, Black • A Taxand country corporate identity consists of the Taxand word with a line beneath • Centered below the line, the country name appears at 1/2 the Taxand font size • The logo is printed in black only NOTE: All Taxand countries must also employ the Taxand logo alongside the local corporate identity as directed in these guidelines
Taxand Branded Country Examples 5 Taxand Local Brand Design Guidelines
Taxand Logo Overview 5 Taxand Local Brand Design Guidelines • The Taxand logo is a quality kitemark to denote you are part of Taxand and is required to be used by all Taxand countries alongside your local corporate identity even where you have incorporated Taxand into your name • The Taxand logo is also the Taxand global corporate identity to enhancebrand recognition • The consistent application of the Taxand logo across all Taxand countries (i.e. consistent use of colour, location, dimensions) will help build and reinforce the Taxand brand worldwide • The Taxand logo guidelines have been created to help Taxanders apply the Taxand logo correctly and consistently • This logo is a required element on all Taxand countries’ corporate and marketing material, including stationery and websites • Strict adherence to the Taxand logo brand design guidelines is crucial • To demonstrate Taxand logo application, the Alvarez & Marsal Taxand brand has been used predominantly on the following pages
Colour Palette 5 Taxand Local Brand Design Guidelines Black CMYK C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100 RGB R:0 G:0 B:0 Web hex #000000 The Taxand logo must be reproduced in black
Clear Space Taxand Local Brand Design Guidelines 5 The Taxand logo must always be surrounded by a clear space in which no graphic elements or other logos are permitted to intrude The width and height of this area are determined by a measure (x) equal to the width of the circle of dots within the Taxand logo. This measurement is determined by the size of the logo The clear space also defines the minimum distance that the Taxand logo can be positioned from the edge of a printed page
Size 5 Taxand Local Brand Design Guidelines • When enlarging or reducing the Taxand logo, always sustain the height to width ratio • Never reduce the logo below 12.7 mm in width (1/2 in) or below 91 pixels across for on-line reproduction • Never rotate, stretch or otherwise distort the Taxand logo • Do not apply the Taxand logo on textured or patterned backgrounds that impair legibility MINIMUM WIDTH Print: 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) On-line: 91 pixels
Business Cards 5 Taxand Local Brand Design Guidelines • The Taxand logo should be positioned in the lower right corner of the business card • Taxanders are encouraged to add www.taxand.com where you feature your local website address • Taxand globally branded business cards are also available - please see page 28 for further information NOTE: Always be sure to leave an appropriate clear space around the Taxand logoDo not use the Taxand logo beyond the minimum size
Letterhead Taxand Local Brand Design Guidelines 5 Apply the Taxand logo in lower right corner. To achieve this, redesign might be necessary • Taxanders must add www.taxand.com where you feature your local website address NOTE: Always be sure to leave an appropriate clear space around the Taxand logo.Do not use the Taxand logo below the minimum size